“After seeing your farm, I’m agog
At its beautiful pigpen. My dog
Doesn’t live half as well!
The big barn where pigs dwell
Is superb! They live high on the hog.”
Happy World Farm Animals Day! (October 2)
“After seeing your farm, I’m agog
At its beautiful pigpen. My dog
Doesn’t live half as well!
The big barn where pigs dwell
Is superb! They live high on the hog.”
Happy World Farm Animals Day! (October 2)
Tags: Animal & Pet Humor, Animal Limericks, Dog Humor, Dog Limerick, Farm Animals, Farm Humor, Farm Limerick, Odd Holidays October Holidays, Pig Humor, Pig Limerick, Wordplay, Wordplay Humor
Posted in Animal & Pet Humor, Language Humor, Limericks, Odd Holidays, Wordplay | Comments Off on Buttering Up A Farmer (Limerick)
Mad Kane (Madeleine Begun Kane) is a writer, musician, and "recovering lawyer." She won the Robert Benchley Society Award For Humor and enjoys writing limericks, song parodies, and current events haiku.
You can email her at madkane@madkane.com, visit her political humor blog, or stop by her home page.
Madeleine Begun Kane
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