Posts Tagged ‘Economy Haiku’

Political Haiku and Tanka Too

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

White House and Congress
bought and managed by donors —
puppet theater.


An epidemic —
political hypocrites —
Today’s GOP.


Unlimited cash
from corporations to pols —
democracy dies.


Economic growth
still not translating to jobs —
Republicans shrug.


Republican cuts
to budget sure to kill jobs —
Boehner: “So be it.”


destroying economy
seemed unthinkable.
No longer a silly thought —
GOP election goal.


Author’s Note: These haiku and tanka were inspired in part by the following prompts: puppet, epidemic, unlimited, growth, and silly.

Political Haiku Quartet

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Styrofoam is back.
“Green the Capitol” is gone.
Job, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs?


Rotund Rush Limbaugh
says Michelle Obama’s fat—
that’s hard to swallow.


Freedom from taxes
demanded by those who crave
what taxes give them.


The mental midget
mentioned an affinity
with Rush — no surprise.


Showing up to vote—
a yearly exercise in
unrequited hope.


(More political haiku here. And more Rush Limbaugh humor here.)

Political Haiku Quintet (Updated to Add Egypt Haiku)

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Today I’m posting four political haiku which, I fear, are all more cynical than witty. (I’ve added a 5th about Egypt’s revolution which is uplifting, rather than cynical.)

Technically each of these is a senryu, though most people would label them haiku. What the heck’s a senryu, and how does it differ from haiku? I explain it all here and, believe it or not, use a three-verse limerick to illustrate the distinctions.

Politicians strive
to make a good impression
without doing good.


The economy’s
either looking up or down.
Depends on your stance.


Commenters bicker,
thrusting political barbs,
changing no one’s mind.


How did we get here?
“Pragmatic” subjugation
of our Dem ideals.


A revolution
In Egypt transforms, uplifts,
Giving hope to all.
