Archive for the ‘Election Satire’ Category
Monday, May 5th, 2014
Many of you already know that big-time Republican donor John Jordan just dissed Republican pols big time. Here’s what he said:
I go out of my way to avoid meeting candidates and politicians.” Why? “All too often, these people are so disappointing that it’s depressing. Most of these people you meet, they’re unemployable.… It’s just easier not to know.
But I’ll bet you’re unaware of John Jordan’s secret limerick writing talent:
Dear Republicans, here’s tons of cash
From my famously sizeable stash.
I believe you’re all fools,
But can count on you tools
To keep screwing the riff-raff and trash.
(Note from Mad Kane for the Humor-Impaired: I’m John Jordan’s extremely unofficial ghostwriter. )
Tags: Fund Raising, John Jordan, Republicans Humor, Super PACs
Posted in Election Satire, GOP Humor, Money & Finance Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor | Comments Off on Dear Donees (Limerick)
Monday, April 21st, 2014
I just love Jeff Greenfield’s take on the “Baby Clinton Madness.” I’m referring, of course, to all the nonsensical opinionating about its effect (or non-effect) on Hillary Clinton’s presumed presidential candidacy.
Infantile Pundits Give Birth To More Wind (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
OMG! Chelsea Clinton’s with child!
Watch political gas-bags go wild,
As they mindlessly mine
Its effects and opine.
Yes, those pundits are rightly reviled.
Tags: Chelsea Clinton, Election Humor, Election Punditry, Hillary Clinton, Jeff Greenfield, Media Humor, Oval, Political Candidates, Political Commentator, Presidential Election, Pundits, Sunday Gasbags, White House
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, Feminism Humor, Gender Politics, Hillary Clinton, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Punditry Humor, White House | Comments Off on Infantile Pundits Give Birth To More Wind (Limerick)
Tuesday, April 8th, 2014
How NOT To Woo Women Voters (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
We women are “whiners,” they bray.
We “lie” that there’s “no equal pay.”
That’s the GOP line,
And it suits me just fine:
On Election Day, gals get their say.
Tags: Clueless Republicans, Equal Pay Humor, Gender Gap Humor, Pay Inequity, Voting Limerick, Wooing Women
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, Feminism Humor, Gender Politics, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Voting Satire | 2 Comments »
Monday, April 7th, 2014
Weep For The Wealthy (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Though the wealthy will publicly cheer
As campaign regs get knocked on their rear,
Some privately groan:
“No limits?” they moan.
“Buying pols is becoming too dear!”
Note from Mad Kane: Although I concocted that quote, it may be closer to the truth than you think. Here’s The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol, who argued on ABC’s This Week “that not every wealthy donor will embrace the outcome of the McCutcheon case, because they may now be obliged to give more:”
“All the donors I know hate this decision, of course,” he said. “This used to be a very good excuse to say to a candidate, ooh, I’m maxing out, I just can’t help your campaign.”
Tags: ABC, Bill Kristol, Campaign Finance Reform, Citizens United, Corporate Personhood, Democracy, First Amendment, Free Speech, Legal Verse, McCutcheon v. FEC, Newt Gingrich, THIS WEEK, U.S. Supreme Court, Weekly Standard
Posted in Bill Kristol, Campaign Humor, Constitution Humor, Democracy Humor, Election Satire, FEC Satire, Free Speech, GOP Humor, Hypocrisy Humor, Judiciary Satire, Law Satire, Legislation Humor, Money And Finance Humor, Newt Gingrich Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Supreme Court | 2 Comments »
Thursday, April 3rd, 2014
Free Speech Gets Pricey (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Remember “one person, one vote?”
Now “one dollar, one vote’s” what they wrote;
Yes, the U.S. Supremes
Favor money — in reams,
As the rich grab free speech by the throat.
Thanks to the New Yorker’s John Cassidy, for inspiring this limerick with his acerbic comment about McCutcheon v. FEC:
But Wednesday’s decision, once again a five-to-four ruling, represented another significant step away from the antiquated principle of “one person, one vote” toward the more modern, and utilitarian, notion of “one dollar, one vote.”
