Archive for the ‘Election Satire’ Category

Limerick Ode To Republican Panic

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Newt Gingrich demolished Mitt in South Carolina. Newt’s surging in Florida. And Romney’s large national lead is collapsing. Needless to say, the Republican establishment is starting to panic:

To the extent Newt threatens the Establishment, it’s because of his electability–or lack thereof. The GOP’s mandarins see Gingrich’s nomination as a sure way to blow their chance of deposing Barack Obama. They see Gingrich as the political equivalent of a Fukushima nuclear plant worker, with polls showing him to be lethally irradiated by his negative approval ratings. Whereas Mitt Romney is running about even with Barack Obama in head-to-head polling, Newt loses by double-digit margins. Sure, those numbers could change if Gingrich beats Romney and wins the nomination, with all the accolades it entails. On the other hand, his grandiosity syndrome may kick in, as it has before, and render him a laughing stock. Hence the many Establishment Republicans now saying things like, “Newt means losing 45 states.”

And that brings me to my latest limerick:

Limerick Ode To Republican Panic
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The Republican powers-that-be
Are scared of a Newt-nominee:
Newt’s grandiose ways
Could trigger malaise,
As voters to Democrats flee.

Mitt Romney’s South Carolina Blues (Limerick)

Friday, January 20th, 2012

The South Carolina primary is tomorrow, and Newt Gingrich’s poll numbers are picking up steam.

Mitt Romney’s South Carolina Blues (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

It appears that Newt Gingrich may win
Tomorrow, to Romney’s chagrin.
Just imagine the gloating
Right after the voting!
If this happens, will Mitt take to gin?

Political Haiku Quartet

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

In case you’re asking
why Rick Perry has dropped out:
Donors talked Turkey.


My head is spinning
from Republican debates.
I’m begging — please stop!


View pols with caution.
Review records and viewpoints.
Behold all the lies.


Brilliance from pols?
No reason to expect it.
Saneness would be nice.


Limerick Letter From George W. Bush To Rick Perry

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

You’ve probably heard that Rick Perry’s idiotic debate remarks, claiming Turkey is run by Islamic terrorists, led to a diplomatic incident. But did you know it inspired George W. Bush to send Rick Perry this limerick?

Limerick Letter From George W. Bush To Rick Perry
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Rick, I’ve been meaning to write,
Cuz I watch you debate with delight.
And your Turkey faux pas:
What a laugh — Ha! Ha! Ha!
Thanks for making me look really bright!

Limerick Ode To Newt “J’accuse” Gingrich

Friday, January 13th, 2012

Mitt Romney is fluent in French. Finally, something to like about him!

But not so fast! According to a Newt Gingrich ad, French fluency’s a non-non:

Limerick Ode To Newt “J’accuse” Gingrich
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Here’s a message from Newt’s latest ad:
Mitt Romney speaks French and that’s bad.
What an odd thing to knock:
Mitt sounds like a Jacques,
And bilingual is suspect. How sad!

Oddly enough, there’s ample evidence that Newt Gingrich pouvait comprendre cette phrase.

Limerick Ode To Mitt “They’re All Just Jealous” Romney

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

According to Mitt Romney, people who challenge Wall Street and economic unfairness are driven by “envy.”

Limerick Ode To Mitt “They’re All Just Jealous” Romney
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Distribution of wealth on your mind?
Take exception to it and you’ll find
That according to Mitt
You’re an envious twit.
To inequities, Romney is blind.

Ode To Mitt “I like being able to fire people” Romney

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

By now you’ve surely seen Mitt Romney’s “I like being able to fire people” video clip.

Ode To Mitt “I like being able to fire people” Romney
By Madeleine Begun Kane

“I like … to fire people,”
Said Mitt Romney, with a smile.
This quote, while out-of-context,
Will be sure to irk and rile.

And well it should: The pleasure
Mitt conveys with eyes aglow
Reveals that Mitt seems happy
Telling people, “Time to go.”

No doubt he’ll claim unfairness:
He meant those who’d earned his boot,
And ads that use this sound bite
Are misleading.
What a hoot!

Mitt Romney’s out-of-context ads
Are packed with sneaky bile,
Defaming his opponents,
And misleading by a mile.

It’s Mitt who set the standard:
Once a word’s been said, it’s game.
So if context doesn’t matter,
Here’s to treating Mitt the same.

Limerick Ode To Newt “I’m Not Rich” Gingrich

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

During a Laconia, New Hampshire campaign stop, Newt had the audacity to say “I’m not rich.” And his wife Callista helpfully added, “We have one home.” Apparently Newt and I don’t share the same definition of rich:

This past summer, Gingrich had to file the financial-disclosure form required of presidential candidates. It revealed that he has a net worth of at least $6.7 million and that his income was at least $2.6 million in 2010. That’s about 65 times the income of the average family of four in the United States.

Limerick Ode To Newt “I’m Not Rich” Gingrich
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Newt Gingrich would like to be king
And is part of the wealthy right-wing.
He denies that he’s rich.
Just “one home” — what a bitch!
He should shorten his surname to “Ging.”

Limerick Ode To Romney’s “Robin Hood In Reverse” Tax Plan

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

If you’re middle class or poor, and think you’ll fare better under Romney, this independent analysis of Mitt Romney’s proposed tax plan from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center should surely change your mind.

