Posts Tagged ‘Limerick Images’

AWOL Holidays (Limerick)

Saturday, October 29th, 2022

I maintain an “Odd Holiday” list,
But I keep finding key dates I’ve missed:
“Checklists Day” isn’t there.
It was ONCE there, I swear!
Must enlist an “Alexa” assist.

(October 30th is Checklists Day.)

Limerick Time

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Limerick Time
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Don’t be TIM-id. Give LIM-‘ricks a TRY.
There is NO need to FEAR them. Here’s WHY:
Simply CO-py my ME-ter.
(You WON’T be a CHEA-ter.)
Let A, a, b, B, a-rhyme FLY.


Here’s my how to write limericks article.

View my Limerick Time limerick image here.

Yoga Tale (Limerick)

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

Yoga Tale (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A student was learning a stretch
From her yoga instructor — a lech
Who made passes in classes;
He loved fetching asses.
A class action’s been filed v. that wretch.

View my Yoga Tale Limerick image here.

Limerick Ode To “Clean Off Your Desk Day”

Monday, January 12th, 2015

Limerick Ode To “Clean Off Your Desk Day.”
By Madeleine Begun Kane

It’s “Clean Off Your Desk Day” today.
I examine my mess with dismay.
What a foolscap-prediction–
That “paperless” fiction.
Laptops save us? The trees all say, “Nay!”

(The second Monday of January is “National Clean Off Your Desk Day.”)

View my Clean Desk Limerick image here.

Limerick Virtuoso

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Limerick Virtuoso
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A famed violin virtuoso
Said his student’s performance was “so-so.”
“You were NOT even there,”
She replied in despair.
The response from her prof: “I just know so.”

(Inspired by Merriam-Webster Word of the Day – VIRTUOSO)

View my Virtuoso Limerick image here.

Hiding In Verse (Limerick)

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Hiding In Verse (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A fellow was trying to hide
From problems he could not abide.
So he tossed off some verse,
Which made things far worse…
For his muse wasn’t taking his side.

View my Hiding in Verse limerick image here.

That Errant List

Monday, March 19th, 2007

That Errant List
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Oh, what have I done with my list
Of the things I must do to exist?
Every errand and chore,
Bills to pay, forms galore—
They’re all itemized … even my tryst.

UPDATE: October 30th is Checklist Day.

View my Errant List limerick image here.