Archive for the ‘Odd Holidays’ Category

Hold The Bacon! (Limerick)

Saturday, September 3rd, 2022

An Orthodox woman was shakin’;
She’d been saved by a stranger from breakin’
Sev’ral bones in a fall.
The stranger (quite tall)
Said “No handshake? I just saved your bacon.”

“International Bacon Day” is celebrated on the first Saturday in September each year.

Please Don’t Suggest Chess! (Limerick)

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

I count “chess” among the many things I’m bad at. But to those who enjoy it, happy “American Chess Day!”

I hate losing, so playing a game
That I’m poor at feels foolish and lame,
Which is why I avoid
Playing chess. I’m annoyed
When I look like a dim-witted dame.

Mutt Memories (Limerick)

Sunday, July 31st, 2022

When I starting drafting this limerick, I meant it to be a National Mutt Day verse. But it seems to have turned into something else:

I had many a mutt growing up.
My fav’rite behaved like a pup
Well into old age.
And my husband, who’s sage,
Takes his lead from that dog. Clever? Yup!

Chastened Chess Player (Limerick)

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

When I learn a new word, I sometimes feel compelled to use it in a limerick:

At chess, he is far from adept;
He’s slow-moving, sloppy, inept.
Many call him a patzer;
An apt term at that, sir.
When he gave up the game, no one wept.

(Today, July 20th, is International Chess Day.)

NOT Celebrating World Emoji Day (Limerick)

Sunday, July 17th, 2022

I’ll admit it: Emojis confuse me.
If you post one, you’re likely to lose me,
For I stare at them blankly.
I tell you this frankly:
Nix pics! Only words can amuse me.

(July 17th is World Emoji Day.)

Still Bugged By Mosquitoes (Limerick)

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Wherever I go (or I’ve been)
Bugs attack me, ignoring my kin.
I scratch and I itch
And I can’t help but bitch…
Cuz mosquitoes get under my skin!

Update: August 20 is World Mosquito Day.

The Off-Kilter Kiss (Limerick)

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

A young fellow sensed something amiss
With wife Fran from her lackluster kiss;
She had downed sev’ral beers,
Then compounded his fears:
“I’m not Fran, but her evil twin sis.”

(“National Kissing Day” falls each year on June 22.)

I Won’t Be Celebrating “Naked Bike Ride Day” (Limerick)

Saturday, June 11th, 2022

Riding bikes while you’re naked sounds odd,
No matter the shape of your bod.
If you’re nude and ride past,
Kindly pedal by fast.
And do NOT expect ME to applaud!

(World Naked Bike Ride Day is celebrated each year on the second Saturday of June.)

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate (Limerick)

Wednesday, June 8th, 2022

Said a gal, “Please attend to that fly.”
So her husband looked down to comply.
“But it’s zipped,” he said, bugged.
(Nothing moved when he tugged.)
“You blew it. It flew in my eye.”

(On June 8, Canadians celebrate National Insect Appreciation Day — NAIAD.)

Not Celebrating Asparagus (Limerick)

Tuesday, May 24th, 2022

It’s “Asparagus Day.” I’m no fan,
Though of course I’m not pushing a ban.
Why’s “asparagus” tossed
Mid-line, where it’s lost?
I could NOT make it rhyme right or scan.

Defending The Limerick

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

In honor of Limerick Day, I’ve written Defending The Limerick:

Some poets deem lim’ricks inferior,
Claiming THEIR kind of verse is superior.
I suspect they lack wit.
Can they rhyme? Not a bit!
I conclude they have motives ulterior.

Trust Me On This (Limerick)

Tuesday, May 10th, 2022

Intuition’s a handy device
To ensure you think twice, maybe thrice
Before trusting a heel
With a spiel and a deal.
Heed that instinct, or reel from the price!

(Trust Your Intuition Day falls on May 10.)

This Limerick’s For The Birds

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

Saw a lovely red bird near an inn.
And that beautiful sight brought a grin
To my face, till the bird
Let loose with a turd
On my tresses — a cardinal sin!

“Bird Day,” celebrated May 4, is one of several bird-related holidays. Other bird holidays include:

National Bird Day (January 5)

Northern Parrots National Cockatiel Day (May 20)

World Parrot Day (May 31)

My Quarter-Year Resolution (Limerick)

Friday, April 1st, 2022

I am tired of meter and rhyming!
I have HAD it with assonant timing!
No more lim’ricks! I’m done!
My new way to have fun
Will be something outdoorsy — rock climbing.

The Promise of Proms

Thursday, March 31st, 2022

For some inexplicable reason today (March 31) is National Prom Day.

It’s “National Prom Day” today.
Why in March, of all months? Who’s to say?
I’ve heard proms can be fun.
(Not that I’ve been to one.)
But I’m happy to cheer ’em. Hooray!

A Tale Of Technique (Limerick)

Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

A woman with awesome technique
(On the piano I mean, you damn freak)
Would caress all the keys
With both power and ease,
Till she brought ev’ry piece to its peak.

(World Piano Day is celebrated on the 88th day of each year.)

Conductor Misconduct (Limerick)

Monday, March 28th, 2022

A crazy conductor named Dick
Had a fondness for “food on a stick.”
The guy was far gone;
Used his skewer-baton
To throw food at the winds with a flick.


Happy “Something On A Stick Day.” (March 28)

Retaining Your Sense Of Humor (Limerick)

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022

A man did his best to disguise
His retinal issues with lies.
When at last he sought ocular
Aid, he was jocular:
“Doc, you’re a sight for sore eyes!”

(March 23 is World Optometry Day.)

My Sock Solution (Limerick)

Thursday, March 17th, 2022

I always wear socks inside out.
That’s unseemly to many, no doubt.
But my feet ain’t discreet:
“Scratchy sock-seams,” they bleat.
How I hate when extremities shout!

May 9 is National Lost Sock Memorial Day. And December 4 is National Sock Day.

Happy Math Day!

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Today (March 14) is “International Day Of Mathematics,” which gives me a good excuse to post this limerick:

A professor would often deride
His students as slackers who lied:
“For math you need smarts.
You’ve no brains. Try the arts.
You want me to pass you? Denied!”