Posts Tagged ‘Vision Limerick’

Retaining Your Sense Of Humor (Limerick)

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022

A man did his best to disguise
His retinal issues with lies.
When at last he sought ocular
Aid, he was jocular:
“Doc, you’re a sight for sore eyes!”

(March 23 is World Optometry Day.)

Idiomatic Idiocy? (Limerick)

Thursday, September 23rd, 2021

It’s not bad enough that I’m addicted to writing limericks. Now I’m also hooked on reading/playing with idiom lists:

“I suspect that our firm has a spy,
Cuz a journo just called to ask why
We give patients the squeeze
With our vision-wear fees.
Now our practice will get a black eye.”

Blind To The Truth (Limerick)

Monday, September 6th, 2021

This is a true, personal story. And it remains a vivid memory:

My teacher in pre-school would whine:
“Is your coloring off by design?
You must crayon within
The lines, or your kin
Will be called. I am drawing the line!”

Seems it never occurred to my teacher
That I’m naught but a near-sighted creature,
Who could NOT see those lines.
She missed all the signs.
To this day, I would love to impeach her.

Limerick Ode To Eyeglasses

Tuesday, August 13th, 2019

I was reading some mind-numbing prose,
Which apparently caused me to doze.
I’ve awakened — can’t see!
Did my eyeglasses flee,
Somehow slipping from nose-tip to toes?

Happy Eyeglasses Day! (August 13)

Minding Eyes And Ears (Limerick)

Wednesday, July 10th, 2019

Thanks to for inspiring this “eye-minded” limerick:

My husband Mark tends to be eye-minded.
As for me, I’m more aural and rhyme-minded.
While Mark will observe
Most sightings with verve,
I don’t, unless helpfully “high”-minded.