Archive for the ‘Political Limericks’ Category

Pending Celebration (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

I am planning a huge celebration,
Which will feature great food and libation.
The date’s still not set,
But I’m hosting my fête
On the day of Trump’s freedom cessation.

Limerick Ode To George Santos

Wednesday, March 1st, 2023

Most constituents sigh, whine, and grouse
About Santos, a villainous louse.
He’s a con-artist worm
Who should serve a long term
In a JAILHOUSE and NOT in the House.

Wake Up and Be Woke! (Limerick)

Sunday, February 19th, 2023

Republican pols love to cloak
Their meanness by calling things “woke.”
Well if showing awareness
Of blatant unfairness
Is “woke,” we should ALL be woke folk.

The National Archives Has Written Some “Dear Ex” Letters (Limerick)

Thursday, January 26th, 2023

Headline: “National Archives asks past presidents, VPs to look for classified items”

Says the National Archives, “Dig deep,
If you once were the Prez or the VEEP.
Check under the rocks
For classified docs.”
Seems it’s time for a very clean sweep.

More McCarthy Mockery

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

According to WP’s Robert Costa, Matt Gaetz says McCarthy must either “withdraw from the race,” or commit to a “straitjacket” agreement.

Come to think of it, straitjackets sound like a great idea for most of the House Republicans!


As self-centered loons
impede race to be Speaker,
insanity reigns.


This haiku, I swear,
is my last McCarthy verse
until tomorrow.


Way too many pols
in Republican Party
naught but Pied Pipers.


becomes just-pretend Speaker.
Pyrrhic victory.


Kevin’s Dream (Limerick)

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

I watch the amusing display
Of Republican House disarray,
And think of the soul
Kevin sold for his goal,
As his Speakership dream floats away.

Trump Just Deserts? (Limerick)

Saturday, December 31st, 2022

My last Trump limerick of the year. (I hope it isn’t unduly optimistic.)

When Trump is at long last arrested,
Will he fin’ly acknowledge he’s bested
And surrender with grace
And a smile on his face?
Ha, he’ll protest with falsehoods time-tested.

Trump’s Hellacious Holiday Rant (Limerick)

Sunday, December 25th, 2022

While I try to avoid TruthSocial, I enjoyed this article in, of all places, the NYPost, mocking Trump’s Christmas message. Reading it even inspired me to write this limerick:

Having failed in his goal to destroy us,
Trump’s reduced to a pest who’d annoy us.
Flinging insults galore
In each TruthSocial snore,
That poor slob doesn’t sound all that joyous!

Some MTG Fun

Thursday, December 15th, 2022

I can never resist mocking Marjorie Taylor Greene:

Trump v. Everyone (Haiku)

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

“I’m immune from suits,”
Claims Trump, again and again.
Judges disagree.

Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

The verdict is guilty! Hooray!
Trump Corp’s jury has spoken today:
Guilt on each count of fraud
And false records! I’m awed!
Some Trump justice, at last, on display!

Flag-Hugger Haiku

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Flag-hugger Donald
says suspend Constitution–
GOP pols shrug.

Immersed In Mendacity (Limerick and Haiku)

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

Many folks have a shocking capacity
For deception and lies — sheer mendacity.
They will lie to the max,
Spurring violent attacks
On those guilty of naught but veracity.


When mendacity
replaces veracity,
sorry state indeed.

Trump’s Announcement Dud (Limerick)

Sunday, November 27th, 2022

Donald’s run has been met with a shrug.
Will he fin’ly be squished like a bug?
He announced and was trounced
In reviews, soon pronounced
“Tired” news. Please indict that damn thug!

Loony Lindell (Limerick)

Friday, November 25th, 2022

A headline like this one cries out for a limerick: “Mike Lindell Weighing Run Against GOP’s Ronna McDaniel ‘If God Willing'”

Mike Lindell is consid’ring a run
For RNC Chair. Oh what fun!
He’s a “pillow tycoon”
And conspiracy loon,
Whose motto’s “Republicans won!!!”

Republican Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Though Republicans don’t try to stem
Wrongful deeds, when the cad’s one of THEM,
They’ll condemn to the max
The purest of acts,
If that action is done by a Dem.

2-Verse Limerick Ode To Donald “Won’t Partake” Trump

Sunday, November 20th, 2022

Since a Trump Special Counsel’s been named
By Garland, the AG’s been blamed
For political smears,
While Trump and his peers
Keep claiming he’s framed and defamed.

Trump insists that he will not “partake”
In the probe, for that treacherous snake
Thinks it makes him sound tough,
As he struggles to slough
Off his fears. Yes, he knows what’s at stake.

Time For Political Haiku

Saturday, November 19th, 2022

Special Counsel’s named,
Customary “witch hunt” claimed,
Garland, Smith defamed.

Common Sense Haiku

Friday, November 4th, 2022

You KNOW Who You Are!

Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

You think women have too many rights
And that MORE guns will somehow stop fights.
You’ll vote for a liar;
A guy you’d not hire
To baby or dog-sit. That bites!