A Convenient Noose

As SNL’s Churchlady used to say, “How con-veeeeeeee-ni-ent!”  I’m referring, of course, to the Saddam Hussein death by hanging sentence, which just happened to be announced two days before Election Day. Uh-huh … right.

A Convenient Noose (Haiku)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Saddam’s death sentence.
Serendipitous? Hardly!
Leave no scheme behind. [tags]Saddam Hussein, Death Penalty, Death By Hanging, Election Day Humor, SNL’s Churchlady [/tags]

7 Responses to “A Convenient Noose”

  1. Tinker says:

    You make me smile, and laugh.

    Thank you

  2. madkane says:

    Thanks, Tinker!

  3. WestEnder says:

    Ha! Good stuff. I remember your Jean Schmidt limericks from long ago.

    But speaking of haikus you might like my haiku representation of Steve Chabot’s (R-OH) typical GOP campaign.

    P.S. Jean Schmidt may actually lose her seat (which, btw, has been republican for 75 out of the last 85 years). Cross your fingers.

  4. madkane says:

    Thanks, WestEnder. I enjoyed yours, as well. As for JS, I heard she personally had some voting problems today — something relating to her ID, I believe. Ironic, huh?

  5. Steve Bates says:

    It’s no surprise
    In jurors’ eyes:
    They couldn’t well be lenient.
    And so they choose
    Saddam’s bad noose…
    The timing? “How convenient!”

    – SB the YDD

    (Not exactly haiku, I know, and a few days late, like everything else in my life lately, and I don’t even know if it was a jury trial… but what-the-hey.)

  6. madkane says:

    Fun, nonetheless. Thanks Steve!