Posts Tagged ‘Super Bowl Limerick’

Open Limerick to Super Bowl Fans

Sunday, February 7th, 2016

If the game goes from boring to worse,
Don’t bother to sob or to curse.
Sublimation works well.
Be creative as hell:
Snap some photos, sketch, paint, or write verse.

PS: My latest Limerick-Off challenge has just begun. You can find it here.

Sundry Super Bowl Verse

Sunday, February 1st, 2015

I’ll be drinking at home,
but not watching the game.
My disint’rest in football
is largely to blame.

As for Mark, he’ll be here
mostly viewing the ads
And enjoying the half-time
like “Katy Cat” lads.


If the Super Bowl’s boring or worse,
There’s no need to complain or to curse.
Let your rhyme juices flow
While you’re watching the show;
Write a lim’rick – take solace in verse.