Hackle-Raising Laughs (Limerick)
There is little that raises my hackles
Like someone who constantly cackles.
Raucous laughs hurt each ear,
So I’d sooner sit near
A hyena or large pack of jackals.
Tags: Annoyances Limerick, Hyenas, Jackals, Laughter, Laughter humor, Laughter Limerick, Noise Humor, Noise Limerick
We all enjoy a good laugh.
Nothing tickles us by half
Than Coyotes which cackle
And a slobbering Jackal
When a big giraffe drops her calf.
The lions are quick on the scene.
But the dog species seem to lean
To pack-Crazy antics:
They’re all full-blown Frantics.
Cat family loners pounce, keen.