Posts Tagged ‘Media Lies’

Tucker Carlson Deceit (Limerick)

Friday, April 30th, 2021

Headline: “Fox News host Tucker Carlson claims making children wear masks is ‘abuse’”

A kid in a mask? That’s “abuse,”
According to Carlson, who’s loose
With his words on the air.
But Tuck doesn’t care:
“Call the cops,” like he says … then vamoose.

Lou Dobbs Loses Job (Limerick)

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Headline: “Why Fox News canceled Lou Dobbs”

Lou Dobbs has been ousted by Fox
Cuz a lawsuit has Fox in a box.
Will Jeanine and Maria
Be next? Great idea!
May Smartmatic clean all their clocks!

Arise (Limerick)

Friday, December 30th, 2016

There’s a U.S. reality gap,
Where actual facts are deemed pap
And derided as lies.
It’s time to get wise
And arise from our nightmarish nap.

In the meantime we’re haplessly trapped;
Our nation’s been kidnapped and zapped
By a fellow whose con
Has allowed him to don
The cloak of great power, untapped.

Liz Cheney’s Song

Monday, June 8th, 2009

When Judge Sonia Sotomayor was first nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court, I started writing this Mike Huckabee-related song parody:

I’d swear that her name was Maria.

Unfortunately, I got distracted and never finished it. However, I did find another use for this Leonard Bernstein West Side Story tune. My latest song parody concerns the ubiquitous Liz Cheney:

Liz Cheney’s Song
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Liz Cheney.
You just can’t avoid Lizzie Cheney.
The former Veep’s to blame.
Their surnames are the same, you see.

Liz Cheney.
I sure would not miss Lizzie Cheney,
If suddenly I found
Liz Cheney unrenowned. Yippee!

Liz Cheney.
Say it loud and her lies are playing.
Make her stop, I confess I am praying.

Liz Cheney.
She’ll never stop fibbing.
Liz Cheney.

The most terrible lies I’ve ever heard.
Liz Cheney.