Archive for July, 2024

More Trump Lies (Limerick)

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

ABC News Headline: “Donald Trump says Kamala Harris, who’s married to a Jewish man, ‘doesn’t like Jewish people'”

Don-OLD falsely asserts that our VEEP
“Doesn’t like Jewish people.” That creep
Knows full well Doug (her spouse)
Is a Jew. Trump’s a louse
And a felon. The man’s full of… BLEEP!

Defeat Team “Weird!” (Limerick)

Sunday, July 28th, 2024

A creative critique of Trump/Vance
Is they’re “weird” which, while true at a glance,
Is the least of their sins.
We must ward off their wins!
If we don’t, freedom won’t stand a chance.

Just Deserts For Donald Trump (Limerick)

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Donald Trump made an error he rues:
Using age as a way to abuse
And disparage Joe Biden.
Now folks are deridin’
Poor Don-OLD as old. Hence his blues!

The Battle Ahead (Limerick)

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

The journey that took us from Joe
To Kamala WAS a bit slow.
But now that we’re there,
We’ll win this, I swear!
To the Trump and Vance pair, just say NO!

Unity Rubbish (Limerick)

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Please don’t fall for the GOP lies
About “unity.” Buyer be wise!
It does have a nice ring,
But their “unity” thing
Just applies to straight, white, Christian guys!

Random Limerick

Friday, July 5th, 2024

Our Supreme Court has messed with the law,

And political fears leave me raw.

So I got quite a fright

When the “Random Word” site

Elected to spew out “WITHDRAW.”

(This really happened, as you can see from the image below.)