Posts Tagged ‘Social Media Humor’

Limerick Ode To Sniveling Donald

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

Pre-election, The Donald went wild
With tweets that were petty and riled.
Since he won, there’s no sign
Of a whine-rate decline.
Face the facts: We’ve elected a child.

Trump To The Rescue (Limerick)

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Headline of the Day: “Donald Trump Will Live-Tweet CNN’s Democratic Debate.”

Will the Dem debate generate heat?
Will someone go down in defeat?
Well if points aren’t scored,
And you start to get bored,
You can always watch Donald Trump tweet.

Something For Trump To Tweet About (6-Verse Limerick)

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

Something For Trump To Tweet About (6-Verse Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Trump loves to post petulant tweets,
Whiny diatribes, vengeance-spurred bleats.
So his Twitter feed’s littered
With comments, embittered;
From a feud Donald never retreats.

If anyone else posted guff
Like Trump, (s)he’d be kicked in the duff–
Quickly out of a job
And shamed by a mob–
But when Trump does it, folks say, “Hot stuff!”

Groundless grievances gin up his life.
He thrives on them, loving the strife
He creates every day
With his vicious display.
Just imagine it — being Trump’s wife!

Within what other country could Trump,
A boorish, vindictive old grump,
With “huge” secret plans
Attract so many fans,
Who greet him with cheers on the stump?

I fear for our wonderful nation,
Filled with folks who think Trump’s our salvation;
This man who dispenses
Such daily offenses
Somehow fills them with endless elation.

Please tell me The Donald can’t win,
Cuz the drumbeat for Trump is a sin.
You might as well vote
For “Drunk Unc” or a goat…
And a goat, unlike Trump, has thick skin.

#My2k Limerick

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

#My2k Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Obama’s new hashtag is meant
2 help middle class taxpayers vent
Via tweets 2 demand
That their tax hike is banned:
#My2k’s needed 4 rent.

(You can find the story about Obama’s social media PR efforts and this “fiscal cliff” related hashtag here.)