Posts Tagged ‘Trump Impeachment’

Law-Flouter in Chief (Limerick)

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

Headline: “Trump Just Committed More High Crimes on the White House Lawn”

For his upcoming ’20 campaign,
Trump solicited help from Ukraine.
China too, as we’ve seen
Right in public! Trump’s keen
To flout laws for his personal gain.

Trump Running Scared? (Limerick)

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

Headline: “Pelosi says Trump ‘scared’ of impeachment inquiry in exclusive ABC News interview”

The Donald appears to be scared,
As his villainous actions are bared.
He is used to eschewing
A price for wrong-doing.
So for punishment, Trump’s unprepared.

Finally, Something Makes The GOP Uneasy! (Limerick)

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Seems the GOP’s getting uneasy.
Can you guess who is making them queasy?
No, not Donald; it’s Rudy.
The guy’s “a real beaudy…”
Who somehow makes Trump look less sleazy.

Headline: “GOP uneasy with Giuliani”

It’s NOT Just Trump (Limerick)

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Pompeo and Barr are knee-deep
In Trump scandals and crimes. One could weep
At their ethics-free acts
And their freedom from facts.
As for consciences? Dead, or asleep.

Trump, the Oval “Martyr” (Limerick)

Monday, September 30th, 2019

Headline: “Staring down impeachment, Trump sees himself as a victim of historic proportions”

Poor Donald’s a “martyr.” Boo-hoo!
(That’s the Donald’s self-pitying view.)
He bitches and moans
And wallows in groans,
Cheered on by his base — “victims” too.

Trump Turning Point??? (Limerick)

Saturday, September 28th, 2019

The news has unfolded so fast,
That I’m dizzy; both pleased and aghast.
Do I fin’ly dare think
That we’re poised on the brink
Of dispensing with Donald at last?

One Crime Too Many? (Limerick)

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

Trump’s a knave who has gone way too far.
(So too, has his pal AG Barr.)
An impeachment is nigh.
There’s no choice, and here’s why:
Trump behaves like a tyrant and czar.

The Cowardice of Mere Censure (Limerick)

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

Headline: “Censure rather than impeach? Hell no, Democrats — that’s inexcusable cowardice”

Censure Trump? That’s a weenie’s way out!
The Dems need to exercise clout
And impeach the damn sleaze;
Bring that lout to his knees!
Just how many more laws must he flout?!?

The Ultimate Diss (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

CNN Headline: “Nancy Pelosi: ‘I’m not for impeachment,’ slams Trump as ‘not worth it'”

That diss! How did Nancy unearth it?
It’s the ultimate slam! Did she birth it?
Despite fervent beseeching,
She’s anti-impeaching.
Her reason? Trump just is “not worth it.”