Old Man Winter’s arrived. We got snow.
But it wasn’t a terrible blow;
Just an inch (maybe two)
Graced New York, right on cue,
With its glistening view, all aglow.
Posts Tagged ‘Snow Limerick’
Our NYC Solstice (Limerick)
Saturday, December 21st, 2024Yet Another Weather Complaint (Limerick)
Friday, March 25th, 2022Dear spring, I am feeling abused,
And I’m NOT even slightly amused;
It’s late March, as you know.
Yet they’re mentioning snow.
So of laziness YOU stand accused.
Enough Already! (Limerick)
Thursday, March 10th, 2022Today’s Accuweather Headline: “Powerful storm to bury interior Northeast under heavy snow”
Dear Spring, I’m sure hoping you’ll shove
Winter out of the way. No kid glove!
I’m impatient as hell
For a mild weather spell.
Signed Madeleine Kane, with much love.
Withered By Weather (Limerick)
Tuesday, March 8th, 2022I wrote this yesterday (Monday) when NYC temps reached 67:
It is well over 60, and so
You might think spring’s arrived. Sorry! No!
With the outlook corrected,
A cold wave’s projected:
The forecast for Wednesday is “snow.”
Snow’s Afoot! (Limerick)
Thursday, January 27th, 2022A Nor’easter is headed here soon.
With snow we are set to be strewn;
Twelve inches expected!
I’m feeling dejected,
As forecasters breathlessly swoon.
Evanescent Snow (Limerick)
Friday, December 24th, 2021Just a smidgen of snow fell last night,
Leaving lawns, walks, and roads pristine white.
But their coating soon vanished,
As if it were banished.
By first light, snow took flight; none’s in sight.
Bound To Be Snowbound (Limerick)
Wednesday, December 16th, 2020The snow in New York has begun.
We’ve been warned that the storm won’t be fun.
I’ve no forecasting skill;
My sci-knowledge is nil.
So my snowfall prediction? A ton!
More Snow? Oh, Shove It! (Limerick)
Wednesday, March 21st, 2018I’m just back from the front of our house,
Where the heavens continue to douse
Our brick steps and our walk.
Though at shov’ling I balk,
I heave snow-mountains — NOT that I’d grouse.
That Snow Job They Call Spring (Limerick)
Wednesday, March 21st, 2018Spring’s begun with a bang! I’m annoyed,
Cuz more shov’ling I’d rather avoid,
But since stuff from above’ll
Not stop, need my shovel.
That tool, alas, must be deployed!
First Day Of Spring? NOT In New York! (Limerick)
Tuesday, March 20th, 2018It’s the first day of spring? I don’t buy it,
Cuz the elements surely defy it;
Twelve inches of snow
Are on route here, so NO!
Don’t insist that it’s spring. I’ll deny it.
Turning Mark’s Blizzard Tale Into A Limerick
Thursday, January 28th, 2016Mark recently posted his tale of blizzardy absent-mindedness here on Facebook. (Yes, I know “blizzardy” isn’t a word.) And I’ve decided to sum it up in a limerick:
My husband once did something whack;
Left his car window open a crack
In a blizzard, alas.
Snow flew over the glass
And got packed to the top, front to back.
A Snow Plow Meets Its Match (Limerick)
Sunday, January 24th, 2016It’s never a good sign when a snow plow has to be rescued by a bulldozer. But that’s what things were like in Bayside, Queens on Sunday.
You know that a blizzard is bad,
And the prospect of cleaning up sad,
When the snow plow gets stuck
In the ice, snow, and muck.
Going out over-rated? A tad!
Shoveling Post (Muscle) Mortem
Sunday, January 24th, 2016When I shovel, I try to obey
The best shoveling way, which they say
Involves using one’s thighs.
So it’s not a surprise
That our staircase is daunting today.
Shoveling Duty (Limerick)
Monday, January 26th, 2015Shoveling Duty (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
It’s snowing, alas and alack,
And I just finished shov’ling — can’t slack
During storms this severe.
But I did it. Oh dear!
All the snow I removed has come back.
Blizzard in progress.
I resent New York City
resembling Fargo.
Oboe-playing years
armed my shoulders for shov’ling,
but failed to prep mind.