Archive for the ‘Technology Humor’ Category
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
When Facebook makes changes, they usually annoy me. But I must admit that I mostly like Facebook’s new format and profiles, now that I’m getting used to them.
However, I do have one limerick-worthy peeve which you may have experienced — the now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t line of five photos that (sometimes) sits near the top of our pages.
So I bring you my Ode to AWOL Faces on Facebook:
Ode To AWOL Faces On Facebook
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Sometimes lines of five photos appear
Near the top. Then they vanish. Oh, dear!
Facebook’s done it again.
I will have to try Zen
To cope with this format’s premiere.
Tags: Computer Humor, Facebook Limerick, Photos, Profiles, Technology Verse
Posted in Computer Humor, Facebook Humor, Limericks, Technology Humor | Comments Off on Ode To AWOL Faces On Facebook
Monday, October 4th, 2010
Movie audiences sure seem to love Aaron Sorkin’s The Social Network, even if Facebook’s main founder Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t.
Hubby Mark and I saw it Saturday night and we certainly enjoyed it. And that brings me to my limerick review of this delightful film about Facebook’s founding and the lawsuits it inspired:
The Social Network (Limerick Review)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Social Network’s a wonderful flick —
Snappy dialogue — listen, it’s quick.
Depositions are used
Rather well — I’m amused.
As for Oscars this year, it’s my pick.
Tags: Aaron Sorkin, Computer Verse, Entertainment Limerick, Facebook Limerick, Films, Flick Limerick, Legal Limerick, Mark Zuckerberg, Movie Reviews, Movies, Oscars, Social Network Review, Technology Verse
Posted in Business Humor, Computer Humor, Entertainment Humor, Facebook Humor, Legal & Lawyer Humor, Limericks, Movie & Play Humor, Public Figures, Technology Humor | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010
The movie about Facebook, The Social Network, has been getting a ton of publicity this week. So I wonder if Facebook’s outages today were caused by the extra publicity, or just an unfortunate coincidence.
Of course I immediately went into Facebook withdrawal and wrote this pair of haiku:
I think Facebook’s down.
Where to go to confirm this?
On Twitter, of course.
Facebook back — Hurray!
Have I cheered prematurely?
So Twitter tells me.
Tags: Computer Verse, Facebook Humor, Haiku & Senryu, Movies, Social Networking Humor, Twitter Verse, Web Addict, Web Withdrawal
Posted in Addiction Humor, Computer Humor, Facebook Humor, Haiku & Senryu, Technology Humor, Twitter Humor | Comments Off on Some Fun With Facebook’s Outage
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
My blog comment spam problems aren’t nearly bad as they used to be, due to an anti-spam WordPress Plugin I raved about previously. But I still have to scan pending comments for spam, and certain things are a dead give away:
Dear Spammer Dude (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Spammers, don’t call me a “dude.”
I’m a gal, so that sounds rather rude.
My pic makes this clear,
So your “dude” usage, dear,
Proves your post should be promptly eschewed.
Tags: Blog Humor, Blogging Advice, Computer Verse, Spam, Technology Limerick
Posted in Blogging Humor, Blogging Tips, Computer Humor, Limericks, Spam Humor, Technology Humor | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, August 11th, 2010
I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:
A woman who hated high tech…
Here’s mine:
High-Tech Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A woman who hated high tech
Found computers a pain in the neck.
Whether Mac or PC,
How that gal longed to flee
Back five decades — a time machine trek.
Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity in my Limerick-Offs.
Tags: Computer Verse, Luddites, Poetry & Prompts, Simple Life, Techie Humor, Technology Humor, Technophobes, Time Machine, Writing Prompts
Posted in Anxiety & Stress, Computer Humor, Limerick & Haiku Prompts, Limerick-Offs, Limericks, Poetry & Prompts, Technology Humor, Time Humor | 15 Comments »
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
Last week, shortly after I posted my latest Limerick-Off and announced it on Facebook, the FB powers-that-be gave me quite a scare. Out of the blue, I was locked out of Facebook.
