Posts Tagged ‘New York City’
Friday, February 14th, 2025
Mayor Eric Adams has made a deal with Donald “The Devil” Trump: In return for Trump’s making Adams’ pesky indictment go away, Adams will violate NY law by cooperating with Trump’s immigration (and perhaps other) policies. To make matters even worse, Trump has ensured Adams’ cooperation by making the indictment’s dismissal “without prejudice.” In other words, if Adams stops cooperating, Trump can get the indictment reinstated.
Fortunately, Governor Kathy Hochul has the legal power to remove Mayor Adams from office. But so far, she’s still weighing her decision. My limerick urges her to do the right thing and fire Mayor Adams right away.
Mayor Adams is now owned by Trump.
He’s been bought, so when Trump tells him “Jump,”
Adams asks him “How high?”
And so I must ask “Why
Doesn’t Hochul give Adams the dump?”
Tags: Crime Limericks, Donald Trump, Eric Adams, Immigration, Indictment Humor, Kathy Hochul, Legal Limericks, New York City, New York State, Republicans Humor, Sanctuary Cities
Posted in Crime, Immigration Reform, Justice Department, Law Satire, Legal Limericks, New York Governors, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Limericks | No Comments »
Wednesday, June 30th, 2021
Headline: “New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos After Elections Board Counts 135,000 Test Ballots”
New York’s contest for mayor’s been thrown
Into chaos; its tally’s been blown
By The Board of Elections,
Whose ballot corrections
Will be tainted — the truth deemed unknown.
Tags: Board of Elections, Election Humor, New York City, New York City Board Of Elections, New York City Mayor, New York City Primary, New York Mayor, New York Primary, NYC Mayor Contest, NYC Mayor Race, NYC Primary, Ranked Choice Voting, Voting, Voting Humor, Voting Limerick, Voting Software, Voting Technology
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire | Comments Off on NYC’s Board Of Elections Blows It Again (Limerick)
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021
It’s Primary Day here, and so…
It is off to the polls we must go.
But these ballots are weird;
Far worse than I feared!
Ranked choice voting? I’d rather vote “NO!”
Tags: Election Humor, New York City, New York City Mayor, New York Primary, Ranked Choice Voting, Voting Humor
Posted in Election Satire, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire | Comments Off on My Primary Problem (Limerick)
Monday, November 6th, 2017
Bill de Blasio’s reign has been poor,
And I’m desp’rate to show him the door.
But the others are worse,
So it seems (with a curse)
I’ll vote “Bill,” but won’t say “Je l’adore.”
Tags: Bill de Blasio, Local Elections, Mayor de Blasio, New York City
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire | Comments Off on A Limerick For New York’s Mayor
Saturday, February 22nd, 2014
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s been catching some flack lately over his traffic-safety initiative. It seems he doesn’t practice what he preaches.
Trafficking In Hypocrisy (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Bill de Blasio warns New York folk
To drive carefully. Safety’s no joke.
Yet the rules take a hike
In Bill’s auto. Did Mike
Ever guzzle a giant-sized Coke?
Note from Mad Kane: For those who don’t follow New York City politics, former Mayor Mike Bloomberg (whom de Blasio criticizes at every opportunity) is famous/infamous for banning super-sized sodas.
Tags: Automobiles, Bill de Blasio, Cars, Driving Humor, Food Regulations, Giant Soda Ban, Health Humor, Hypocrisy, Mike Bloomberg, New York City, Soda, Soft Drinks, Traffic Safety
Posted in Automobiles Satire, Bill de Blasio Humor, Driving Humor, Health Satire, Hypocrisy Humor, Mike Bloomberg, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Public Safety | 1 Comment »
Thursday, May 23rd, 2013
The audacity of politicians never ceases to astonish me. And Anthony Weiner’s run for New York City Mayor is only the latest example. I just don’t see how he can ever live down his Twitter scandal, and I say that as a New Yorker and former fan.
Open Limerick To Anthony Weiner
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Mr. Weiner, I once was a fan;
You’re an outspoken, liberal man.
But I’m sorry –you’re screwed
By the “ick” factor, dude,
So your mayor plans simply don’t scan.
