Posts Tagged ‘Holiday Haiku’

Yet Another “Punctuation Day” Limerick

Saturday, September 24th, 2022

How to punctuate: That is the query.
Ill-timed marks can be irksome and dreary.
Bangs, ellipses, and dashes
Add drama in flashes.
Overuse is abusive!!! — Be leery!!!!!

(National Punctuation Day is celebrated yearly on September 24th.)

Happy National Punctuation Day — September 24 (Haiku)

Friday, September 24th, 2021

Punctuation Day
questionable holiday
arrives without bang

Happy National Punctuation Day!

(I decided to provide that bang, after all.)

Valentine’s Day Limerick and Haiku Too

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Yet Another Valentine’s Day Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

St. Valentine’s Day can be risky
Cuz the men folk do tend to get frisky.
And watch out for the pious:
They sure like to try us
Before and yes after their whiskey.

St. Valentine’s Day
may be over in theory–
never in spirit.

New Year’s Resolutions Haiku

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Foretell the future?
Easy! Just predict that you’ll
break resolutions.


Why bother making
fresh New Year’s resolutions?
Re-attempt last year’s.


The first haiku was prompted by Theme Thursday’s future prompt.

Haiku Friday

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

This haiku quartet was inspired by sundry poetry prompts linked below:

the state you’re in right before
landing a new job.


Haiku can uplift
all our holiday spirits.
Better yet — champagne.


Our poetry prompts—
an unhealthy obsession?
No! When’s the next one?


If I could create
a lovely haiku today,
I’d be ecstatic.


These haiku were written for these prompts: Occupy, Spirit, Ecstasy, Health and for The Purple Treehouse’s Haiku Prompt.

St. Valentine’s Day Haiku

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

St. Valentine’s Day,
Okay for loving couples.
Much sweeter for stores.

(My Valentine’s Day limerick and another haiku are here. And here’s my Valiant Guys Guide To Valentines Day humor column.)

What Do Jews Do On Christmas? A Limerick Explanation

Saturday, December 25th, 2010

A reader asks, “What do Jews do on Christmas?” So as a public service, I offer a limerick explanation:

What Do Jews Do On Christmas? A Limerick Explanation
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Here’s a query that’s answered with ease:
“What do Jews do on Christmas Day, please?”
We watch movies and read.
Surf the Net. (Dull indeed!)
But mostly we munch on Chinese.

(I’ve dedicated that limerick to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. (This post explains why.) And here’s a fun article about Jews and Chinese Food.

While I’m posting holiday humor, I might as well post the rest of the holiday verse I dashed off this week.

I hope you’ll think that these haiku
Ain’t all that bad for this old Jew.


Best safety advice
For the holiday season:
Hide under your bed.


Since it’s Christmas Eve
Your shopping better be done,
Or you’ve been naughty.


A generous gift
From our fav gov agency:
Revised 1040.


No gifts for Kwanzaa
Or Christmas or Chanukah.
Husband’s gift enough.


Holiday Office Party Haiku

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Last week I wrote a series of holiday office party haiku before and after my husband’s office Christmas party. Having survived the festivities, I figured I’d post what’s turned into a trilogy here. (Note: I added one in 2014, turning it into a quartet.)

Holiday party
At husband’s office tonight.
Note to self: Behave.


Trying not to smile–
must conserve facial muscles
for office party.


Friendly note from pals:
“Enjoy the office party.”
Never a good plan.


Ev’ryone behaved
At the office Christmas bash.
Now safe to have fun.

(You can find more of my office party humor here.)

New Year’s Resolution Haiku

Friday, January 4th, 2008

My resolution:
No more resolutions
I can’t keep, like this one.

If you missed my satirical New Year’s Resolutions Contract, it’s here.  And I hope you’ll join in on my latest haiku and limerick prompt, whose theme is lies and deception.

(This haiku was inspired by Sunday Scribblings and by Read Write Poem, which is back in business thanks to Deb of Stoneymoss.)

View my New Year’s Resolution Haiku image here.