Archive for the ‘Political Limericks’ Category

Whining For Time (Limerick)

Monday, August 7th, 2023

“Trump’s defense needs more time!” That’s the plea
From John Lauro, last week in DC.
But the judge should be tough,
Cuz oddly enough
John had time for “full Ginsburg” TV.

Smith v. Trump (Limerick)

Friday, August 4th, 2023

Though Donald’s the lowest of low,
His infamy slide’s been too slow.
But the courts are all humming,
And justice is coming;
Trump’s finally battling a pro.

Donald Trump’s Finally Trumped (Limerick)

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Another indictment’s been filed,
And Donald’s both anxious and riled
And undoubtedly frightened.
The vise has been tightened,
And law shall prevail! (“Will be wild!”)

Trump’s “Delete The Server” Woes (Limerick)

Friday, July 28th, 2023

Security footage begone!
Ordered Trump, like a mafia don.
Said a tech in IT:
I can’t do it. Not me!
And so Trump is a soon-to-be con.

Trump’s “Bravado” Defense

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

Headline: “Trump says it was just ‘bravado’ when he claimed having Iran attack plan in caught-on-tape Bedminster meeting”

Caught on tape, Trump’s exposure is dire,
So he seems to have taken a flyer
On a novel defense
For admissions immense:
He just labels himself a big liar.

Limerick Ode To Adam Schiff

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023

Headline: “House GOP votes to censure Schiff over role in Trump investigations”

Adam Schiff has been censured? So what!
It’s hardly a kick in the gut
To be savaged by asses
Who lie to the masses
To placate a traitorous nut!

Hope, At Last? (2-Verse Limerick)

Thursday, June 15th, 2023

The Donald has many a flaw;
For instance, contempt for the law.
Then there’s meanness and greed
And his self-centered creed.
Plus he lies with each flap of his jaw.

So our household is filled with excitement
Over Donald Trump’s fed’ral indictment.
He at last just might pay
For his crimes. Till that day,
I shall savor my dream with delightment.

Limerick Ode To Trump’s Federal Indictment

Saturday, June 10th, 2023

Trump’s fed’ral indictment’s a beaut,
Packed with facts very hard to dispute.
He may fin’ly be nailed
And at long last be jailed!
(In the meantime, he’ll raise tons of loot.)

Trump Supporters Scammed Yet Again (Limerick)

Tuesday, May 30th, 2023

Headline: “Trump Supporters Scammed By Novelty Items—‘Trump Bucks’—Advertised As Legal Tender”

Trump’s supporters are easily scammed.
Flimflams flourish when Trumpers are spammed:
Use his name or his pic
On a product? They’re thick,
So they’ll buy it… and Reason Be Damned!

Deal? Or NO Deal? (Limerick)

Monday, May 29th, 2023

This confession will make me look mad,
But I simply can’t help being sad
That a debt deal is close,
Cuz it’s time for a dose
Of the 14th Amendment. (My bad?)

Limerick Ode To Smart-Ass DeSantis

Thursday, May 25th, 2023

“DeSantis debacle: Twitter Spaces presidential announcement marred by technical problems.”

Smart-Ass Ron: Had you asked someone sane
About venues to launch your campaign,
(S)he’d have warned “Do Not Do
A Twitter Debut!”
(Sound advice you’d have viewed with disdain.)

Open Limerick To Joe Biden

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

The 14th Amendment is clear,
And the time to take action is here.
Quash the “ceiling” charade:
Our debts must be paid!
Kick extortionist pols in the rear!

Yet Another Trump Limerick

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

Four more years of a man who’s our bane?
A man with a venomous brain?
What’s the crux of the matter?
Trump’s vile — a Mad Hatter!
The GOP’s choice is insane!

Comer’s Phantom Informant (Limerick)

Sunday, May 14th, 2023

“James Comer Has Misplaced Biden ‘Informant'”

Comer claims to have dirt on Joe Biden;
An “informant,” he said, was providin’
The proof that he needs
Of Biden’s misdeeds.
Seems his make-believe source is in hidin’.

Limerick Ode To Solidarity

Monday, May 1st, 2023

We the Dems must show full solidarity
To counter the loathsome barbarity
Of Republican stances,
Whose fright’ning advances
Account for this lack of hilarity.

GOP Taboos (Limerick)

Monday, April 10th, 2023

The list of things now deemed taboo
By Republicans grows right on cue:
Sculpture, books, proven facts,
Pills, and personal acts…
Unless done by their guy: You Know Who!

Hooray For Trump’s 1st Arraignment!

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

Hooray for the Donald’s arraignment!
It’s much more than a mere entertainment.
The man must be jailed,
His freedom curtailed.
I can’t wait till he’s under restrainment.


Though Trump masquerades
as a pol for the people,
he’s just for himself.

Dear Donald (Limerick)

Friday, March 31st, 2023

Dear Donald, your recent indictment
Is arousing much gleeful excitement.
Here’s hoping for more!
A nice, round number’s “four,”
And it’s time for some penal requitement!

Stop The TEASE!

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

Is anyone else feeling teased
By Trumpian news? I’m displeased!
Yes, there’s LOTS of excitement,
But where’s the indictment?
No perp walk? No plea? Not appeased!

Who Caused The Jan. 6 Violence? It’s Pence, says Trump (Limerick)

Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Washington Post Headline: “Trump claims violence he inspired on Jan. 6 was Pence’s fault”

“The former president suggested the riot could have been avoided if his vice president had cooperated in overturning the results”

As usual, Trump makes no sense
And his distance from truth is immense.
Who’s at fault for Jan. 6?
Here’s the “culprit” Trump picks:
He’s now blaming the violence on Pence.