Archive for the ‘Election Satire’ Category

Limerick Ode To Magical Mitt Romney

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

I like the way Paul Krugman sizes up Mitt Romney’s “plan” for our economy:

As many people have noticed, Mr. Romney’s five-point “economic plan” is very nearly substance-free. It vaguely suggests that he will pursue the same goals Republicans always pursue — weaker environmental protection, lower taxes on the wealthy. But it offers neither specifics nor any indication why returning to George W. Bush’s policies would cure a slump that began on Mr. Bush’s watch.

In his Boca Raton meeting with donors, however, Mr. Romney revealed his real plan, which is to rely on magic. “My own view is,” he declared, “if we win on November 6, there will be a great deal of optimism about the future of this country. We’ll see capital come back, and we’ll see — without actually doing anything — we’ll actually get a boost in the economy.”

Limerick Ode To Magical Mitt Romney
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Paul has slashed Romney’s plan down to size:
The mere fact of Mitt’s win would give rise
To a positive feeling
And thus, fiscal healing.
Vote for Mitt — get a magic surprise.

Victimless Rhyme (Limerick)

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Here’s an amusing irony, in light of Mitt Romney’s 47 percent secret video: Mitt Romney’s father, former Michigan Governor George Romney, was once “on relief.”

In this video, cut from a 1962 Romney for Governor informercial, Lenore Romney talks about why her husband would be a good Governor of Michigan. Interestingly, Lenore Romney sounds very similar to how Ann Romney described Mitt Romney in her convention speech last week — though Lenore also describes George as “a refugee from Mexico. He was on relief – welfare relief – for the first years of his life.”

Victimless Rhyme (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Romney’s father was once “on relief.”
47 percenter — good grief!
Does that mean that Mitt’s dad
Would not vote for his lad?
Was he Michigan’s Victim in Chief?

Limerick Ode To A Campaign In Disarray

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

A political campaign is, essentially, a business. And isn’t building a business Mitt Romney’s supposed claim to fame?

Limerick Ode To A Campaign In Disarray
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Mitt’s campaign is in great disarray.
New embarrassments come ev’ry day.
His campaign is a co
Built by Romney, and so
Why suppose he can run USA?

What Mitt Romney Thinks, What He Really, Really Thinks (Limerick)

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

If you were wondering what Romney really thinks of Democrats, he tells us just that in a video, secretly recorded during a private fundraiser “held at the Boca Raton home of controversial private equity manager Marc Leder on May 17.”

Fielding a question from a donor about how he could triumph in November, Romney replied:

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.”

Romney went on: “[M]y job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

What Mitt Romney Thinks, What He Really, Really Thinks (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Mitt Romney disdains half our nation
And betrays this to private ovation:
When he speaks to his donors,
He gives the men boners,
With his Dems are all moochers conflation.

Mitt’s Strange Surrogate (Limerick)

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Who else but Mitt Romney surrogate Rick Santorum, could beam with pride while saying: “We will never have the elite, smart people on our side.”

Mitt’s Strange Surrogate (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

If you’re smart, then you ain’t on our side,
Said Santorum with singular pride.
Dear Rick, does Mitt know
You exultingly glow
With support from dim folks nationwide?

Romney Unleashed (Limerick)

Friday, September 14th, 2012

Romney Unleashed (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Mitt the “robot” is suddenly hot,
Unpredictably stirring the pot.
Once disturbingly guarded,
Now caution’s discarded.
I’m starting to miss the old “bot.”

Limerick Ode To Smirking Romney

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Mitt Romney’s weird facial expressions during yesterday’s press conference about the killings at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, inspired me to write this limerick:

Limerick Ode To Smirking Romney
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Can a person be judged by his smile?
I’d say yes, when it hints at his bile.
If like Mitt’s, it’s a smirk,
Then a creep may well lurk
Underneath, one whose essence is vile.

Foolhardy Romney Strikes Again (Limerick)

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Mitt Romney really stepped in it this time:

Mitt Romney’s sharply-worded attack on President Obama over a pair of deadly riots in Muslim countries last night has backfired badly among foreign policy hands of both parties, who cast it as hasty and off-key, released before the facts were clear at what has become a moment of tragedy.

