Stop The TEASE!

Is anyone else feeling teased
By Trumpian news? I’m displeased!
Yes, there’s LOTS of excitement,
But where’s the indictment?
No perp walk? No plea? Not appeased!

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One Response to “Stop The TEASE!”

  1. Below are two limericks.
    The rube-ish devotees to Themis
    Not educated nurses and hygienists
    Say David’s statue is lewd
    Because the marble dude is nude
    I think they’re envious of his penis.
    The former VP – with a spine of pulp.
    He sees Trump and it’s shamble and ‘gulp’.
    MAGA shouted and harangued
    For “Mike Pence” to be hanged.
    Mike semi-vexed – chose to kiss Trump’s rump.