Archive for the ‘Republicans Humor’ Category

Trump Lashes Out Against Letitia James (Limerick)

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

After learning that New York AG Letitia James is pursuing a criminal investigation into the Trump Organization, and that she’s working with Manhattan DA Cy Vance, Donald Trump posted a lengthy blog rant, which could have benefited from paragraphing … and sanity.

Donald Trump seems distressed and upset.
It appears he is starting to fret
That he’ll spend his last days
In prolonged prison stays.
James and Vance pose a serious threat!

Supreme Court Wades Into Roe v. Wade (Limerick)

Monday, May 17th, 2021

Will SCOTUS reverse Roe v. Wade?
The bricks for that act have been laid;
All the Justices named
By Trump have long aimed
At ensuring that “choice” rights degrade.

Ousted Liz Cheney, Still Speaking Out (2-Verse Limerick)

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Headline: “Cheney, stripped of leadership position, vows to keep Trump from returning to presidency”

Liz Cheney’s been rudely expelled
From the leadership post that she held.
Now the House GOP
Is hoping to be
Free to parrot Trump’s lies, with Liz quelled.

But this ouster won’t stop her from speaking;
She’ll keep Trump-centric BS critiquing.
Liz will fight back with vigor,
Her megaphone bigger,
As she calls out the havoc Trump’s wreaking.

Limerick Ode To Kevin McCarthy

Monday, May 10th, 2021

Headline: “Kevin McCarthy is pushing Liz Cheney out for saying almost exactly what he said after January 6”

Kev McCarthy’s politically hollow;
There is only one person he’ll follow,
And it’s scam-meister Trump!
You won’t ass-kiss that lump?
That’s one “crime” Kev refuses to swallow.

McConnell v. Biden (Limerick)

Friday, May 7th, 2021

Headline: “McConnell says he’s ‘100%’ focused on stopping Biden admin”

Mitch McConnell has one loathsome goal:
It’s to block Joseph Biden; the hole
In his soul’s been exposed,
Mitch’s mind’s long been closed;
V. Obama, he played the same role.

The State of the GOP (Limerick)

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

The state of the GOP’s dire;
It’s led by a guy who’s a liar.
And its members must swallow
Trump’s bullshit and wallow
In muck to survive, or move higher.

Limerick Ode To Donald Trump’s “Barely-A-Blog”

Wednesday, May 5th, 2021

Do you remember all those claims that Trump would be launching a “social media platform” that would “redefine social media?” Well, it’s been launched … and it doesn’t:

Have you seen Trump’s new “platform?” It’s sad!
“Redefines” social medya? Egad!
A mere blog! That is all
That it is. So banal
And bare-bones – the mere inverse of rad!

Liz Cheney Clickbait (Limerick)

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Headline: “Scoop: GOP leaders threaten Cheney ouster”

Will Liz Cheney be ousted from leadership?
That’s a question that media readership
Has been asking these days,
Lured by clickbaiting ways
Used by writers in columns and Tweetership.

Rudy’s Search Warrants; Better Late Than Never (Limerick)

Saturday, May 1st, 2021

Rudy’s warrants were blocked by Bill Barr.
No surprise! We all knew Barr’d go far
To forestall any threat
To Trump, and abet
Donald’s pals. So for Barr, that’s on par.

Tucker Carlson Deceit (Limerick)

Friday, April 30th, 2021

Headline: “Fox News host Tucker Carlson claims making children wear masks is ‘abuse’”

A kid in a mask? That’s “abuse,”
According to Carlson, who’s loose
With his words on the air.
But Tuck doesn’t care:
“Call the cops,” like he says … then vamoose.

Liz v. Kevin (Limerick)

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Headline: “McCarthy won’t say if Cheney is ‘good fit’ for his team”

Is Liz a “good fit” for his team?
Rep. McCarthy won’t say, goes the meme.
Their spat’s over Trump,
Who Kev’s frightened to dump;
Liz won’t swim with his swamp of a stream.

The Right Has Lost Its Mind (Limerick)

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

OMG! Joe’s about to ban meat!
He’ll decree that you only can eat
Stuff that grows in the ground.
No more beef-beer around!
(Them’s the claims from the wing-nut elite.)

Open Limerick To Liz Cheney

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Dear Liz Cheney, you’re driving me nuts,
Cuz your actions of late have shown guts
And a semblance of reason;
You’re e’en anti-treason —
Not your typical GOP putz.

For Republicans, Free Speech Is In The Ear Of the Hearer

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

Headline: “G.O.P. Bills Target Protesters (and Absolve Motorists Who Hit Them)”

Punish protestors (those who hate Trump)
And it’s fine if cars give ’em a bump.
Drive ’em all out of town.
Even run ’em all down.
That’s the GOP creed on the stump.

GOPers Target Maxine Waters

Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

Censure Waters? That sure takes some nerve!
But Republicans tried it with verve.
Though they’re outraged (they claim)
By her words, they di’n’t blame
Trump for HIS. (They grade Trump on a curve.)

Trump’s Donation Scam (Limerick)

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Headline: “How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations”

Donald Trump raked in money; a mint
From his fans, who had nary a hint
Of the sums they had given.
To shock they were driven
By boxes (pre-checked) and small print.

Gaetz In Dire Straits? (Limerick)

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Headline: “Matt Gaetz’s disastrous Tucker Carlson interview, explained”

The Republican Rep. Matthew Gaetz
Is accused of some underage dates.
His denials are odd.
(Even Tuck finds them flawed.)
Here’s hoping that prison awaits.

Republicans Still Gung-Ho About Guns (Limerick)

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

GOPers treat gun regs with scorn.
(Hammer sales could be next, they forewarn.)
Tighten background checks? “Whoa!”
Ban assault weapons? “No!”
Yet their “thoughts and pray’rs flow,” as we mourn.

An Assault Weapons Ban? If Only… (Limerick)

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

An assault weapons ban from the Sen?
Some Republican women and men
Should support such a bill.
But obstruct it they will,
As they’ve done yet again and again.

Sidney Powell’s Risible Defense (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021

The basis for Sidney Powell’s defense in the Dominion defamation case is that her claims about Dominion were too wacko to be believed by reasonable people.

Sidney Powell’s defense to the suit
For defaming Dominion’s a hoot:
Since her claims re Dominion
Were dubious opinion,
The judge has to boot the dispute.