Posts Tagged ‘Political Haiku & Senryu’

Four-Verse Trump Haiku

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

A fractured nation
controlled by foul maniac;
Trump’s evil, unchecked.

A fractured nation
overtaken by evil,
as Putin’s Trump reigns.

A fractured nation
victimized by Trumpy myths
and cowardly pols.

A fractured nation–
Endangered Constitution–
The courts our last hope.

More McCarthy Mockery

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

According to WP’s Robert Costa, Matt Gaetz says McCarthy must either “withdraw from the race,” or commit to a “straitjacket” agreement.

Come to think of it, straitjackets sound like a great idea for most of the House Republicans!


As self-centered loons
impede race to be Speaker,
insanity reigns.


This haiku, I swear,
is my last McCarthy verse
until tomorrow.


Way too many pols
in Republican Party
naught but Pied Pipers.


becomes just-pretend Speaker.
Pyrrhic victory.


Haiku Message To Journalists

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

Remaining “neutral”
and bothsidesing ev’rything–
a gift to liars.

Trump v. Everyone (Haiku)

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

“I’m immune from suits,”
Claims Trump, again and again.
Judges disagree.

Time For Political Haiku

Saturday, November 19th, 2022

Special Counsel’s named,
Customary “witch hunt” claimed,
Garland, Smith defamed.

Limerick Ode to Science Disbelievers plus Sundry Haiku

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

Limerick Ode To Science Disbelievers
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The Republican problem with science
Is their members respond with defiance
To facts that are proved.
(Have their brains been removed?)
They spread lies to excuse non-compliance.


Refusing vaccines,
now infect us all.


Exodus of thought–
an exodus of science–
the GOP way.


delib’rately spread by Fox–
blindly accepted.


Republican pols–
implacable enemy
of fairness and facts.


The truth-challenged pols
have taken over Congress–
therein LIES the rub.


Stormy Haiku

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

Political haiku for a change of pace:

Hurricane’s over,
but the political storm
is never-ending.

(More storm haiku here.)

Superstorm Sandy Haiku

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

We’ve abused the earth,
so nature’s taking revenge–

Political Haiku Quartet

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

In case you’re asking
why Rick Perry has dropped out:
Donors talked Turkey.


My head is spinning
from Republican debates.
I’m begging — please stop!


View pols with caution.
Review records and viewpoints.
Behold all the lies.


Brilliance from pols?
No reason to expect it.
Saneness would be nice.


Not So Light Haiku

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Can’t help wondering
why some who have “seen the light”
keep spreading darkness.

(Written in response to a haiku prompt for the word light.)

Halloween Haiku

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

I posted this Halloween Haiku on Facebook yesterday, but forgot to post it here:

Who needs Halloween?
I get my share of horror
from Republicans.

Political Haiku Trio

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

As pandering pols
romance the Tea Partiers,
they imbibe madness.


Tea Party blood lust:
Leave uninsured man to die —
GOP scares me.


Republican pols
cater to greedy donors—
putting people last.


(For more haiku, check out Sensational Haiku Wednesday.)

Washington Observer’s Haiku

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

I watch Washington,
Observe Republican pols—
Heart and hope erode.

(Prompted by Three Word Wednesday to use erode, heart, and observe in a poem.)

Radical Budget Haiku

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

I didn’t think I could do it. But I’ve summed up the Republicans’ radical (Paul Ryan-authored) budget plan in a single haiku:

Republican plan:
End entitlements, send wealth
to entitled rich.


UPDATE: Prompted by a poetry site to include this trio of words in a poem (adamant, fabricate, peculiar) I challenged myself to fit them all into a single haiku:

Republican pols —
peculiarly adamant

Political Haiku and Tanka Too

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

White House and Congress
bought and managed by donors —
puppet theater.


An epidemic —
political hypocrites —
Today’s GOP.


Unlimited cash
from corporations to pols —
democracy dies.


Economic growth
still not translating to jobs —
Republicans shrug.


Republican cuts
to budget sure to kill jobs —
Boehner: “So be it.”


destroying economy
seemed unthinkable.
No longer a silly thought —
GOP election goal.


Author’s Note: These haiku and tanka were inspired in part by the following prompts: puppet, epidemic, unlimited, growth, and silly.

Political Haiku Quartet

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Styrofoam is back.
“Green the Capitol” is gone.
Job, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs?


Rotund Rush Limbaugh
says Michelle Obama’s fat—
that’s hard to swallow.


Freedom from taxes
demanded by those who crave
what taxes give them.


The mental midget
mentioned an affinity
with Rush — no surprise.


Showing up to vote—
a yearly exercise in
unrequited hope.


(More political haiku here. And more Rush Limbaugh humor here.)

Political Haiku Quintet (Updated to Add Egypt Haiku)

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Today I’m posting four political haiku which, I fear, are all more cynical than witty. (I’ve added a 5th about Egypt’s revolution which is uplifting, rather than cynical.)

Technically each of these is a senryu, though most people would label them haiku. What the heck’s a senryu, and how does it differ from haiku? I explain it all here and, believe it or not, use a three-verse limerick to illustrate the distinctions.

Politicians strive
to make a good impression
without doing good.


The economy’s
either looking up or down.
Depends on your stance.


Commenters bicker,
thrusting political barbs,
changing no one’s mind.


How did we get here?
“Pragmatic” subjugation
of our Dem ideals.


A revolution
In Egypt transforms, uplifts,
Giving hope to all.
