Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: BLUE or BLEW at the end of any one line (Submission Deadline: January 7, 2023)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same rhyme word. Then you post your limerick(s) as a comment to this post and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

I hope you’ll join me in writing limericks using BLUE or BLEW at the end of ANY ONE LINE. (A homonym or homophone not listed here may be used in lieu of the designated rhyme word.)

The best submission will be crowned Limerick-Off Award Winner. (Here’s the last contest’s Limerick-Off Award Winner.)

Additionally, you may write themed limericks related to RELIGION, using any rhyme word. And of course I’ll present an extra award — one for the best RELIGION-related limerick.

And for a THIRD SEPARATE CHALLENGE, I’ve used a “Random Word Generator” to generate five random words. Your challenge is to use AT LEAST TWO of the Random Words anywhere in your limericks.


(You’re free to singularize/pluralize the designated random nouns and to change the tense of the designated random verbs. You can even turn adjectives in adverbs and vice versa. And you are NOT required to use any of them as rhyme words, as long as at least two of the words appear somewhere in your limericks.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, cleverness, and humor. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, here’s my How To Write A Limerick article.)

I’ll announce the winners on January 8, 2023, right before I post the next Limerick-Off. So that gives you FOUR full weeks to submit your clever, polished verse. Your submission deadline is Saturday, January 7, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time.)

Here’s my BLUE or BLEW-Rhyme Limerick:

A litigious old fellow was blue.
His friends (he had only a few)
Asked “Why the bad mood?”
The response from that dude
Was “I’ve run out of people to sue!”

And here’s my RELIGION-Themed Limerick:

A man of the cloth would not share
His frank with his date at the fair.
“That’s unfair,” she cried out.
“I gave you my kraut.
So canoodle tonight? Not a prayer!”

And here is my RANDOM WORD GENERATOR Limerick:

There is someone I could (but won’t) name
Who makes me feel nauseous. My aim
Isn’t testing or teasing;
He’s just so displeasing,
I’d rather not add to his fame.

Please feel free to enter my Limerick-Off by posting your limerick(s) in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please email Subject: MadKane’s Newsletter. Thanks!

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187 Responses to “Limerick-Off Monday – Rhyme Word: BLUE or BLEW at the end of any one line (Submission Deadline: January 7, 2023)”

  1. Lisi Nortman says:

    Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.
    The biblical name for this celebration is “Yom Teruah”

    Once a year, Yom Teruah combines
    Two reminders of mystical signs:
    The awesome formation
    Of Almighty Creation,
    And another great year for new whines.

  2. Lisi Nortman says:

    I remember the year, ’52.
    Bought some shoes, and decidedly knew
    I would be a big hit,
    But it played out like shit.
    Cuz the suede shoes I bought weren’t blue.

  3. Lisi Nortman says:

    Word of the day BL-Ugh: The sound that one makes just before barfing
    Blue in French is “Bleu” Look up “bleu” in “Pronunciation Guide” Click twice
    And you will hear “The Word Of The Day”: BL-Ugh

    I got nauseous from hearing (French) blue.
    I became very ill through and through.
    This two-syllable “tease”
    Causes dreadful unease
    And it’s likely that you’ll vomit too.

    (Blue and Randoms)

  4. P Diane Schneider says:

    Behavior he should have to rue:
    Considering the secrets he blew:
    Exposing those files
    Just left out in piles
    A civil judgment just won’t do

  5. Patrice Stewart says:

    Behind the Bleu Door

    I love salad dressing: cheese, bleu,
    First tried when much younger. Who knew
    How great it would taste
    Every…? (Not for the chaste!)
    Experimentation ~ whoo-hoo!

  6. Patrice Stewart says:

    Take Back that Old-Time Religion

    I’m spiritual, not religious;
    To some that might seem sacrilegious.
    But I can’t conceive
    Of — told what to believe —
    Meek agreement. That would be egregious.

    I thank God for the freedom to choose
    What I do with my partner (still news?).
    We’ve let up on the booze
    But no Goody Two-Shoes
    Will persuade us we’re “lost”; I refuse.

    Yes, salvation’s a personal thing.
    Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
    Breaking news: We’re Hellbound!
    (Mass confusion. Look ’round.)
    Nitwits. Me, I feel Found:
    Kind and happy most days, and I sing.
    (I’m not Trump with his bling, pain, and sting.)

  7. Mary McGarvey says:

    I’ve never seen a purple cow blue.
    They always seem happy to chew
    On eggplant 🍆 served raw,
    Purple grapes 🍇 oh Lor‘!
    It’s blueberries they never will do.

