Posts Tagged ‘Socks’

My Sock Solution (Limerick)

Thursday, March 17th, 2022

I always wear socks inside out.
That’s unseemly to many, no doubt.
But my feet ain’t discreet:
“Scratchy sock-seams,” they bleat.
How I hate when extremities shout!

May 9 is National Lost Sock Memorial Day. And December 4 is National Sock Day.

Limerick Ode And Haiku To Lost Sock Memorial Day

Monday, May 9th, 2016

AWOL socks are a grim laundry given;
Former pairs inexplicably riven,
Dresser drawers oddly littered
With orphans, embittered
And wond’rin’ where old mates are livin’.


Yet another sock
Has escaped; it’s on the run.
AWOL! Or eaten.

May 9 is National Lost Sock Memorial Day. And December 4 is National Sock Day.