A few minutes after my account was frozen, I received an FB email security alert informing me that I was infected by the Koobface virus and that my account would be blocked until it was removed. The email “helpfully” explained that I had gotten it from downloading some video I damn well knew I hadn’t downloaded. In fact, I had run a virus scan several hours earlier and had downloaded nothing in the interim.
Nonetheless, I spent the next few hours running two different virus scans, neither of which found anything. After that, I wasted more time trying to regain access to my account. This involved:
1) Swearing on a bunch of bibles that I was virus and worm-free;
2) Writing, “pretty please let me back on Facebook — I promise to be good” one-thousand times on a local grade school’s blackboard; and
3) Trying to convince FB that I’m really the account owner by (and I swear this is true) attempting (and failing) to ID nine Facebook friends by their photos.
When I told hubby Mark about the ID nine FB friends by their photos test, he start laughing hysterically. Why? Because few people are less visual than I am. Not only don’t I pay attention to FB photos, but under pressure I’d be hard pressed to ID one of me.
The whole time I was taking (and flunking) the photo test, I was praying to the god of agnostics that Facebook would give me another chance before permanent banishment to Twitter land.
The good news: FB gave me a second opportunity to prove I’m not an identity thief. The bad news: It involved cell phone text messaging, something I’d never done.
Yes, I know cell phone text messaging is no big deal and has been mastered by your average three-year old. But after hours of FB torture, I wasn’t in the mood to acquire a new skill. Nevertheless, after several screwed up attempts, I retrieved the FB Top Secret Code from my cell phone and convinced Facebook that I really am Madeleine Begun Kane.
But (and I know I sound paranoid) I’m convinced this will happen again. Why? Because my banishment was apparently triggered by my last batch of Limerick-Off announcement messages. (I send them only to Limerick-Off participants, but FB seems to think they’re SPAM.)
Okay, you’ve waited long enough. It’s time for a two-verse limerick:
Facebook Straits
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear Facebook, you’re driving me crazy.
I’m not careless or foolish or lazy.
So don’t claim you’ve detected
My puter’s infected.
It’s clean as a freshly cut daisy.
Though I’m not a technology wiz,
I know what the Koobface worm is.
And I checked — there’s no sign
Of a virus. None! Nein!
It appears that you don’t know your biz.
Update I thought, or at least hoped, that my FB travails were over. But apparently not. Wednesday night, when I tried to announce my new High-Tech Limerick-Off via Facebook group messages, FB refused to let me. Instead, it told me my message was SPAM. If I disagreed, I was instructed to write and explain why the “offending” message was kosher. I did that, of course, and await their response. In the meantime, I’m angry enough to write another limerick:
It seems Facebook does not give a damn
What it labels as unwanted SPAM.
My lim-off announcements
Are getting me bouncements.
Community? This one’s a sham.
Tags: Computer Security, Computer Verse, Facebook Humor, Identity Theft, Koobface Virus, Koobface Worm, Technology Limerick, Text Message Humor, Virus Scan Humor
Posted in Computer Humor, Facebook Humor, Limericks, Spam Humor, Technology Humor, Telephone Humor | 7 Comments »
Monday, May 24th, 2010
I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:
A hard-working fellow named Zeke…
Here’s mine:
Nerdy Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A hard-working fellow named Zeke
Was thought of as rather a geek.
His tech expertise
Brought most to their knees.
But small talk? To Zeke it was Greek.
Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity in my Limerick-Offs.
UPDATE: Happy International Programmers’ Day, January 7th!
And happy Geek Pride Day, May 25th!
