Posts Tagged ‘Liz Cheney Ouster’

Ousted Liz Cheney, Still Speaking Out (2-Verse Limerick)

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Headline: “Cheney, stripped of leadership position, vows to keep Trump from returning to presidency”

Liz Cheney’s been rudely expelled
From the leadership post that she held.
Now the House GOP
Is hoping to be
Free to parrot Trump’s lies, with Liz quelled.

But this ouster won’t stop her from speaking;
She’ll keep Trump-centric BS critiquing.
Liz will fight back with vigor,
Her megaphone bigger,
As she calls out the havoc Trump’s wreaking.

Limerick Ode To Kevin McCarthy

Monday, May 10th, 2021

Headline: “Kevin McCarthy is pushing Liz Cheney out for saying almost exactly what he said after January 6”

Kev McCarthy’s politically hollow;
There is only one person he’ll follow,
And it’s scam-meister Trump!
You won’t ass-kiss that lump?
That’s one “crime” Kev refuses to swallow.

Liz Cheney Clickbait (Limerick)

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Headline: “Scoop: GOP leaders threaten Cheney ouster”

Will Liz Cheney be ousted from leadership?
That’s a question that media readership
Has been asking these days,
Lured by clickbaiting ways
Used by writers in columns and Tweetership.