Tags: Campaign Finance Reform, Citizens United, Corporate Personhood, Democracy, First Amendment, Free Speech, John Cassidy, Justice John Roberts, Legal Verse, McCutcheon v. FEC, New Yorker, U.S. Supreme Court, Voting Humor, Voting Limerick, War On Voting
Posted in Campaign Humor, Constitution Humor, Democracy Humor, Election Satire, FEC Satire, Free Speech, GOP Humor, Hypocrisy Humor, Judiciary Satire, Law Satire, Legislation Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Supreme Court, Voting Satire | Comments Off on Free Speech Gets Pricey (Limerick)
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
If you thought the Citizens United ruling undermined democracy, brace yourself: The Roberts court has made things even worse with yet another controversial 5-4 decision in McCutcheon v. FEC. Assaulting campaign finance reform once again, the Supreme Court struck down the aggregate limits on how much an individual can contribute to candidates, parties and political action committees.
As Ari Berman astutely observes:
The Court’s conservative majority believes that the First Amendment gives wealthy donors and powerful corporations the carte blanche right to buy an election but that the Fifteenth Amendment does not give Americans the right to vote free of racial discrimination.
Supreme Priorities
By Madeleine Begun Kane
The Supremes freed the wealthy to buy
Politicians — an endless supply.
Seems “free speech” means “free spending,”
While “voting rights rending”
Isn’t something they care to decry.
Tags: Ari Berman, Campaign Finance Reform, Citizens United, Corporate Personhood, Democracy, First Amendment, Free Speech, Justice John Roberts, Legal Verse, McCutcheon v. FEC, U.S. Supreme Court, Voting Humor, Voting Limerick, War On Voting
Posted in Campaign Humor, Constitution Humor, Democracy Humor, Election Satire, FEC Satire, Free Speech, GOP Humor, Hypocrisy Humor, Judiciary Satire, Law Satire, Legal Limericks, Legislation Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Supreme Court, Voting Satire | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, February 11th, 2014
UPDATE: The blogger who interviewed Governor Walker and whose Walker quote is the premise of this entire post and limerick, has corrected his story to indicate that the quote was a transcription error and that the Governor did not claim to have voted for Reagan when it was illegal to do so.
Rather than simply “disappearing” this post, I’ll leave it up with this correction notice. My apologies to anyone who was misled by my reliance on the earlier version of that interviewer’s story.
Republicans have a long history of bolstering their credentials by citing some Ronald Reagan connection. So it tends to be no big deal when a Republican pol waxes eloquent about having voted for Reagan.
And then there’s Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R), who recently said:
I remember, I was a teenager, had just become a teenager and voted for Ronald Reagan — limited government, you know, smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense. You knew what you were getting. You knew how a Reagan administration, a Reagan presidency was going to be better for you.
Alas, since Walker was born on November 2, 1967, he “wasn’t old enough to vote in either 1980 or 1984 when Reagan ran for president.” So if Scott Walker was being truthful, then he’s just owned up to committing voter fraud.
Scott Walker Walks Into His Own Trap (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Walker tried to increase his appeal
With a “voted for Ron Reagan” spiel.
Do the math; Scott’s denoting
His under-age voting.
Fin’ly, ONE case of vote fraud that’s real.
Tags: Ronald Reagan, Scott Walker, Voter Fraud, Votes, Wisconsin
Posted in Election Satire, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Scott Walker, Voting Satire, Wisconsin | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, January 14th, 2014
Here we go again! It’s too early to pretend to run for U.S. President. So instead, Donald Trump is fake-running for Governor of New York State.
Trumped Up Campaign (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
This brainchild (I trust) won’t get far:
New York Governor Trump — TV star.
He might run, Donald claims,
But we know his true aim’s
To get press for his show … or be czar.
Tags: Apprentice, Campaign Satire, Donald Trump, Governors, Media Humor, New York, Political Campaigns, Television
Posted in Campaign Humor, Donald Trump, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Media Satire, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Television (TV) Satire | 3 Comments »
Thursday, June 27th, 2013
The U.S. Supreme Court’s hypocritical demolishment of the Voting Rights Act, followed by a rush by certain states to impose discriminatory voting restrictions, inspired this three-verse limerick:
The Supreme Court Preclears Voter Suppression (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Sev’ral states who once had to preclear
Any voting law change, gave a cheer:
The Supremes set them free
To restrict votes with glee,
Which they’re doing with plans in high gear.