  8. Mike Moulton says:

    Lindsey continued to woo,
    Trump, when out of the blue
    He said there’d be blood,
    If the chubby orange stud
    Was indicted for staging a coup.

  9. Bob Turvey says:

    Our vicar, a pleasant old chap,

    Once tried to convert a young Jap.

    But the cynical Nip

    Gave the vicar some lip

    And told him religion was not his cup of tea.

  10. Bob Turvey says:

    God put Onan’s life on the skids,
    ‘cos the Bible has things it forbids,
    Sex IS procreational
    NOT recreational:
    Hand-relief is forbidden – have kids.

  11. Bob Turvey says:

    There was a young fellow called Dwight
    Who said, “All religion is shite.
    Though God doesn’t exist
    His word’s true – folk insist;
    And its aim is to give you a fright.”

  12. Bob Turvey says:

    Said a Catholic, “My sins come in shoals,
    And they stop me attaining God’s goals.”
    At confession he said
    That he farted in bed.
    “So do I,” said the priest. “Bless our souls.”

  13. Bob Turvey says:

    Sad a vet, “With religion I’m smitten;
    I’ve read everything that has been written.
    I’ve found ultimate karma
    In bed with a llama –
    Nirvanha I’ve had with a kitten.”

  14. Bob Turvey says:

    I upset, since my humour is blue,
    The Christian, the Muslim, the Jew,
    The Buddhist, the Sikh,
    The Orthodox Greek,
    The Agnostic and Atheist, too.

  15. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    One wild deity, best known as Bog,
    Scribbled, “Furrrrck!” in the Heavenly Log.
    Though dyslexic since birth,
    He was not without mirth,
    So he came down to earth as a dog.

  16. Lisi Nortman says:

    God said many eons ago
    “You Are Dust” and that causes me woe.
    I’m a woman who’s trusting.
    I ne’er will be dusting,
    Cuz it might be somebody I know.

  17. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Religious Dogma?

    So, if Heaven’s a dog-friendly place,
    Where, say, Lady and Tramp may embrace,
    As you look to the sky,
    Ask that sirius “why”
    Has old Pluto then fallen from grace?

    Hi, Lisi. I can’t stop lololololololol-ing at “You are dust”!

  18. Trevor Alexander says:

    So once again England you blew
    Your chances and missed quite a few
    When in front of the goal
    And now cannot console
    Your fans who’ve gone home feeling blue

  19. Terry Marter says:

    “Hi! My name’s Sue, how d’you do?
    I’ve been drinking; had more than a few.”
    I approached (I was cautious)
    She said “I feel nauseous”
    I said “Let me hel…” as she blew!

  20. Terry marter says:

    Said Adam: “Hey God, what’s my fate?”
    “Good question, – I’ve made you a mate,
    With two tits and a twat,
    From your rib! How cool’s that!?
    Get busy you two, – Populate!”

  21. Jean McEwen says:

    I’ve been straining for hours on the loo.
    Yet, not even a wee bit of poo.
    Or for that matter gas,
    Has emerged from my ass.
    I’m beginning to feel a bit blue.

  22. Jean McEwen says:

    After decades of giving free pass
    To those pedophile priests, dragging ass
    Is just no longer working.
    The pervs are still lurking
    And Catholics are bolting en masse.

  23. Jean McEwen says:

    My hair’s turning silver with age.
    But please, there’s no need to assuage
    Me. I’d rather you’d tease
    Me than lie to appease
    Me. Admit it: It looks like dried sage!

  24. Terry marter says:

    “Where’s the baby to whom we refer?
    We bring gifts Joe, -for Him, you and her.
    (Joe looks in their sack),
    “…must be killing your back, –
    GOLD! and frankincense YES! – but what’s myrrh?”

  25. Lisi Nortman says:

    Thank you, Sjaan!

    “The Buddhist Philosophy: Live In The Present”

    “Don’t think about what I just said.
    Only think ’bout the present instead.”
    (On reflection, my past
    Was really a blast
    The night that we both were in bed.)

  26. Lisi Nortman says:

    I think this is better, so I won’t use the word “think” twice.
    “The Buddhist Philosophy: Live In The Present”

    “Forget about what I just said.
    Only think ’bout the present instead”
    (On reflection, my past
    Was really a blast
    The night that we both were in bed)

  27. Lisi Nortman says:

    As a salesman, I always pass through
    The Troaterland, just to see Sue.
    We meet at “The Inn”
    I leave with a grin.
    Then explode, while I sing, “Thar She Blew”

  28. Terry Marter says:

    (Rhyme and Randoms)

    He fell into a paint vat; bright blue,
    That washed off, but it caused him to spew.
    So the blue he had been,
    was now nauseous green.
    Did I mention, his first name is Hue?

