Donald whines both on Twitter and cable:
“I am being harassed!” (That’s a fable.)
Yet his base seems to buy
Trump’s self-branded “Tough Guy!” —
A strange label for one so unstable.
Donald whines both on Twitter and cable:
“I am being harassed!” (That’s a fable.)
Yet his base seems to buy
Trump’s self-branded “Tough Guy!” —
A strange label for one so unstable.
Tags: Donald Trump, Presidential Harassment
Posted in Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | 1 Comment »
Mad Kane (Madeleine Begun Kane) is a writer, musician, and "recovering lawyer." She won the Robert Benchley Society Award For Humor and enjoys writing limericks, song parodies, and current events haiku.
You can email her at, visit her non-political humor blog, or stop by her home page.
Mad Kane’s Political Madness is ©
Madeleine Begun Kane
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