Tags: Communication Humor, Geek Pride Day, Geeks, International Programmers' Day, January Holidays, May Holidays, Nerds, Poetry & Prompts, Techie Humor, Technology Limerick, Writing Prompts
Posted in Behavior & Personality, Communication Humor, Computer Humor, Limerick & Haiku Prompts, Limerick-Offs, Limericks, Odd Holidays, Poetry & Prompts, Technology Humor, Workplace & Career Humor | 14 Comments »
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
My humorist pal Felice Prager had a birthday recently and, thanks to Facebook reminders, was receiving an extra large slew of birthday greetings. When she responded to mine, she joked about writing a limerick starting with the line: “The girl who said thank you a lot …” So of course, I did:
Limerick Of Manners
By Madeleine Begun Kane
The girl who said thank you a lot
Sure wanted to stop, but could not,
Cuz she knew it ain’t right
To stop acting polite.
So she purchased a thanks-giving bot.
Tags: Birthday Greetings Humor, Computer Verse, Politeness, Technology Limerick, Thank You Humor
Posted in Birthday Verse, Celebrations Poetry, Computer Humor, Facebook Humor, Holiday Humor, Limericks, Robot Humor, Technology Humor | 5 Comments »
Sunday, March 14th, 2010
Apple and Google are in the midst of a fascinating feud over their competing products, Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android. Oddly enough, Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs and Google’s chief executive Eric Schmidt once worked well together, even bringing Google’s search and mapping services to Apple’s iPhone. But Apple’s feeling aggrieved these days and has filed suit against mobile phone maker (and Google supplier) HTC, alleging HTC violated Apple’s iPhone patents.
And that brings me to my latest limerick:
Patently Evil?
By Madeleine Begun Kane
There’s a battle in hi-tech computing:
Yes, Google and Apple are feuding.
It’s Android v. iPhone.
Says Jobs, you stole my phone,
Alleging a large patent looting.
Tags: Android Operating System, Apple, Business Verse, Computer Verse, Do No Evil, Eric Schmidt, Google, HTC, IPhone, Legal Limerick, Litigation Poem, Patent Humor, Smartphones, Steve Jobs, Technology Verse
Posted in Business Humor, Computer Humor, Legal & Lawyer Humor, Limericks, Mobile Web, Technology Humor, Telephone Humor | Comments Off on Patently Evil? (Litigation Limerick)
Tuesday, March 9th, 2010
In simpler (pre-social networking) days, I suffered from just one web addiction — checking my email. And that was bad enough.
But now it’s Facebook and Twitter and blogging, oh my!
And for some people, it’s even worse. I guess I should be relieved that I don’t especially dig Digg, and that MySpace hasn’t invaded my brain space. And that (so far, at least) I’ve withstood the lure of most of the social networking and social media websites listed here in all their gory glory.
Because, as you can tell from this limerick, I don’t need any more web obsessions:
Feed Needs
By Madeleine Begun Kane
I’m addicted to Facebook, it’s true,
And Twitter and weblogging too.
I’m desp’rately hooked.
All my hours are booked
On my quest to be fed something new.
Tags: Blogging Obsession, Email Limerick, Facebook Limerick, Social Media Poetry, Social Networking Humor, Twitter Verse, Web Addict
Posted in Addiction Humor, Anxiety & Stress, Behavior & Personality, Blogging Humor, Communication Humor, Computer Humor, Email Humor, Facebook Humor, Internet Humor, Limericks, Mental Health Humor, Social Satire, Technology Humor, Time Humor, Twitter Humor | 3 Comments »
Sunday, March 7th, 2010
Millions of my fellow New Yorkers are very unhappy today because they can’t watch the Oscars or anything else on ABC. Why? Because their cable company, Cablevision, is having a financial feud with Disney-ABC.
My mother-in-law, for instance, doesn’t know or care who’s at fault. She just figures that for all the money she pays each month, she’s entitled to her nightly dose of Diane.
Ironically, my husband and I have no such problem because we don’t have cable-TV. In fact we don’t pay for TV access at all.
It’s not that we don’t watch television. It’s just that there are other things we prefer to overpay for.