Tags: Anthony Weiner, Campaign Satire, Democrats Humor, Election Humor, New York City, New York Politics, Scandals
Posted in Campaign Humor, Democrats Humor, Democrats Satire, Election Satire, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Scandals Humor | 3 Comments »
Friday, February 1st, 2013
Rest In Peace, Edward Koch. ( December 12, 1924 – February 1, 2013)
Limerick Ode To Ed Koch
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Ed Koch sure was one of a kind:
Got my city right out of its bind.
“How’m I doing?” he’d ask.
Praise would flow, and he’d bask.
We shall miss his New York state of mind.
Tags: Celebrity Limerick, Edward Koch, Mayor Ed Koch, New York City, Obit
Posted in Celebrity Verse, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Obit Limericks, Political Limericks, Political Verse | 4 Comments »
Thursday, June 16th, 2011
Limerick Farewell To Anthony Wiener
By Madeleine Begun Kane
I’m feeling forlorn, but resigned.
We have lost a great liberal mind.
There was really no choice
But to lose Weiner’s voice—
His behavior put Dems in a bind.
Let’s hope this is only a pause—
That one day he’ll be cured of his flaws—
With the passage of time
He’ll arise from the slime
And further our liberal cause.
Tags: Anthony Weiner, Congress Humor, Liberals, New York City, Progressives
Posted in House Satire, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Scandals Humor | 6 Comments »
Tuesday, August 17th, 2010
I’m never surprised when Republicans try to trash the U.S. Constitution. But Senator Harry Reid’s position about the proposed Cordoba House — the inaccurately nicknamed “Ground Zero Mosque” — disappointed me.
But then what do I know? I’m just a 1st amendment fan who lives in New York City. And I’d rather see a mosque than a burned out former Burlington Coat Factory store.
That brings me to my latest limerick:
Mosque Mockery
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A “Ground Zero Mosque” — oh how shocking!
Hurray for the folks who are blocking
That mosque to replace
The old coat-selling place.
If perchance you can’t tell — yes, I’m mocking.
Tags: Burlington Coat Factory, Constitution Verse, Cordoba House, First Amendment, Ground Zero, Harry Reid, Islamic Center, Mosque Limerick, New York City, nine-eleven, Religious Humor
Posted in 9/11 Satire, Constitution Humor, Faux Controversies, Harry Reid, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Religious Satire | 7 Comments »
Tuesday, April 21st, 2009
How to become a GOP family values champion:
1. Marry your cousin.
2. Pretend you didn’t know she was your cousin.
3. Get your lengthy marriage to your mystery-cousin-wife annulled.
4. Marry someone else, have kids, then cheat on your second wife very publicly and notoriously while you’re New York City mayor.
5. Inform your wife that you want a divorce via press release.
Rudy Giuliani sounds like the perfect anti-same-sex marriage spokesman, don’t you think?
Rudy’s Family Values (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
To marry your cousin is fine.
To pretend not to know it — divine.
To flagrantly cheat
On your wife — that’s just sweet.
But same-gender marriage? Malign!
Tags: Annulments, Divorce, Family Values, Gay Marriage, Giuliani Limerick, New York City, Same Sex Marriage
Posted in Family Values Humor, Gay Rights, Gender Politics, GOP Humor, Hypocrisy Humor, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Commentary, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Rudy Giuliani | 4 Comments »
Rudy’s Family Values
Tuesday, April 21st, 2009How to become a GOP family values champion:
1. Marry your cousin.
2. Pretend you didn’t know she was your cousin.
3. Get your lengthy marriage to your mystery-cousin-wife annulled.
4. Marry someone else, have kids, then cheat on your second wife very publicly and notoriously while you’re New York City mayor.
5. Inform your wife that you want a divorce via press release.
Rudy Giuliani sounds like the perfect anti-same-sex marriage spokesman, don’t you think?
Rudy’s Family Values (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
To marry your cousin is fine.
To pretend not to know it — divine.
To flagrantly cheat
On your wife — that’s just sweet.
But same-gender marriage? Malign!
Tags: Annulments, Divorce, Family Values, Gay Marriage, Giuliani Limerick, New York City, Same Sex Marriage
Posted in Family Values Humor, Gay Rights, Gender Politics, GOP Humor, Hypocrisy Humor, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Commentary, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Rudy Giuliani | 4 Comments »