Archive for the ‘Election Satire’ Category

Voting-Fraudster-In-Chief (Limerick)

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Headline: “Trump Committed Felony Urging Supporters to Vote Twice”

Donald Trump told supporters: “Vote twice,”
Which is awful, unlawful advice.
His words aren’t just flawed;
He’s encouraging fraud.
Yet another Trump crime with no price.

Pious Donald (Limerick)

Sunday, August 30th, 2020

Dear Donald, it’s Sunday today.
How was church? Did you mask-lessly pray?
Oh that’s right — church is just
A photo-op must.
“We want GOD!”? A fake-pious display.

Another Promise Unkept (Limerick)

Friday, August 28th, 2020

Trump way back in 2016: “I am the law and order candidate.”

“Law and Order’s” a Trump campaign vow,
But the promise that Trump’s making now
Is a ’16 repeat
That he broke. So unseat
Donald Trump and let Joe take a bow.

Pandemic? WHAT Pandemic? (Limerick)

Friday, August 28th, 2020

Headline: “Trump Pretends Pandemic Is Over”

Donald Trump and his cronies pretend
That COVID has come to an end.
But magical thinking
Solves nothing: No shrinking
Of death counts — infections ascend.

Trump-Logic (Limerick)

Friday, August 28th, 2020

Blaming Biden for civil unrest
Falls afoul of ye old straight-face test.
Cuz the last time I checked
Trump was prez, and he’s wrecked
Our great nation. (So much for “Be Best.”)

Limerick Ode To The Liar-In-Chief

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020

“Dems will steal the election,” says Trump —
A small part of his regular dump
Of bald fabrications
In Donald’s orations;
Our Liar-In-Chief on the stump.

The Trump Cult (Limerick)

Monday, August 24th, 2020

“In lieu of a party platform, Republicans express ‘strong support’ of Trump.”

The GOP seems to exult
In becoming the Donald Trump Cult.
No platform this year —
Just a Donald Trump cheer;
Lots of toadies, but not one adult!

If Susan B. Anthony Could Write Limericks

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

“President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed a pardon for women’s suffrage icon Susan B. Anthony, who was arrested in 1872 for casting a ballot when women could not vote.”

Dear Donald, your pardon’s rejected;
I despise pardonees you’ve protected!
Stop pretending to care
About gals, and don’t dare
Use my pardon to get reelected.

Trump’s Executive “Order” Scam (Limerick)

Monday, August 10th, 2020

Washington Post Headline: “Here’s what is actually in Trump’s four executive orders

The details on payroll taxes, unemployment and evictions are not as generous as he made them sound.”

Dear Donald, how sneakily clever!
Will your “orders” help voters? No never!
But your base who’s unschooled
In the law may be fooled
By your “efforts” while pulling that lever.

Putin’s Mission Accomplished (Limerick)

Sunday, July 26th, 2020

There’s a fellow who’s grinning right now
At our chaos, fear, poverty. Wow!
All his orders were heeded;
His Trump-scheme succeeded.
Putin’s earned his dystopian bow.

Rally Folly (Limerick)

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Dear Donald, you seem to be sad
Cuz that rally in Tulsa was BAD.
Your turnout was poor–
A shanda full-bore–
Just deserts for a self-dealing cad.

Irrational Polls (Limerick)

Friday, March 27th, 2020

Headline: “Trump’s Approval Jumps Five Points”

A rise in the Donald’s approval
Transcends logic; he merits removal!
Such a gain in our national
Polls is irrational…
As peculiar as numbers from Liouville.*

*If you don’t understand my reference to mathematician Joseph Liouville, here’s a helpful link. And no, I’d never heard of him before, either. But when you’re desperate for a rhyme word, sometimes you have to research math.

Crisis-Mishandler-In-Chief (Limerick)

Saturday, March 7th, 2020

Empty bluster, denial, subversion,
Specious happy-talk, falsehood immersion;
Ev’ry Trumpy technique
For a crisis seems weak
When applied to a viral incursion.

Applauding Mayor Pete (Limerick)

Sunday, March 1st, 2020

I’m bracing for the angry comments likely to come my way:

Mayor Pete, thanks for ending your race.
Though it isn’t your time, you’re an ace.
By shrinking your lane,
The “Stop Bernie” train
Might succeed — that’s the challenge we face.

Victim-In-Chief (Limerick)

Saturday, February 29th, 2020

Headline: “Trump Identifies the Real Coronavirus Victim: His Presidency”

There’s a virus whose spread causes dread.
It began in a land once called “Red.”
Though its victim counts stun,
To Trump there’s just one:
It is Trump — reelection hopes dead.

No More “Fig Leaf” For Fox (Limerick)

Sunday, October 13th, 2019

Fox’s “fig leaf,” Shep Smith, has resigned,
Which is putting Fox News in a bind:
They once used him to claim
Agitprop’s not their aim.
With him gone, who’ll Fox News hide behind?

That “Perfect” Ukraine Call (Limerick)

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

The Donald insists on defending
That infamous phone call, pretending
There was “no quid pro quo” —
It was “perfect.” E’en so,
I predict it’s the start of Trump’s ending.

Limerick Ode To The Horn-Blower in Chief (Limerick)

Monday, October 7th, 2019

Trump Tweet: “As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!)…”

Trump’s “wisdom” is “great and unmatched.”
(Donald’s claim via Twitter, dispatched
In a horn-blowing tweet.)
Seems his feed is replete
With proof that Trump’s brain has been snatched.

Ukraine “Quid Pro Quo” Argument is a DISTRACTION (Limerick)

Friday, October 4th, 2019 Headline: “The ‘Quid’ is a Crime: No Need to Prove ‘Pro Quo’ in Ukrainegate”

The debate over Trump’s “quid pro quo”
Is missing the point, you should know:
When the “quid” is unlawful
(And Trump’s “quid” is awful),
You DON’T need unfreeze-the-aid “quo.”

Limerick Ode To Trump Enablers

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

Headline: “The Mad King’s Enablers”

Though elected Republicans know
That Trump is unfit, they still show
That their stance is protect
And defend and deflect…
No matter how low Trump will go.