Besides, we get ABC and the other networks plus sundry other stations just fine with a $40 pair of Philips “rabbit ears.” It may
not be an elegant-looking solution. But it sure beats those monthly bills.
And that brings me to my latest limerick:
Ode To Rabbit Ears
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Some New Yorkers with cable-TV
Are freaking — can’t get ABC
And its Oscar show bash,
Though they pay tons of cash,
While our “rabbit ears” get it for free.
Tags: Cable-TV Humor, Digital Antennas, Disney-ABC, Entertainment Limerick, Minimalism, Money Poems, New York Verse, Technology Limerick, Television Limerick
Posted in Entertainment Humor, Leisure Time Humor, Minimalist Humor, Money & Finance Humor, New York Limericks & Haiku, Technology Humor, Television (TV) Humor | 3 Comments »
Saturday, January 30th, 2010
My humorist pal Rose Valenta recently created a Kindle version of her blog and inspired me to do the same. Why? Because many employers are getting strict about web access, blocking employees from reading their favorite blogs and sites — even while they’re on a break or at lunch.
But your boss can’t control what you read on your Kindle. And Amazon makes it easy for bloggers to create Kindle blog editions, allowing fans to bypass their bosses and keep up with their reading.
That brings me to my latest limerick:
Fight Firewalls With Kindle
By Madeleine Begun Kane
You’re at work, but on break — want to read.
But your boss did a dastardly deed:
Your fav’rites are blocked.
Your net access is locked.
But he can’t stop a Kindle blog feed.
My News: I’ve created Kindle versions of both my blogs. So if you’d like to read this general humor blog on your Kindle reader you can subscribe right here. And if you’d like to read my other political satire blog on your Kindle device, you can subscribe right here.
Attention Fellow Bloggers: If you’d like to publish your own blog on Amazon Kindle, Amazon makes it pretty easy and has a helpful Kindle Blog FAQ here. You can also find some useful info over at Mashable and some Kindle badges and icons here.
Warning: Reading blogs on Kindle isn’t free, except for the 14-day free trial for each blog. Monthly Kindle blog subscription fees are controlled by Amazon and priced at either $0.99 per month or $1.99 per month. Moreover, only 30% of the revenue goes to the blogger.
And Now For The Sales Pitch: Each of my two blogs is priced at $0.99 per month.
So if you’re a Kindle owner, I hope you’ll give the Kindle version of this humor blog and/or the Kindle version of my political satire blog a try.
Tags: Amazon Humor, Blogging Verse, Bosses, Computer Humor, Employer, Firewalls, Kindle Publishing, Kindles, Privacy Humor, Technology Advice, Web Access
Posted in Advice Humor & Poems, Blogging Humor, Blogging Tips, Computer Humor, Internet Humor, Kindle Humor, Limericks, Privacy Satire, Technology Humor, Workplace & Career Humor, Writing & Publishing Humor | Comments Off on Fight Firewalls With Kindle
Tuesday, January 19th, 2010
I’m as big a web addict as the next woman. But do we really need Internet-enabled dashboards in our cars? Don’t drivers already have enough to distract them? Sorry, but this concept just isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Insane auto technology like this cries out for a limerick:
Just What Drivers Need — More Distractions!
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Are you feeling too focused while driving?
Well, help from your dashboard’s arriving:
Watch the net in your car.
Yes, wherever you are
You can surf. Wish you luck with surviving.
Tags: Car Limerick, Driver Distractions, Driving Poetry, Internet Enabled Dashboards, Internet Limerick, Technology Verse, Web Addict
Posted in Addiction Humor, Behavior & Personality, Car & Driving Humor, Computer Humor, Limericks, Mobile Web, Technology Humor | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, September 30th, 2009
Are you suffering from Facebook friend envy? Do you have a few hundred spare bucks lying around? Then uSocial, an Australian marketing company, is eager to help you buy thousands of “targeted” Facebook friends and fans and Twitter followers.
Are you as creeped out about this as I am?
