Posts Tagged ‘Benghazi’

Yet Another Benghazi Hearing Limerick (2-Verse)

Saturday, October 24th, 2015

That GOP slug-fest of jeering
Was a stamina-trial of a hearing,
For the GOP goal
Was to rattle and roll
HRC. But instead? Pro-Hill cheering.

And for those thinking Clinton’s too old
To be prez, they need only behold
The results of that test
Of endurance — she’d best
Hill’ry’s juniors — Olympian gold!

Limerick Ode To The Benghazi-Obsessed Hillary Haters

Friday, October 23rd, 2015

The Hillary haters are sad.
They were praying that Hill would do bad
At hearings designed
To put Hill in a bind
And malign, wear her down, drive her mad.

But Hillary won in a rout.
Trey Gowdy and co left no doubt
That her rep they must shatter.
To them, facts don’t matter
In their shamef’ly political bout.

Rice Madness (Limerick)

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte have a seemingly irrational vendetta against U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, centering on Benghazi. What explains it? Well, Rachel Maddow has a fascinating theory, which Mark Karlin buys, as do I.

Here’s how the theory works:

1) Republicans are lusting after John Kerry’s Senate seat, eying it for soon-to-be ex-Senator Scott Brown.

2) Kerry and Rice are the only contenders for Secretary of State.

3) If Kerry gets State, he has to give up his seat, and Brown has a good shot at winning a special election to replace him.

4) Rice is standing in Kerry’s way, so she must be eliminated by the McCain/Graham/Ayotte trio.

In other words:

Rice Madness (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

If Obama gives State to John Kerry
The GOP’s bound to be merry:
Scott Brown can then run
For John’s seat. Oh what fun!
This explains why they’ll Susan Rice bury.

Romney Unleashed (Limerick)

Friday, September 14th, 2012

Romney Unleashed (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Mitt the “robot” is suddenly hot,
Unpredictably stirring the pot.
Once disturbingly guarded,
Now caution’s discarded.
I’m starting to miss the old “bot.”

Limerick Ode To Smirking Romney

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Mitt Romney’s weird facial expressions during yesterday’s press conference about the killings at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, inspired me to write this limerick:

Limerick Ode To Smirking Romney
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Can a person be judged by his smile?
I’d say yes, when it hints at his bile.
If like Mitt’s, it’s a smirk,
Then a creep may well lurk
Underneath, one whose essence is vile.