Posts Tagged ‘John Kelly’

Trump’s Chief Of Staff Blues (Limerick)

Tuesday, December 11th, 2018

No one wants to be Trump’s Chief Of Staff.
A career booster? Don’t make me laugh!
You’d have to be high
To work for that guy.
So he’s down to the riff and the raff.

With Apologies to Andrew Lloyd Webber:

Don’t cry for Trump; he’s a felon.
The fact is, he’s never truthful.
All through his wild days, his mad existence,
He kept no promise,
So keep your distance.

John Kelly Bites The Dust

Saturday, December 8th, 2018

John Kelly is out. I won’t miss him.
If you read me, you know that I diss him.
He was greeted with hope
That he’d clean up the dope
In the Oval. But no! So let’s hiss him.

Trump v. Kelly (Limerick)

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Trump is mad at John Kelly. Here’s why:
Re the Donald’s campaign, he let fly
Quite a wall-vow affront;
It’s surprisingly blunt.
“Uninformed,” though, sounds better than “lie.”