In its holding, both sneaky and bold,
The Sup Court said the formula’s old,
And so need not be heeded–
A new one is needed:
It freed states to fair-voting withhold.
Some are doing just that with great speed,
Which proves that old formula’s need–
That it wasn’t outdated:
Bad intent’s unabated,
And there’s nothing to stop its stampede.
Tags: Constitution Verse, Judiciary Satire, Supreme Court Limerick, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Supreme Court, Voter ID, Voting Limerick, Voting Rights Act, VRA
Posted in Constitution Humor, Democracy Humor, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Judiciary Satire, Justice Department, Law Satire, Legal Limericks, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Supreme Court, Voting Satire | 3 Comments »
Thursday, May 30th, 2013
Minnesota’s Michele Bachmann has decided not to seek a 5th Congressional term. So it’s time for a goodbye limerick:
Goodbye Limerick For Michele Bachmann
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Michele Bachmann, you’ll surely be missed.
You’ve provided such humor mill grist.
But we mockers are blessed
With a huge treasure chest
Of wingnuts at whom to get pissed.
Louie Gohmert is tops on that list.
Ted Cruz and Steve King still exist.
So we’ve fodder galore;
Finding humor’s no chore
With a party like yours in our midst.
Tags: House Satire, Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann, Republicans Humor, Steve King, Tea Party, Ted Cruz, Wingnuts
Posted in Election Satire, GOP Humor, House Satire, Michele Bachmann, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Steve King, Tea Parties, Wingnuts | 4 Comments »
Thursday, May 23rd, 2013
The audacity of politicians never ceases to astonish me. And Anthony Weiner’s run for New York City Mayor is only the latest example. I just don’t see how he can ever live down his Twitter scandal, and I say that as a New Yorker and former fan.
Open Limerick To Anthony Weiner
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Mr. Weiner, I once was a fan;
You’re an outspoken, liberal man.
But I’m sorry –you’re screwed
By the “ick” factor, dude,
So your mayor plans simply don’t scan.
Tags: Anthony Weiner, Campaign Satire, Democrats Humor, Election Humor, New York City, New York Politics, Scandals
Posted in Campaign Humor, Democrats Humor, Democrats Satire, Election Satire, New York Mayors, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Scandals Humor | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, May 1st, 2013
Even though I have no use for porn, I do have a soft spot for Hustler publisher Larry Flynt.
1: Throughout the George W. Bush administration, he linked to my parody Dubya’s Dayly Diary from the home page of his personal site.
2: Larry Flynt is a lefty who pulls the occasional very amusing stunt.
Larry Flynt’s latest caper is an obviously satirical endorsement of former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford in his race against Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch for U.S. Congress.
He couldn’t possibly have given Elizabeth Colbert Busch a lovelier gift.
Sanford, who gained national prominence in 2009 as governor of South Carolina when he abruptly abandoned his duties for a secret rendezvous with his mistress, is currently running against Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District seat. The election will take place on May 7.
In a statement released today, Flynt calls Sanford “the sex pioneer of our time.” In Flynt’s eyes “no one has done more to expose the sexual hypocrisy of traditional values in America today. Sanford’s open embrace of his mistress in the name of love, breaking his sacred marriage vows, was an act of bravery that has drawn my support.” Chastising the Republican Party for not backing Sanford following his run-off victory, Flynt declared: “I am willing to step in and stand erect for Mark Sanford.”
An Endorsement Mark Sanford Hopes Nobody Will Notice (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A man known for porn — Larry Flynt
Has endorsed Gov. Mark Sanford in print,
As a “sex pioneer,”
With a glint and a leer.
Endorsements like this you can’t mint.
