Posts Tagged ‘National Herbs And Spices Day’

Hot & Spicy Couple

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

This limerick seems appropriate for International Hot & Spicy Food Day. (January 16)

Hot & Spicy Couple (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Whenever we’re ordering food,
We’re likely to be in the mood
For dishes quite spicy.
We hate to hear, “Dicey!
Our chef is a trifle unglued.”

Note: Mark and I love hot and spicy food. And most chefs will accommodate us, once we convince them that we don’t mean merely “American spicy.” But sometimes we’re warned that the chef is a prima donna who takes “extra spicy” requests as a personal affront.

And while this is most likely to happen when the chef’s French, I still vividly recall this Manhattan Mexican restaurant incident: The waitress said, “Don’t ask for ‘extra spicy,’ or the chef will punish you.”

We ignored her and, alas, she was right.

UPDATE: June 10th is National Herbs And Spices Day.

Acrostic Madness (Edible Acrostic)

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

I’ve decided to post an extra challenge this week, just in case my Limerick-Offs aren’t keeping you busy enough. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write an ACROSTIC poem that has something to do with FOOD, in any form you choose, be it limerick, haiku, quatrain, tanka, etc.

What’s an acrostic poem?

In an acrostic poem, the first letter of each line should, taken together, spell out the topic of your poem. Please note that it’s NOT enough to spell out a word; Your limerick or other poem must describe or otherwise directly relate to that word.

I’ll illustrate with an acrostic limerick, bolding the first letter of each line, for emphasis:

Acrostic Spice (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Sometimes people like food that is bland.
Perhaps some enjoy cooking that’s canned.
I, in case I can’t savor
Cuisine that lacks flavor,
Embellish the dishes, by hand.

UPDATE: June 10th is National Herbs And Spices Day and August 19 is Hot And Spicy Food Day.

Tasty Verse

Tuesday, December 26th, 2006

Tasty Verse (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There are folks who like food rather bland,
In which all trace of flavor’s been banned.
But if I had my wishes,
They’d serve fiery dishes
In ev’ry last joint in the land.

UPDATE: June 10th is National Herbs And Spices Day.