Nixing The Chicks (Haiku)

Nixing the Chicks
By Madeleine Begun Kane

NBC nixes
Ad for Dixie Chicks movie.
Flips bird at fairness.

(The song parody I wrote back in 2003 about the Dixie Chicks being treated like traitors is here.) [tags]Country Music, Dixie Chicks, Documentary, Patriotism Humor, NBC Ads, Censorship[/tags]

2 Responses to “Nixing The Chicks (Haiku)”

  1. NBC shows their true colors, yellow. What the hell are they thinking? This documentary has gotten great reviews. Looking forward to seeing it.

  2. kevkev says:

    Hello Truthseekers
    Mike Malloy Is Back!!!
    Listen Live 9PM ET,
    (please post this everywhere)