Posts Tagged ‘Book Reviewers Verse’

Sheer Madness: My Non-Existent Book (Limerick)

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Over the years I’ve written enough humor columns, limericks, and sundry light verse to fill two or three collections. And one of these days I may even get my act together, stop procrastinating and self-publish at least one of them. I mention this because Big Tent Poetry’s latest prompt urges us to come up with a name for a future book and then write a title poem for that non-existent book.

Yes, I know this is Sheer Madness, which is also the title of my non-existent humor collection:

Sheer Madness
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I’m hoping to publish a book
With an excellent concept and hook.
It’s title? Sheer Madness,
Reviewed please sans badness,
Sold on paper and Kindle and Nook.