The Price Of Facebook Friendship (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Feeling lonesome? Don’t have enough friends?
You can try out this latest of trends:
Buy pals by the litter
At Facebook and Twitter.
Pay cash and your loneliness ends.
Tags: Facebook, Friendship, Money, Social Marketing, Twitter, uSocial
Posted in Facebook Humor, Friendship Humor, Internet Humor, Limericks, Marketing Humor, Money & Finance Humor, Technology Humor, Twitter Humor | 8 Comments »
Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
I usually post my multitasking humor here. However, since my latest multitasking limerick (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Texting?) has some political overtones, I’ve posted it in my political humor blog instead.
Tags: Cars, Driving, Law Humor, Technology, Text Message Humor
Posted in Car & Driving Humor, Computer Humor, Legal & Lawyer Humor, Limericks, Technology Humor | Comments Off on Either Drive, Or Text, Okay? (Limerick)
Sunday, July 19th, 2009
It sounds like something out of George Orwell: E-book editions of 1984 and Animal Farm have been vanishing from people’s personal Kindles. I might add that these e-books have been purchased and fully paid for.
Amazon, at the request of an Orwellian publisher, has been repossessing these e-books without permission and refunding the purchase price. (More commentary here, plus my three verse limerick about this outrageous invasion of privacy, plus an update about Amazon’s welcome Kindle policy change.)
Update: If you would like to read this general humor blog on your Kindle reader you can subscribe right here.
If you would like to read my other political satire blog on your Kindle device, you can subscribe right here.
And my limerick about Kindle blogs is here.
Tags: E-Books, Kindles, Orwellian, Privacy
Posted in Business Humor, Computer Humor, Crime & Punishment Humor, Internet Humor, Kindle Humor, Legal & Lawyer Humor, Limericks, Media Humor, Money & Finance Humor, Privacy Satire, Technology Humor, Writing & Publishing Humor | 5 Comments »
Thursday, June 25th, 2009
My Advice To Spammers
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Dear spammers, I wish you’d take heed.
A spell-check is something you need.
Though I’m surely no Freud,
You should really avoid
Sending “greeting” cards spelled more like “greed.”
Feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, please join my friends in that same activity in my limerick-offs.
Tags: Computers, Email, Freud, Greeting Cards, Limericks, Spam, Spelling, Technology, Writing Prompts
Posted in Advice Humor & Poems, Communication Humor, Computer Humor, Email Humor, Internet Humor, Limerick & Haiku Prompts, Limerick-Offs, Limericks, Poetry & Prompts, Spam Humor, Technology Humor | 14 Comments »
Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
Luddite Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A hard-working author named Fink
Insisted on writing with ink.
He hated computers
And called them polluters.
Some claim he’s our long Missing Link.
By the way, in addition to being a recovering lawyer, I’m a recovering luddite and recovering technophobe. In fact, the first anthology my essays ever appeared in was Minutes of the Lead Pencil Club: Second Thoughts on the Electronic Revolution.
(Feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, please join my friends in that same activity in my limerick-offs.)
Tags: Authors & Playwrights, Computers, Electronic Revolution, Limericks, Luddites, Polluters, Technology, Writers, Writing Prompts
Posted in Books, Computer Humor, Limerick-Offs, Limericks, Poetry & Prompts, Technology Humor, Writing & Publishing Humor | 4 Comments »
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009
I couldn’t let the launch of Google-challenger Bing pass without a limerick:
Battle of the Search Engines
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A search engine yearns to be king.
Its name, for some reason, is Bing.
It’s Microsoft’s baby.
Hurt Google? Well, maybe.
Their quest? Lots of ad business bling.
Tags: Ad Revenue, Bing, Business, Computers, Google, Internet, Limericks, Microsoft, Money, Net, Search Engines, Technology, Web
Posted in Business Humor, Computer Humor, Limericks, Marketing Humor, Money & Finance Humor, Search Engine Tools, Technology Humor | 4 Comments »