Tags: Campaign Satire, Congress Humor, Election Humor, Elizabeth Colbert Busch, Endorsements Humor, George W. Bush, Larry Flynt, Mark Sanford, Media Humor, Porn Humor, Republicans Humor, South Carolina
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, George Bush Satire, GOP Humor, Mark Sanford, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, South Carolina Humor | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, April 9th, 2013
There’s a striking difference between the website homepages of the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) and the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee): The most prominent words (by size and location) on the DCCC site are Democrats 2014. But the only reference to Republicans on the NRCC site is buried on the bottom in the “paid for by” disclaimer.
So, do House Republicans have something to hide?
Republican Campaign Oversight? (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Seems the NRCC’s feeling shame:
How else to explain that the name
Of its party’s not bold,
But lost under the fold
Of a site meant to shore up its game.
Tags: Campaign Satire, Congress Humor, DCCC, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Election Humor, House Republican, National Republican Congressional Committee, NRCC, Republican Reboot, Republican Rebranding
Posted in Campaign Humor, Congress Humor, Election Satire, GOP Humor, House Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor | 1 Comment »
Thursday, April 4th, 2013
My bearded husband will be pleased to hear about this new BEARD PAC. It’s been launched to support bearded candidates of any party, with the ultimate goal of getting a beard back into the Oval Office:
“It’s been 125 years since our last bearded President, Benjamin Harrison, was elected,” BEARD PAC Communications Director Andy Shapero said. “We’re hoping that with our support, bearded individuals will shrug off over a century of political irrelevance and start running for office again.”
Hairy Proposition (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
If you’re bearded and want to be prez,
There’s a PAC that might back you, that says
Facial hair is a must
And nude chins are a bust.
I suggest they Ben Harrison rez.*
* My apologies, but I found this Second Life reference irresistible, even though I wouldn’t even know what “rez” means without the help of the Urban Dictionary.
Tags: Andy Shapero, BEARD, Bearded Politicians, Benjamin Harrison, Campaign Satire, Oval Office, Political Action Committee, Political Candidates, Political Humor, Political PAC, Role Playing, Second Life, Urban Dictionary, White House
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, White House | Comments Off on Hairy Proposition (Limerick)
Thursday, March 21st, 2013
I can only assume that when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell looks in the mirror, he somehow sees a very youthful, attractive fellow. Otherwise he would surely avoid making this ageist, lookist, and sexist jab at Hillary Clinton:
“Finally, don’t tell me that Democrats are the party of the future when their presidential ticket for 2016 is shaping up to look like a rerun of the ‘Golden Girls,’” McConnell said in his morning address to CPAC, drawing laughter and applause.
Mitch’s Knucklehead Pitch (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Someone ought to inform Leader Mitch
Of his party’s new “lure women” pitch:
Saying Hillary C-run
Is Golden Girls rerun
Most likely won’t tempt us to switch.
Tags: Ageism, Election 2016, Feminist Limerick, Hillary Clinton, Lookism, Mitch McConnell, Presidential Election, Sexism
Posted in Ageism Humor, Election Satire, Feminism Humor, GOP Humor, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Social Satire, White House | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, March 20th, 2013
Rachel Maddow has temporarily sworn off speculating about Election 2016. But fortunately (or unfortunately) I’ve taken no such pledge:
Appalling Speculation (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
The Republican race in ’16
Could be Ryan v. Rand — what a scene!
Two Pauls in one bout —
Mass confusion, no doubt.
Neither one’s worth so much as a Bean.*
*Paul Ryan’s anti-abortion rhetoric included a claim that he nicknamed his daughter Liza “Bean” because at seven weeks his “little baby was in the shape of a bean.” Ryan has been accused of stealing this anecdote from the late Nirvana frontman, Kurt Cobain.
Tags: Abortion Rights, Anti-Abortion Rhetoric, Bean, Election 2016, Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, Paul Ryan, Presidential Election, Rachel Maddow, Rand Paul
Posted in Abortion Rights, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor | 2 Comments »
Monday, March 4th, 2013
I’ve been meaning to write about Antonin Scalia’s obnoxious Voting Rights Act comments. Something tells me he’d be a bit more enthused about the law, if the people it protected tended to vote Republican.
Limerick Ode To Antonin Scalia
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Scalia gave quite the recital
With that “racial entitlement” title
He “bestowed” on the vote,
Fearing Dem voter bloat:
To Scalia, such voters ain’t vital.
