Posts Tagged ‘Willard Wigan’

Hairy Art (Limerick)

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Hairy Art
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Though some artists make art out of rubble,
Only one went to hairier trouble:
He sculpted (I swear)
His sculpture from hair:
An artwork from one speck of stubble.

Its minuteness is way off the chart.
Want to view it? A microscope’s smart.
I don’t mean to be gruff,
But is weirdness enough?
This speck-sculpture’s too fine to be art.

You can read about and see a photo of Willard Wigan’s stubble sculpture here. As the article explains:

Willard Wigan hollowed out a spec of face hair and used a miniscule flake of gold to create the tiny motorbike artwork.

Visible only through a microscope, the chopper — which measures three microns — is smaller than a human blood cell.