Archive for the ‘Election Satire’ Category

Limerick Ode To A Donald Defeat

Friday, October 16th, 2020

A Donald defeat would be sweet;
A fine end to the crim’nal deceit
That’s invaded the White House —
A much sullied Blight House.
Vote Biden, cuz Trump must be beat.

Political News Madness (Limerick)

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

Political news drives me mad,
And it makes me both angry and sad.
Yet its pull is so brutal,
Resistance is futile.
Addicted to Twitter? A tad.

Trump’s Back To Abnormal (Limerick)

Monday, October 12th, 2020

The Donald is back to addressin’
His base in big rallies, expressin’
All his pre-illness views,
But with grandiose hues.
Glad to see Covid taught him a lesson.

“Superspreader” Trump Returns To The Trail (Limerick)

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Headline: “Trump returns to trail amid concerns over COVID-19 diagnosis”

All we hear from the White House is lies
And evasions that nobody buys.
What’s the risk of exposure
To Trump? Non-disclosure!
I surmise that all contact’s unwise.

Pence’s Flying Friend (Limerick)

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

Headline: “A fly sat atop Mike Pence’s head for two minutes during the V.P. debate.”

A fly’s lengthy stay on Mike’s head
(Two minutes, until the fly fled)
Went unnoticed by Pence,
Or ignored. Makes no sense,
Unless Pence is a robot … or dead.

Manic Donald (Limerick)

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

Headline: “Trump’s Tweeting Even More Erratic Than Usual”

Donald Trump sits atop of the Feds
And behaves like a madman on meds.
His tweets appear manic,
Galvanic, Satanic.
Can I panic at “Off with their heads!”?

Trump’s Real Mission? (Limerick)

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

I’ve tried, but can’t shake my suspicion
That Trump and Mike Pence have this mission:
To infect Biden’s team —
That’s the Donald’s wet dream,
Which he thinks cancels out his condition.

Trump Unmasked (Limerick)

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

Headline: “Trump removes mask upon arrival at White House”

There are health codes that most of us follow.
But not Donald, for HIS soul is hollow.
Though he’s ill, he unmasks;
In a bare face, he basks.
Trump’s actions and words — hard to swallow!

Yet Another “If Trump Could Write Limericks”

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

Headline: “Trump Halts Pandemic Relief Negotiations”

No relief bill this month, on reflection,
Cuz the Senate’s sole job’s my selection
For our land’s highest bench.
Judge Amy’s a wench
Who has earned my support and affection.

Trump’s Fake Machismo Strikes Again (Limerick)

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

The Donald says, “Don’t be afraid
Of Covid.” We’re all being played!
To imply “No Big Deal”
Hurts our land’s common weal.
Once again, we’re by Donald betrayed.

Recovery Hopes (Limerick)

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Here’s hoping that Donald’s health slump
Quickly ends — sends him back on the stump.
And I also am hoping
We stop merely coping…
And recover from Donald J. Trump.

Trump Won The 1st Debate Bigly! Who Knew?

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Trump Tweet: “I won the debate big, based on compilation of polls etc. Thank you!”

Trump Tweet: “Why would I allow the Debate Commission to change the rules for the second and third Debates when I easily won last time?”

Donald claims that he won the debate.
Seems he thinks his performance first-rate.
All the polls (so Trump says)
Prove Joe lost to the Prez.
But as always, for proof we await.

Apologize? Hell No! (Limerick)

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Headline: “Biden Says He’s Not Sorry for Calling Trump Racist, Clown, Liar, ‘Putin’s Puppy’ During Debate: ‘Everything I Said Was True’”

Joe called Trump “liar,” “racist,” “fool,” “clown.”
“Are you sorry?” he’s asked with a frown.
Why should Biden regret
Any apt epithet?
There’s no reason for Joe to back down!

If Trump Could Write Limericks

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Via ABC News: “President Donald Trump will hold more large-scale campaign rallies in Wisconsin this weekend as coronavirus cases and hospitalization rage across the battleground state, making the clear decision to prioritize campaigning rather than worry about more people getting sick.”

Since it’s vital to cover all bases,
I am holding big rallies in places
Where the China Plague’s strong.
I don’t care if it’s wrong
Cuz I’m shielded from all virus traces.

Limerick Ode To The Defiler-In-Chief

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Headline: “Undecided Voter Says Trump Acted Like ‘a Crackhead’ During Debate, Will Now Back Biden”

The presidency’s been defiled
By the Donald, a petulant child,
Whose debate-style is rude
And disruptive, vile, crude–
Like a crackhead, but even more wild.

Trump’s Demented Accusations (Limerick)

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Headline: “‘The president thinks his best case is made in urine’: Biden campaign mocks Trump’s drug-testing demand”

“Joe’s demented,” says Trump about Biden.
“With that brain, he should NOT be presidin’.
While debatin’ I’ll best him;
If not, we must test him
For drugs. Then we’ll know what he’s hidin’.”

Limerick Ode To Republican Hypocrisy

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020

“Toobin: McConnell engaging in ‘greatest act of hypocrisy in American political history’ with Ginsburg replacement vote”

I despise all the brazen hypocrisy
From Republican pols. Seems democracy
Has been callously cast
Aside. I’m aghast
At their theo-and-corpora-tocracy.

Mask Mandate Madness (Limerick)

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

Headline: “Biden on Trump’s Attack on Him for Not Introducing Mask Mandate: ‘To Be Clear, I Am Not Currently President’”

“Where’s the national mandate for masks
Biden promised to give us?” Trump asks.
For logic, I mourn,
Cuz I sure could have sworn
That’s among Donald’s President-tasks.

Trump’s Killer Instinct (Limerick)

Tuesday, September 15th, 2020

Headline: “Trump ignores science at dangerous indoor rally”

Donald’s base should start writing their wills,
Cuz he feeds on large audience thrills;
Crammed together indoors,
Scanty masks, chair-filled floors.
Donald Trump doesn’t care whom he kills.

Ante Up! (Limerick)

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

Ante up, if you’re anti the guy
In the White House. You surely know why:
If we fail to vote out
That liar and lout,
Bid all that is good a goodbye.