Posts Tagged ‘Troops’
Thursday, July 4th, 2019
Donald’s pulling out all of the stops,
Treating tanks and our troops just like props;
Using taxpayer cash,
He’s subverting this bash
To flex his tyrannical chops.
Trump’s despoiling the 4th; he’s hell-bent
On saluting himself; this event
Is to boost reelection.
He fears our rejection.
Let’s make sure that to prison he’s sent.
Tags: Campaign 2020, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Fourth Of July, Independence Day, July 4th, Military Parade, Troops
Posted in Campaign Humor, Donald Trump, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Holidays Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on A Trumpian 4th (2-Verse Limerick)
Friday, December 28th, 2018
Audio Player
Headline: Trump Lies to Troops’ Faces About Pay Raise He Gave Them
Trump must think that our troops are all dumb.
What else could explain why that bum
Would visit their base
And lie to their face
Re their raises? The Donald is scum!
Tags: Donald Trump, Iraq, Military, Troops, Trump Lies
Posted in Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Military Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | 1 Comment »
Thursday, December 27th, 2018
Audio Player
My dear Trump, were you raised in an alley?
Cuz a visit with troops ain’t a rally.
Your political speech
In that setting’s a breach…
And pally, we’re keeping a tally.
Tags: Donald Trump, Iraq War Humor, Military, Political Rally, Troops
Posted in Campaign Humor, Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Iraq War Humor, Military Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on Trump Tries To “Rally” The Troops (Limerick)
Thursday, December 27th, 2018
Audio Player
Headline: “Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them”
Dear Donald, by lying to troops,
You dishonor and treat them like dupes.
Your “regime” is a mess,
And you menace the press…
Though you DO provide plenty of scoops.
Covert deployment
has been revealed by Donald
who can’t be trusted.
Tags: Donald Trump, Journalists, Media, Press, Troops
Posted in Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Media Satire, Military Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on Our Oval Menace (Limerick)
Friday, October 19th, 2018
Headline: “Trump says he hasn’t visited troops overseas because he’s ‘very busy’”
Why not visit our troops overseas?
Donald’s terribly “busy” – can’t squeeze
In a trip of that kind.
Playing golf’s quite the grind!
Then there’s lying and shooting the breeze.
Tags: Donald Trump, Golf Humor, GOP Lies, Military, Troops, Trump Lies
Posted in Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Military Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on Trump’s So “Loves” Our Military (Limerick)