Foolhardy Romney Strikes Again (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

In his quest for political gain,
Romney rushes to judgment, it’s plain:
Lashing out before learning
The facts, he risks burning
Our nation with statements insane.

Reince Priebus — Etiquette Expert? (Limerick)

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Republicans are feigning horror at the Ted Kennedy tribute video played at the Democratic National Convention. It seems using Teddy v. Mitt debate footage that makes Romney look pathetic, somehow dishonors the deceased Ted Kennedy. Yeah … right.

Here’s RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on Twitter: “Classless Dems use tribute video of deceased Ted Kennedy to attack Mitt Romney.”

Reince Priebus — Etiquette Expert? (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Reince Priebus, Republican knave,
Disapproves of how Dem pols behave:
They showed Ted debate Mitt!!!
Angry tweet — what a twit!
Just St. Reagan can speak from the grave.

Yes We Are! (Limerick)

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

If you aren’t sure whether we’re better off now than we were four years ago, check out these headlines from September 2008.

Yes We Are! (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Are we better off now? Yes we are!
To suggest that we’re not is bizarre.
Prez Barack turned the tide,
Though Republicans tried
To ensure things remain way sub-par.

A Morsel To Chew On (Limerick)

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

What genius decided that talking about Romney’s weird eating habits would make him sound more human?

I’ll grant you that robots probably don’t eat muffins. However, a normal human being doesn’t eat just the muffin top and cast aside the rest.

A Morsel To Chew On (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

In an effort to boost Mitt’s appeal,
Just what does he choose to reveal:
He likes muffin tops best
And he tosses the rest.
“Vote for Mitt — He wastes food.” What a spiel!

Rising Oceans Aren’t Risible (Limerick)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

That Romney sure has quite the sense of humor. Here’s an example of his convention speech wit:

“President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family.”

Rising Oceans Aren’t Risible (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The sea level’s rising, but Mitt
Treats that danger as grist for his wit:
Mocks a serious threat
With a joke that’s all wet—
A GOP cheer-swelling hit.

Limerick Ode To Mitt “Birther” Romney

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

The Birther crowd surely loved this alleged joke from Mitt Romney:

Mitt Romney descended into birther politics today, when he joked during a campaign stop that “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.”

“I love being home, where the both of us were born,” Romney said at a rally in his native Michigan. “Ann was born in Henry Ford Hospital. I was born in Harper Hospital.”

“No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate,” he continued. “They know this is the place where we were born and raised!”

Limerick Ode To Mitt “Birther” Romney
By Madeleine Begun Kane

No one ever has questioned my birth,
Brags Mitt Romney, with make-believe mirth.
His “joke” was a hit.
Stay classy, dear Mitt.
Boost the Birthers. It shows your true worth.

Platitudes And Platforms (Limerick)

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Dear Republicans: If your Platform Committee is going to endorse an “abortion plank that includes no exemptions for rape, incest or even to save the life of the mother,” why bother condemning Todd Akin’s outrageous rape comments?

Were you hoping we wouldn’t notice that your platform is just as misogynous as the guy you’re condemning?

Platitudes And Platforms (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The GOP Platform Committee
Re abortion is lacking in pity
For victims of rape
And of incest: They ape
Akin’s attitude: Irony city!

Limerick Ode To Smear-Meister Mitt Romney

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Your average politician, when caught and called on a blatant lie, will stop repeating it. But not Mitt Romney.

Mitt’s welfare-related smear, claiming Obama has ended welfare’s work mandates is indisputably false, having been famously debunked three weeks ago. And yet Romney still won’t stop repeating it in speeches and using it in fresh ads.

Limerick Ode To Smear-Meister Mitt Romney
By Madeleine Begun Kane

For Romney, the truth holds no sway,
As his lies mount up day after day.
Welfare, health care and tax—
With the facts he is lax,
Treating voters like ignorant prey.

Paul Ryan’s Stimulus Flimflam (Limerick)

Friday, August 17th, 2012

In one fell swoop, Paul Ryan’s been caught in a web of hypocrisy and lies over Obama’s stimulus package:

After repeated denials, Paul Ryan has admitted he requested stimulus cash even after sharply criticizing the program.

