Bush and Cheney’s Blunderland (Song Parody)

Chalk it up to pre-election delirium, but I just wrote a Bush-Cheney song parody to Winter Wonderland, without realizing that I used the same tune back in 2004 for a pre-election song parody.  Fortunately, a bad memory does have some benefits, so the lyrics are quite different. Here’s my new one:

Bush and Cheney’s Blunderland (Sing to Winter Wonderland)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Rummy’s great, and he’s staying.
No debate. Stop your braying.
“Fantastic” at war!
Bush Rummy adores.
Welcome to Bush/Cheney’s Blunderland.

War is hard, but we’re winning.
GOP, lies and spinning.
Our war in Iraq
Is really on track.
Welcome to Bush/Cheney’s Blunderland.

Bush and Rove are great at building straw men.
Then they proudly knock their straw men down.
Dub implies we’re traitors.
We’ll say, “No Man!”
It’s time to stop pretending you’ve been crowned.

Ev’ry day, they conspire.
Reckless knaves, thieves, and liars.
The Bush/Cheney reign,
Democracy’s bane.
Welcome to Bush/Cheney’s Blunderland.


And now some links, for your reading pleasure:
* The Worst Political Websites.
* I like Avedon when she’s in a snit.
* Don Davis’s Kerry: How Do You Ask Me To ‘Die’ For My Last Mistake?
* OneGoodMove has the New York Times’ latest editorial, and it’s a great one.
* Gary Trudeau Profile. (Via Alternative Hippopotamus)
* No Bush profiteering op left behind.
* Carnival Time: Carnival of Satire and Carnival of the Vanities.
* I sure hope journalists everywhere read this column and heed its counsel.
* Eric Schwartz sings his Clinton Got A Blowjob. 

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15 Responses to “Bush and Cheney’s Blunderland (Song Parody)”

  1. Monkeyfister says:

    Thank you for the link, Ms. Kane…. It really means a SUPER LOT to me, as, because of your linkage, I topped 10,000 unique visits after only three months of having my “own” blog. no sooner had I just posted that I was within 50 visits of 10,000, I noticed that i topped it, and then some. Looking at technorati, I noticed that your link really did the trick for me….


    I’ve been a part of the http://blah3.com team for a couple of years, and a regular commenter nearly everywhere, but, I only REALLY started blogging on my own on the 27th of July.

    For getting me over the 10,000 mark, I will always think the very best of you, and stop just following Skippy’s links to your new stuff, and start posting to it myself.

    Please pardon my bleary, teary typing… It’s funny how life works things, and solidifies new friendships.

    Yippie– 10000 visitors… But, You remember what it was like… I’m ever humbled, honored, and blessed with good friends whom I’ve never met…. yet.

    “Three cheers for little victories,” as my 10th Grade English teacher, Mr. Lewandowski used to say…. He introduced me to Bob Dylan, Trout Fishing in America, Hunter S. Thompson, Abbie Hoffman, Arlo Guthrie, Students For A Democratic Society ( I grew up in Pt. Huron, MI– the HOME of SSDS), and SO much more… He helped me then, to appreciate your music, lyrics, limricks, and rhymes now.

    All the VERY, VERY best to you, Ms. Kane… and “Mr. Lev,” wherever he might be…

    Tony B.


  2. madkane says:

    Thanks for your lovely note, Tony, and you are very welcome. Congrats on hitting that 10,000 mark so early in your blog’s life. It’s a lovely accomplishment indeed!

  3. Monkeyfister says:


    Always yours, and ALLWays Free…

    Tony B.


  4. Elayne Riggs says:

    One of your better and more enjoyable recent song parodies, Mad!

  5. madkane says:

    Thanks very much, Elayne!

  6. Scorpio says:

    I liked this one!

  7. madkane says:

    Thanks, Scorpio!

  8. Steve Bates says:

    You are soooo linked for this one, Mad! Thanks; I needed one of your jewels this morning, and you came through!

  9. Anya says:

    I’ll be singing this one all the way to the polls on Tuesday!

    Maybe I can persuade some of my friends to join me in a little three part harmony! ;-)

  10. madkane says:

    Thanks so much for the nice words and the link, Steve. I really appreciate it!

  11. madkane says:

    Thanks so much Anya. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  12. sumo says:

    I came here via Steve Bates…it’s been a while since I’ve been here I admit…but this is really inspired. I’m posting it for Monday in case there are others who would like to humn it while they vote.

  13. madkane says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by Sumo, for the link, and for your words of enthusiasm. I really appreciate it!

  14. the skwib says:

    The Carnival of Satire (#54)…

    This is an excellent Carnival of Satire, because it proves that even after a depraved election season (still ongoing for some of us) satire CAN be written about other subjects. We’ll start there:
    Alosius Katz was good enough to find this excel…