Archive for the ‘FBI Humor’ Category

Kavanaugh Lies (Limerick)

Sunday, September 30th, 2018

This limerick was inspired by Thursday’s hearing and this article: “THE UNBEARABLE DISHONESTY OF BRETT KAVANAUGH.”

Brett told lies to the world, large and small,
Some entailing an “I don’t recall.”
Some were odd, like this tale:
“No connections to Yale!”
Which just might Yale-grad-grandpa appall.

Brett Kavanaugh Limerick Duo

Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

Will Kavanaugh ever bow out?
That perjuring sexual lout
Was intended to be
Donald’s trump card; he’s key
To Trump’s keeping his freedom and clout.

Mitch has hired a “female assistant”
So Republican men can stay distant
From plans untoward
Like “assassinate” Ford…
Which might render their wins non-existent.

Probing Logic (Limerick)

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Apply logic: Who’s likely to lie
About something that most would decry?
The woman who asked
That G-men be tasked
With a probe? Or “NO-FBI Guy?”

Trump On The Attack

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

Trump’s attacking his OWN FBI.
And no one should have to ask why:
After decades of sinning,
Capped off by some winning,
His Reckoning Day appears nigh.

Say It’s Not So, Joe! (Limerick)

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Joe Lieberman? FBI head?
Please tell me this rumor is dead.
Law enforcement skills? None!
Built-in conflicts? A ton!
Might as well name dear Jared, instead.

Comey’s Former Subordinates NOT Happy (Limerick)

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

Many FBI agents are pissed
Cuz their boss Mr. Comey’s been dissed;
Donald dumped the man rudely
Not shrewdly, but crudely…
Via pretext that’s eas’ly dismissed.

What Ever Happened To Sessions’ Recusal? (Limerick)

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

A serious, honest perusal
Of the pledge Sessions made of recusal
Shows him wrong to assist
Getting Comey dismissed.
Recusal required refusal.

Trump, The Nixonian (Limerick)

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

Seems Donald was getting morose
Cuz Comey was getting too “close.”
So Trump’s crew took their cues
And concocted a ruse
To dismiss him. A Cover-up Gross!

Open Limerick To FBI Director James Comey

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

There’s a stark double standard from Comey.
(If you don’t think I’m MAD, you don’t know me.)
He proclaims each Hill crumb,
Yet on Trump he stays mum.
So my message to Comey is “Blow me!”

Media Gets A Well-Deserved Hand Slap from FBI (Limerick)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

It’s pathetic how many respected news outlets published false reports today of an arrest in the Boston Marathon bombings.

Inaccurate Arrest Reports Need To Be Arrested (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear news outlets, use some restraint:
Stop reporting arrests, when there ain’t.
Publish news, and NOT litter.
You’re far worse than Twitter,
And your need to be first leaves a taint.

The Press Laid Bare (Limerick)

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

I’ve been trying to ignore the David Petraeus, John Allen, Jill Kelley, Paula Broadwell, shirtless FBI agent brouhaha. But it’s really hard to avoid.

The Press Laid Bare (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Juicy emails! Illicit affair!
FBI guy whose chest is quite bare!
In gen’ral the press,
Now bored with our mess,
Prefers fare with a sexual flair.

John McCain — Ignoramus, Liar, Or Terrorist Sympathizer?

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

My husband Mark and I live in New York City and frequently dine and see plays in the Times Square area. In fact, had the two of us not been so exhausted from our Las Vegas vacation, that’s where we probably would have been Saturday night. Perhaps that’s why I’m especially offended by John McCain’s apparent desire to undermine the prosecution of alleged terrorists.

What am I talking about? McCain said it would be a “serious mistake” if car bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized American citizen, was Mirandized.

I’m sorry, but the only way Mirandizing Shahzad would be a mistake is if your goal is to taint the evidence, get it thrown out of court, and lose the damn case.

And that brings me to my latest two-verse limerick:

John McCain — Ignoramus, Liar, Or Terrorist Sympathizer?
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Shahzad was Mirandized. Oh my!
Cue McCain and his pandering lie.
To warn him was wrong—
That’s McCain’s specious song.
He malpractices law on the fly.

For Miranda’s a citizen’s right.
Fail to warn him? You’re in for a fight.
Cuz evidence gotten
That way is deemed rotten.
Acquittal is what you invite.

Chatty Jack

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Jack Abramoff has been so helpful to the FBI’s widening corruption investigation, that they’ve given him his own desk. I never thought I’d say this, but keep up the great work, Jack!

And that brings me to my latest limerick:

Chatty Jack
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Felon Jack has turned out to be chatty.
Were he female, some might call him catty.
He’s been telling great tales,
That could send guys to jail.
And he’s driving Republicans batty.

And now for your reading (and viewing) pleasure:

*** Media Matters on Joe Lieberman and the lazy New York Times. (Via Skippy, who, like me, has started a second blog.)

*** Norm can always be counted on to provide video of Keith Olbermann’s great commentary. (And speaking of Norm, he’s just launched a forum.) 

*** From The Specious Report, Rush Limbaugh Denies Going Off Meds to Criticize Fox.

*** Don Davis’s GOP Congress To Bush: ‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me’

*** Shakespeare’s Sister observes an interesting phenomena: Boy, those Republicans sure know how to write sex books! [tags]Jack Abramoff, Republican Corruption, Congressional Corruption, FBI Humor, Justice Department, Criminal Investigation[/tags]