Archive for the ‘Barack Obama’ Category

Obama’s Words – A Textbook Case Of Subtle Sexism

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

Some recent Barack Obama comments reminded me of a personal essay on subtle sexism I wrote way back in 1990.  And while that might sound like ancient history, my essay, published under various titles including Gender At Work and My Most Attractive Adversary, is the lead Gender Gap chapter essay in a pair of current (2008) textbooks by Gary Goshgarian:  The Contemporary Reader and Readings For Today.

In his introduction to my essay, Northeastern University English Professor Goshgarian observes:

Women may seem to have made tremendous progress professionally and academically, but they are held back by indirect sexist comments and attitudes. They are caught in a catch-22.  If they react against these seemingly small slights, they appear to be overreacting or too sensitive. But to let them pass may signal that such comments are somehow acceptable.  In the next essay, humorist and self-described “recovering lawyer” Madeleine Begun Kane holds that subtle sexism maintains gender differences.

And that brings me to this subtly sexist Obama comment, made in response to Hillary Clinton attacks:

You challenge the status quo and suddenly the claws come out.

And to this even more offensive line:

I understand that Senator Clinton, periodically when she’s feeling down, launches attacks as a way of trying to boost her appeal.

“Claws come out?” “Periodically?”  “Feeling down?” These words are more subtle than the B-word, I suppose. But they are sexist, nonetheless. 

So where’s the blogger outrage over Obama’s sexism?  Lots of luck finding it among the A-list bloggers — the male ones, at least. They have a much better time of it interpreting everything the Clinton team does as racist. 

Sure, there’s some great commentary about Obama’s sexism over at Taylor Marsh’s blog and at Talk Left. But in the main, Obama’s getting a gender bias-pass.

Meanwhile, many educated young women, who apparently take the accomplishments of feminism for granted, are supporting Obama’s candidacy over Hillary Clinton.

You know what those young women could use?  A good gender studies course.  Because sexism, after all, isn’t ancient history.

(For the lighter side of gender issues, you can find my feminist humor here.)

Is Black The New Teflon?

Sunday, January 13th, 2008

The impression I’ve been getting lately is that every barb and criticism aimed at Obama is almost bound to be characterized as racist by Obama surrogates.

Isn’t there something wrong when a candidate (or commentator) has to fear the racism card each time he/she says something negative about a black candidate? Something that would be just fine to say about a white one?

And shouldn’t Obama be required to meet criticisms on the merits? Everyone else is … or certainly should be. Not only does this better serve the voters, but it also helps candidates prepare for the general election.

By cloaking himself in a coat of black Teflon, Obama belittles genuine racial grievances and stifles real debate. He even demeans himself.

And now, a limerick:

Is Black The New Teflon?
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Obama’s campaign has an ace:
It’s a joker, that card they call race.  
Every Hill-team critique
Draws their racism-pique.
Can’t attack him: He’s black! That’s their case.[tags]Obama Commentary, Race Card, Election Racism, Racist Accusations, Campaign Satire[/tags]

Political Laughs

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

Did you see Rudy Giuliani giggle his way through that Tim Russert interview?  It was a lot like Hillary Clinton’s cackle-fest, only an octave higher. And the two candidates have something else in common — they’re both slipping in the polls.  But don’t worry — they can always get work as a laugh track.


Did you hear any of Oprah’s Obama speeches?  That woman’s one hell of an actress!  She actually had me believing she’s black.


Note: I’ve been emboldened to attempt political joke writing, after having my first joke published in the Charlotte Observer, (reprinted from Daniel Kurtzman’s political joke collection in

Speaking of Dan Kurtzman, I’ve been meaning to mention his very funny book again: How To Win A Fight With A Conservative would make a wonderful holiday gift!  And be sure to buy a copy for yourself too.

Can’t wait for Dan’s wonderful humor to arrive in the mail? His Conservative Insult Generator should tide you over till you get your hands on his book.

And while I’m recommending funny political gifts, I also love my 2008 George W. Bush Out Of Office Countdown Wall Calendar.[tags]Giuliani Joke, Hillary Clinton Joke, Hillary’s Laugh, Rudy’s Giggle, Tim Russert, NBC, Meet The Press, Political Gifts, Dan Kurtzman, Bush Calendar, Political Jokes, Oprah Humor, Obama Humor[/tags]

Why Are These Journalists Smiling?

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

I’ve noticed that many reporters and talking heads are almost giddy over Hillary Clinton’s recent stumbles and the rumored return of Barack Obama’s mojo. The obvious reason is that the longer it takes Hillary (or someone else) to lock up the Democratic Presidential nomination, the less boring it is for those who are covering the race.  But I think there’s something else at play here.  And that brings me to my latest limerick:

Why Are These Journalists Smiling?
By Madeleine Begun Kane

“Clinton’s stumbled,” they breathlessly say.
Yes, she’s made many journalists’ day.
It’s a horse race again,
So these women and men
Can avoid talking issues — hurray![tags]Journalists Humor, Reporters Satire, Media Humor, Hillary Clinton Stumbles, Senator Barack Obama, Presidential Race, Campaigns, Elections[/tags]

Message to Obama: Hammer! Don’t Stammer!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

This is starting to get silly. It seems like every other day, Barack Obama promises to bolster his lagging poll numbers by changing his campaign style and getting tough on Hillary Clinton.  But even when Obama tries to challenge Hillary, his speech is so droning, so professorial, so lacking in emotion, that his “attacks” fall flat.  Hell, Obama often sounds like John Kerry on Quaaludes.

And that brings me to my Barack Obama haiku:

I’ll be more forceful
Against Hillary Clinton.
I mean it this time.

(Inspired in part by this haiku prompt. You can find more of my news haiku here.) [tags]Barack Obama Poem, Hillary Clinton, Presidential Campaign Humor, Election Humor[/tags]

Quien Es Mas Nauseating?

Friday, August 3rd, 2007

Watching Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama duke it out for the title “Democrat Most Likely To Start Another War” might be funny, were it not quite so disturbing.  However, it does remind me of a certain old Saturday Night Live sketch:


(You can find my anti-war song parodies and verse here.)[tags]Hillary Clinton Humor, Barack Obama Humor, Macho Candidates, Presidential Campaign, Election 2008, War-Mongering, SNL, Saturday Night Live[/tags]