Ode To Diminished Expectations (Limerick)

Ode To Diminished Expectations
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Unanimous yeses for Gates,
Cause it’s clear that he has what it takes
To be better than Rummy.
He isn’t a dummy!!!
That’s life in our Bush-induced straits.
[tags]Bob Gates Satire, Robert Gates, Confirmation Humor, Defense Secretary, Senate Armed Services Committee[/tags]

2 Responses to “Ode To Diminished Expectations (Limerick)”

  1. the skwib says:

    The Carnival of Satire (#59)…

    Welcome to the Carnival of Satire at The Skwib, where we are equal opportunity offenders. This week’s edition includes robots, orcs, hobos and it will all go down better if you have diminished expectations. To start, we are going to break the firs…

  2. Meaning less sound but good poem.