Hillary Clinton Joins Twitter (Limerick)

Hillary Clinton Joins Twitter (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

@HillaryClinton is here
Right on Twitter, so give her a cheer.
Both witty & classy,
Supremely bad-assy
And fearless – a gal without peer.

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3 Responses to “Hillary Clinton Joins Twitter (Limerick)”

  1. Hansi says:

    Good for Hillary. I’d tweet her but have yet to do Twitter. Guess she’s a lot more progressive than I am.

  2. Mauigirl says:

    I look forward to seeing what she posts on Twitter. I don’t do Twitter myself, although I do have an account, but I expect people will be posting her tweets to Facebook where I will see them! I just can’t keep up with Twitter…

  3. Infidel753 says:

    Republicans soon will attempt
    Betwittering her with contempt
    But their tweets so crass
    Will bite them in the ass
    While Hill’s still our next President.