While in school, I liked one type of test;
Those with “multiple choice.” They’re the best!
Choices helped me regain
Info deep in my brain,
So they made me look smart, when I guessed.
Posts Tagged ‘School Limerick’
Memories (Limerick)
Wednesday, January 8th, 2025My Unathletic Career (Limerick)
Saturday, March 16th, 2024My endurance in gym class was poor.
I was slow, klutzy, small, and what’s more,
The mere sight of a ball
Made me duck. After all,
My two goals were “Break nothing! Don’t score!”
The Conference (2-Verse Limerick)
Saturday, February 17th, 2024“Tell me, what is this meeting about?”
Yelled the parent, unfazed by the clout
Of the teacher he faced.
“Time’s a-wasting. Make haste!
I must go and attend to my gout.”
Said the teacher, “Your son loves to flout
All our rules and will likely flunk out.
He’s ignoring his studies,
Too busy with buddies,
Preparing for life as a lout.”
The Future Felon (Limerick)
Tuesday, November 21st, 2023A bright future felon named Phil
Liked irking his teachers at will;
Adroitly annoying,
He shined at deploying
His smarts, as he went for the kill.
The “Innocent” Punster (Limerick)
Friday, May 20th, 2022A boy was bawled out by the nuns
For his sly use of off-color puns.
But he swore “I’m not punning!”
(The fellow was cunning.)
“Besides baking, just what’s done with buns?”
Blind To The Truth (Limerick)
Monday, September 6th, 2021This is a true, personal story. And it remains a vivid memory:
My teacher in pre-school would whine:
“Is your coloring off by design?
You must crayon within
The lines, or your kin
Will be called. I am drawing the line!”
Seems it never occurred to my teacher
That I’m naught but a near-sighted creature,
Who could NOT see those lines.
She missed all the signs.
To this day, I would love to impeach her.