Election Results Madness 
It’s nearly 2 a.m. here in New York City, and most of the national election news is bleak. I’m so upset, I can barely write:
Election Results Madness (Audio Version)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
I’m glued to the screen through the night,
Watching Dem after Dem lose our fight.
Masochistic? I guess:
Can’t stop watching this mess.
Where the hell is this long tunnel’s light?
Tags: Campaign Satire, Election Humor, Election Results, Masochism Limerick
Despite well-spoken words from Rob Hood,
one facet is misunderstood.
The Supreme Court’s prostration,
to the big corporation,
will change all elections, for good.
And this odious right-wing ascent,
is corporate money well spent.
I fear they aspire,
to set DC on fire,
and make Nero our next President.
Mad, Rob and Scott: You’re brilliant in spite of it all!
I’ve been offline watching movies and attempting to escape.
Finally decompressed enough to compose a post election lim:
Will wingnuts continue to rise,
Mouthing formulas that I despise?
Or will sanity reign,
After a period of pain?
Will voters be woolly or wise?