Blithe Dana
For some reason, blithe Dana Perino’s blasé response to a question about Bush’s $2 trillion Iraq war reminded me of two things:
1. Bush’s false claims to have inherited a recession from Bill Clinton; and
2. Bush’s vow to “solve problems, not pass them on to future presidents and future generations.”
And that brings me to my latest haiku:
The White House isn’t
Concerned about the war’s cost.
Isn’t that special?
Are you saying Paul Wolfowitz’ prediction that Iraq oil revenue would pay for the war might have been off by a few trillion dollars? Give or take a few trillion dollars.
I like Ms. Perino’s explanation of how “Global Climate Change” — because we would never use Al Gore’s term “Global Warming” — might help those who suffer from cold weather related deaths. She has a bright future as a Fox and Friends once George returns to Crawford. Unless, he declares Marshall Law should it look like Hillary might beat Rudy.
Ha! Can’t argue with that. Dana almost makes me miss Tony Snow.