Trump’s attempting a blackmail-insurgency:
“I’ve the right to declare an emergency.
But I WON’T do it yet.
Right now it’s a threat!” …
Which proves that there’s really no urgency.
Posts Tagged ‘Mexican Border’
Donald’s Just-Pretend Emergency (Limerick)
Friday, January 11th, 2019
Audio Player
Limerick Ode To Our So-Called Deal-Maker
Friday, January 11th, 2019
Audio Player
The self-described deal-maker fails
To close deals. Donald’s thwarted? He bails.
Nancy ties him in knots,
And whenever he spots
Her he’ll plotz, as his orange skin pales.
Border Surge Stunt (Limerick)
Monday, November 26th, 2018Trump’s surge on the border’s a stunt.
He did it as part of his hunt
For votes and support,
Using fear to exhort
His base, keeping bias up front.