Ryan had denied doing so as recently as Wednesday, when he spoke to ABC’s Cincinnati affiliate, WCPO, in Ohio.

“I never asked for stimulus,” Mitt Romney’s new running mate said. “I don’t recall… so I really can’t comment on it. I opposed the stimulus because it doesn’t work, it didn’t work.”

Two years ago, during an interview on WBZ’s NewsRadio he was asked by a caller if he “accepted any money” into his district. Ryan said he did not.

“I’m not one [of those] people who votes for something then writes to the government to ask them to send us money. I did not request any stimulus money,” the congressman answered.

But as we’ve now learned, Ryan did write letters. He did request stimulus funds.

Paul Ryan’s Stimulus Flimflam (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Paul Ryan’s been caught in a lie
And hypocrisy too — what a guy!
To the stim he said, “No!”
Yet he asked for stim dough,
Then denied that he did it. Pork pie!

Ryan’s Taxing Plan (Limerick)

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Ryan’s Taxing Plan (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Republicans love to submit:
“Ryan’s plan will reduce your tax hit.”
Though I’d like to deny
It I can’t, and here’s why:
It is true, if you’re wealthy like Mitt.

Yet Another PolitiFiction Limerick

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

After last year’s Politifact “Lie of the Year” debacle, I’ve been trying to just ignore Politifact’s Truth-O-Meter fakery.

But Politifact is to “truth” what Fox News is to “fair and balanced,” and it does a tremendous amount of damage. Here’s Scott Lemieux on Politifact’s latest just-pretend truth-telling regarding Harry Reid’s claim that he was told Romney didn’t pay taxes for ten years:

Once again, [Politifact has] awarded a “pants on fire” award, in this case to Harry Reid, despite providing no evidence whatsoever that Reid lied. Here’s the problem:

“Many readers asked us to put Reid’s claim to the Truth-O-Meter. We conclude that Reid, despite repeating the claim on at least two occasions, has not produced any solid evidence it is true.”

This does not, in fact, constitute a “lie.” If it is, then Romney has told “pants on fire” lies about what he’s paid in taxes in the years we don’t have returns released for as well. And PolitiFact is double-pants-on-fire-with-an-additional-Pinocchio lying, since they haven’t provided the slightest evidence that Reid wasn’t told by someone that Romney hasn’t paid taxes. As always, PolitiFact simply doesn’t understand what facts and lies are, which is kind of a problem when you purport to be a fact-checker.

Yet Another PolitiFiction Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Dear Politifact, kindly stop lying.
Though you claim to check facts, I’m not buying.
You pretend to the role
Of a fact-checking soul,
But it’s pro-Romney lies you’re supplying.

Limerick Ode To Romney Hood

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

President Obama has aptly named Mitt Romney “Romney Hood,” inspired by “a recent report from the non-partisan Tax Policy Institute that claims Romney’s tax proposals are likely to result in a net tax increase of $2,000 for middle-class wage earners while cutting hundreds of thousands of dollars from the tax bills of the country’s most wealthy.”

Limerick Ode To Romney Hood
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There’s an outlaw in town, Romney Hood,
Who’d become U.S. Prez, if he could.
He targets the poor—
Would the middle class gore.
His election plans must be withstood.

Reid v. Romney (Limerick)

Monday, August 6th, 2012

I’m pleased that Harry Reid’s doubled down on his claim that Mitt Romney may not have paid taxes for ten years. And I agree with Nancy Pelosi: If Reid says he has a good source on this, Reid has a good source on this. Unlike Mitt Romney, Reid isn’t a liar.

Instead of making assertions about what’s in his tax returns, Romney needs to follow custom and release his returns. If Romney’s lying about his tax returns now, it wouldn’t be the first time: He was caught lying about his tax returns back in 2002 regarding the critical issue of residency.

Reid v. Romney (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I’m glad that Reid’s on the attack
And is giving Mitt Romney some flak.
I just wish Harry Reid
In the Senate would lead
With a similar street-fighting knack.

UPDATE: Here’s a second limerick related to this topic:

Harry Reid is not up for election,
So his jab in Mitt Romney’s direction
Is fail-safe of course:
If Reid’s wrong, then his source
Just misled him. Reid’s plan is perfection.