Half-Baked Housewife

Squeezing three specific words into a limerick can be a daunting challenge. But Three Word Wednesday wants poems using cleanse, knead, and melt. Its wish is my command:

Half-Baked Housewife
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I’m lousy at baking and kneading
And the same goes for cooking and feeding.
I melt when I cleanse
And it gives me the bends.
Am I awful at housework? Conceding.

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21 Responses to “Half-Baked Housewife”

  1. Tilly Bud says:

    But not at poeming! Excellent one :)

  2. hansi says:

    Hey…did my wife secretly mail this one o you? :)

  3. But you’re good at writing.

  4. Old Egg says:

    You are very good at making the most of your failings!

  5. Madeleine, this was a sassy little take on 3WW. I did not get ANYTHING from those words! Nicely done. Amy
    Laptopia Ode To Starbucks

  6. Kim Nelson says:

    So, Mad… you are not the embodiment of Susie Homemaker or Betty Crocker?

  7. Amanda says:

    you feed us all with poetic words hahahaha

  8. (Laughing here!) Love it! I don’t like cooking at all! I did it while the children were young and then it was all over! My hubby cooks for me than goodness now! But I still do the cleaning! He’s very messy!

  9. Gloria says:

    I am so with you on this one! I used to feel guilty about not keeping the house in perfect order, but I don’t do guilt anymore. ;) Good one Mad!

  10. Linda says:

    Oh—you’re done wonders with teh words and the sentiment.

  11. Bee says:

    Hee hee, I like it. Limericks are always fun, and the subject is delightful. I’m awful at housework too.

  12. Altonian says:

    You give us such riches of quirky humour – Bless you!

  13. Mr. Walker says:

    Another fine limerick, and an excellent job of getting in those three words. I love the title.

  14. madkane says:

    Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words.

  15. christine says:

    Funny and true, who really loves housework anyway? Even the person who can do it I’m sure feels half baked at times.

  16. Sheilagh Lee says:

    truly funny. Who likes housework I’d rather be writing

  17. earlybird says:

    Brilliant use of the words. As usual!

  18. Matty says:

    This sounds like my wife. Ahem.

  19. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone!

  20. Donna Hole says:

    Me too. I need to sell a novel so I can hire a maid for all that stuff :)


  21. madkane says:

    Sounds like a fun plan, Donna. :)