Posts Tagged ‘Beethoven’

Happy Birthday, Beethoven! (Limerick and Haiku)

Monday, December 16th, 2024

It’s December 16, the birthday of one of my favorite composers, Ludwig van Beethoven. And to celebrate, I’ve written both a limerick and a haiku:

Since it’s Beethoven’s birthday, please laud
All his great compositions. Applaud!
And don’t ask me to choose
Which is best. I’d need booze!
And there’s no room for boos when I’m awed.


Cacophonic sounds
often spewed by symphonies–
Bring back Beethoven!

Limerick Ode To Ludwig Van Beethoven

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

Oh, joy! I just realized that today is Beethoven’s birthday. How Pathétique of me to almost forget the birth date of this Eroica fellow. After all, I’m so Appassionata about his music, the least I can do is make a concerted effort to remember his birthday.

But I did manage to orchestrate a limerick opus in Beethoven’s honor:

It’s Beethoven’s birthday today.
Born in 1770 — Yay!
His nine symphonies — great!
None compare — no debate.
Happy birthday, dear Ludwig. Hooray!