Archive for September, 2024

“Prizefighter” Trump Claims Kamala Harris Lost The Fight (Limerick)

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Trump’s pretending he won the debate,
Citing polls (non-existent) that rate
Him the winner by lots.
(Were they written by bots?)
Dotty Don can’t face up to his fate.

Open Limerick To Kamala Harris

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Dear Veep Harris, I thank you for winning
And demolishing Trump. I’m still grinning!
On the eve of my birthday,
You gave me a mirth day…
Watching bait-taking Trump lose each inning.

JD Vance’s Childcare Plan (Limerick)

Sunday, September 8th, 2024

Headline: “JD Vance’s plan to lower childcare costs: have grandma and grandpa ‘help a little bit more'”

JD Vance has a fabulous plan
To reduce childcare costs. What a man!
It’s not tax breaks or grants:
Just cry “Help!” to the aunts,
Uncles, granddads, and each weary gran.

The Media’s Mistake (Limerick)

Saturday, September 7th, 2024

This New Republic column inspired my latest limerick: “How the Media Sanitizes Trump’s Insanity”

Dear Political Press, please take note:
Stop reframing Trump’s rants; use a quote!
No more rend’ring coherent
His spewings aberrant;
Cease helping him skew how folks vote!

Trump’s “Genius” Speeches (3-Verse Limerick)

Thursday, September 5th, 2024

So…, you know all those oddball rally rants about wind and bacon, sharks and electrocution, “Alphonse” Capone, and the “late, great Hannibal Lecter?” According to Trump, he’s doing the “weave,” which makes him an oratorical genius:

Trump’s meandering salad linguistic
Is (to Donald) a “weave” — his euphuistic,
Novel term for confusing
And logic-abusing
Addresses. (Turns out they’re artistic!)

Trump’s digressions, he says, all make sense;
They are woven with brilliance intense.
He defies expectations
With dazzling orations.
Seems the Donald’s a “genius” immense.

So the next time you hear Donald speak,
Do not call him off-script or oblique.
With his language command,
He’s the best in the land;
A true maestro of flapping his beak.