But if you don’t have time to read the story, this limerick should give you the gist:

Limerick Ode To Romney’s “Robin Hood In Reverse” Tax Plan
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Want the rich to get richer? Vote Mitt.
Want a deficit increase? Mitt’s it.
Want things to get worse
For the middle class purse?
Then vote Romney — his tax plan is shit.

Limerick Ode To Rick “Blah” Santorum

Friday, January 6th, 2012

Rick Santorum must think we’re stupid. He’s claiming that his racist reference to “black people” and welfare was really a reference to “blah people.”

Limerick Ode To Rick “Blah” Santorum
By Madeleine Begun Kane

If you’re black, Rick Santorum’s a fan.
That’s true, be you woman or man.
But to folks who are “blah”
Rick Santorum says “Nah!”
It’s the “blah” people Ricky will pan.

Limerick Ode To Sex-Obsessed Santorum

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

In case you were wondering, Rick Santorum still thinks states have the right to outlaw contraception. Why? Because it’s “a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

Limerick Ode To Sex-Obsessed Santorum
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Contraception’s immoral, says Rick,
Cuz it licenses sex with a chick
To whom you ain’t wed.
So ban it instead!
Vote Santorum: Stop sex that is sick.

Limerick Ode To Barney Frank

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

I think Democrats should adopt Barney Frank’s slogan suggestion, which I paraphrase in this limerick:

Limerick Ode To Barney Frank
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I will surely miss Barney Frank’s guts
And his humor, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Take his slogan suggestion.
It’s witty — no question:
“We’re not perfect, but [those guys] are nuts.”

A Cautionary Election Year Limerick

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

A Cautionary Election Year Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

At long last, a new year is upon us,
And the fate of our land hinges on us.
Pay attention to news
And beware of skewed views.
Time to stop letting evil pols con us.

Newt Still Lying After All These Years (Limerick)

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

The headline of this story says it all: “Newly recovered court files cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce.”

Newt Still Lying After All These Years (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Newt, on your web site you claim
That divorce was your wife Jackie’s aim.
But the County Clerk files
Show you’re lying by miles.
You brought suit. She objected to same.

Limerick Ode To Math-Challenged Perry

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Rick Perry’s latest “oops” moment reminds me of this old SNL parody debate line: “It was my understanding that there would be no math.”

I’m referring to Perry’s “impressive” U.S. budget cut pledge:

Rick Perry made another slip on Saturday when he pledged to cut a whopping $5 trillion from President Barack Obama’s proposed budget – a number which is $1.3 million higher than Obama’s total budget, CBS News reported.

Limerick Ode To Math-Challenged Perry
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Perry’s “oops” lines continue to mount.
Of wisdom the guy ain’t a fount:
Touts a huge budget cut
Which exceeds the whole nut.
Guess we don’t need a prez who can count.

Mitt Critiques Newt (Limerick)

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

Mitt Romney told the New York Times that Newt Gingrich is too “zany” to be U.S. president.

Mitt Critiques Newt (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Newt Gingrich is “zany,” says Mitt,
Which makes him for prez quite unfit.
I’m no Mitt devotee,
But I can’t help agree.
“Zany’s” best saved for toons or a skit.

Newt’s Pledge (Limerick)

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Confessed serial adulterer Newt Gingrich has taken the Family Leader no-adultery pledge, which includes this statement: “I also pledge to uphold the institution of marriage through personal fidelity to my spouse and respect for the marital bonds of others.”

Apparently, the following limerick was stricken from an earlier draft:

Newt’s Pledge (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

No adult’ry for me, pledges Newt.
I’ve given my cheating the boot.
I’ve confessed and repented.
My soul’s reinvented.
And I can’t get it up, so it’s moot.

Mitt’s Losing Bet (Limerick)

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

In the wake of Mitt Romney’s misplaced $10,000 bet, the “Intrade political futures market shows Mitt Romney’s chances of winning the GOP presidential nomination dropping to 40% today, while Newt Gingrich’s chances have surged to 37%.”

Mitt’s Losing Bet (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Mitt’s ten-thousand dollar faux pas
Makes Republican voters say, “Bah!”
So betting is strong
That Romney’s gone wrong,
And that Newt will get voters’ “Hurrah!”

Gunning for Gingrich (Limerick)

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

Tonight’s Drake University, Iowa Republican Presidential Debate, hosted by ABC News and moderated by Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos, looks to be pivotal:

Gunning For Gingrich (Limerick)

They’re gunning for Gingrich tonight.
Opponents are poised for a fight.
The GOP’s freaking:
No more are they seeking
Non-Romney, with Newt as their plight.

Limerick Ode To The Immoderate Donald Trump

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

A Trump-moderated Republican debate? Even Karl Rove says it’s a terrible idea.

Damn! Me — agreeing with Karl Rove. That’s seriously scary!

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney did the classy thing, for once, adding his name to the list of candidates who’ve declined the Trump Debate Invite. So far, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, and Romney have declined to participate, while Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have accepted.

Limerick Ode To The Immoderate Donald Trump
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Debate moderation’s an art,
And practitioners need to be smart,
Diplomatic, well versed—
In the topic immersed.
Donald Trump? Not just bad. Off the chart!

UPDATE: Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has come out against the Donald Trump debate, citing as his reason Trump’s ongoing flirtation with an independent run for president. Additionally Perry has now declined his debate invitation.