Archive for the ‘Blame Game’ Category

Dear Peggy

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

It’s always embarrassing for me to admit this, but Peggy Noonan and I  went to the same high school —  Massapequa High School on Long Island, New York. (I didn’t know her, though. Or if I did, I don’t remember her.)

As a sister Massapequan, I like to write Peggy Noonan the occasional poem.  Today’s verse was inspired by this Peggy Noonan Wall Street Journal column, as dissected by Eric Boehlert in Media Matters.

Dear Peggy
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Peg’s practicing projection
As the wingnuts often do.
Noonan’s accusations
Versus Dems come right on cue.

Conservatives are civil?
And the Dems would stop dissent?
Peggy, it’s your allies
Who would discourse circumvent.

My Peggy Noonan haiku is here, and my post about the many famous Massapequans (Jerry Seinfeld, the Baldwin brothers, etc.) is here.[tags]Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal, Massapequa High School, Massapequans, Media Matters, Projection, Dissent, Civil Discourse, Jerry Seinfeld, Baldwin Brothers[/tags]

The Buck Stops … On Clinton? (Updated)

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Bush is still rejecting the idea of bilateral talks with North Korea, claiming that they failed to work during Bill Clinton’s administration. Meanwhile, Bush’s flame throwing surrogate, John McCain, says North Korea’s nuclear test, conducted nearly six years into Dubya’s presidency, is Bill Clinton’s fault.  So, does that mean Monica was Bush Sr.’s fault?

And that brings me to my latest haiku:

The Buck Stops … On Clinton? (Haiku)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

North Korea’s nukes
Are Clinton’s fault, claims McCain.
Bill’s still Prez?  Who knew?

Update: Right after John “Straight Talk” McCain’s finger pointing, McCain blasted people for North Korea related finger pointing. [tags]Bilateral Talks, Nuclear Tests, Nuclear Technology, Senator McCain, President Clinton, North Korea Sanctions[/tags]