Tags: Antonin Scalia, Discrimination, Law Satire, Legal Humor, Legal Verse, Racial Bias, Supreme Court Humor, Voting Limerick, Voting Rights Act, VRA
Posted in Constitution Humor, Democracy Humor, Election Satire, Entitlements Humor, GOP Humor, Judiciary Satire, Law Satire, Legal Limericks, Legislation Humor, Minority Rights Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Racism Limerick, Republicans Humor, Supreme Court, Voting Satire | 3 Comments »
Friday, March 1st, 2013
Some article titles say it all: “Pete King Can’t Believe Rubio Has the ‘Balls’ to Fundraise in New York.”
Here’s Rep. Peter King, a conservative Republican who represents much of Long Island, New York:
“Being from New York we’re not supposed to be suckers,” Mr. King told Politicker this morning. “It’s bad enough that these guys voted against it, that’s inexcusable enough. But to have the balls to come in and say, ‘We screwed you now make us president?’”
Limerick Ode To Peter King
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear wealthy New Yorkers, says King,
Do not give any money or bling
To a pol who said “no”
To the Storm Sandy dough.
I agree, which feels odd — King’s right-wing.
Tags: Fund Raising, Marco Rubio, New York, Peter King, Presidential Campaign Humor, Republican Donors, Superstorm Sandy, Wealth Humor
Posted in Election Satire, GOP Humor, Marco Rubio, New York Politics, Peter King, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on Limerick Ode To Peter King
Tuesday, February 19th, 2013
Here’s a Chris Christie quote that may come back to haunt him: “I’m not much different from Andrew Cuomo. I probably agree with him on 98% of the issues.”
Open Limerick To Chris Christie
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Chris, if the Oval’s your goal,
Then you’re digging yourself a deep hole:
You have said that your views
Are like Cuomo’s — bad news!
To your party each Dem is a troll.
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Campaign Humor, Chris Christie, Election Humor, Larry Bulman, New Jersey, New York, Oval Office, Republicans Humor, White House
Posted in Andrew Cuomo, Campaign Humor, Chris Christie, Election Satire, GOP Humor, New Jersey Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on Open Limerick To Chris Christie
Wednesday, February 13th, 2013
I generally liked Obama’s SOTU speech. But his voting rights commission plan is unadulterated crapola. How do you give the illusion of dealing with a problem, while doing nothing at all? Appoint a commission.
Obama’s decision to create a voter suppression commission would be bad enough. But he added insult to injury by naming Mitt Romney campaign lawyer Ben Ginsberg to his two-person panel. The very same Ben Ginsberg who helped lead the 2000 recount effort for George W. Bush — an attorney who considers voter suppression a feature, not a bug.
Another Commission? “Ben” There, Done That (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Since voter suppression’s the mission
Of Republicans, voter attrition
Will keep getting worse.
A commission’s a curse.
We need action with great expedition.
Tags: 2000 Recount, Barack Obama, Ben Ginsberg, Commissions Satire, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Republicans Limerick, SOTU, State Of The Union Address, Voter Suppression, Voting Limerick
Posted in Barack Obama, Campaign Humor, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Speeches, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Speeches Satire, Voting Satire | 3 Comments »
Infantile Pundits Give Birth To More Wind (Limerick)
Monday, April 21st, 2014I just love Jeff Greenfield’s take on the “Baby Clinton Madness.” I’m referring, of course, to all the nonsensical opinionating about its effect (or non-effect) on Hillary Clinton’s presumed presidential candidacy.
Infantile Pundits Give Birth To More Wind (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
OMG! Chelsea Clinton’s with child!
Watch political gas-bags go wild,
As they mindlessly mine
Its effects and opine.
Yes, those pundits are rightly reviled.
Tags: Chelsea Clinton, Election Humor, Election Punditry, Hillary Clinton, Jeff Greenfield, Media Humor, Oval, Political Candidates, Political Commentator, Presidential Election, Pundits, Sunday Gasbags, White House
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, Feminism Humor, Gender Politics, Hillary Clinton, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Punditry Humor, White House | Comments Off on Infantile Pundits Give Birth To More Wind (Limerick)