  29. Doug Harris says:

    The mortu’ry nurse made a snigger
    Saying, “Before he gets to the grave-digger,
    I fancy a new knob
    (I’ll call it my ‘blue-job’)
    It’s colder than hubby’s but bigger!”

  30. One winter a man in our hub
    gloated outside in his heated tub
    until a blown fuse
    turned him all of the blues
    and left nothing below but a nub!

  31. Doug Harris says:

    Religion, I tend to ignore
    As Heaven’s not where I’ll explore.
    Devil-worship’s more me
    On my wickedness spree
    As virtue’s too much of a chore.

  32. Doug Harris says:

    A reality show host named Moffat
    Called his franchise “The Nauseous Profit”.
    Silver surfers would tease
    With the wrinkliest sleaze,
    The weak-minded, as ever, would trough it.

  33. Jon Gearhart says:

    The day after Thanksgiving’s through.
    Sales were down–5% revenue.
    It’s not like in my day
    Of “In-the-Black” Friday.
    This year it was all Black-and-Blue

  34. Jon Gearhart says:

    Put my NAME on a contract one day
    To borrow what now I can’t pay.
    My non-PROFIT’s in danger.
    Here comes Loan Arranger–
    Oh, crap! I owe SILVER! Away!

  35. Jon Gearhart says:

    The words of false PROFIT are written
    On Trump’s tax returns. I’d be shittin’.
    He can hide them no more.
    Should be NAUSEOUS for sure.
    Affluenza his childlike mind’s bitten.

  36. Jon Gearhart says:

    REVISED- TYPO in first draft

    A Shakespearian line, some think keen,
    I TEASE is much too widely seen.
    “What’s in a NAME?”
    That question is lame–
    The answer’s MANE, AMEN and MEAN!”

  37. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    When I picked out a dress in bright blue,
    My companion suggested ecru.
    Then the sales clerk (no sage),
    Said, “At your age, go beige.”
    I turned fuchsia, and snapped back, “Et tu?”

  38. Portly Bard says:

    (Not for the competition)

    (Blue, Religion, and all of the Random Words)

    Putting On Airs

    I get ill, become nauseous, turn blue
    at religion’s high profit I rue.
    It’s unethical sleaze
    to seek silver as tease
    in air’s name that you claim you’ll redo.

  39. Lisi Nortman says:

    “Your Birthday Card Was Late”

    When Lazarus contacted Fred,
    Freddie thought he was sick in the head.
    Cuz Laz kept repeating
    And couldn’t stop tweeting:
    “I was dead! I was dead! I was dead!”

  40. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    The new Preacher was clearly affronted.
    At his glad-handing most people grunted.
    Asked how often they pray,
    Someone managed to say,
    “Well, it’s been quite a spell since we hunted.”

    What a treat to see Portly Bard hit a grand slam! (Off the wall and out of the park) :)

  41. Lisi Nortman says:

    They sure make a real perfect pair.
    He’s driving a two-tone Bel Air.
    And his name is Bud.
    (A real muscular stud)
    Look at her! She’s still teasing her hair.

  42. Lisi Nortman says:

    This one’s better

    They sure make a real perfect pair.
    He’s driving a two-tone Bel Air.
    His nickname is “Bud”
    (Quite a muscular stud)
    And she is still teasing her hair.

  43. Lisi Nortman says:

    Now let’s see what I can do with these “Randoms”
    Got it! “A Rhyming Disagreement” “Silver”

    “Not a thing” rhymes with silver, I Claim!
    That’s the one phrase I’m sure I can name!

    “Well, you think those words do,
    But I know that’s not true.
    Cuz to me they do not sound the same”

  44. Edmund Conti says:

    Are you happy with any of these:
    Silver, nauseous, name, profit and tease?
    Don’t just make a list
    Add a funny small twist.
    (That Mad One’s not easy to please.)

  45. Edmund Conti says:

    There’s silver and gold but the latter
    Is the only one here that should matter.
    So put on the kettle
    And show us your mettle–
    Some tea and some scones on a platter.

  46. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    For Lisi: Another deleted scene from “Splendor….”?

    Ad nauseum Deanie contends,
    “Bud, I want to be more than just friends.”
    She teased and she teased,
    But her date wasn’t pleased.
    “You’ll get pregnant,” he warned, “from split ends.”

  47. Edmund Conti says:

    oops, missed the second word again

    There’s silver and gold but the latter
    Is the only one here that should matter.
    One will just tease
    The other will please
    Or Kane will be Mad as a Hatter.

  48. Edmund Conti says:

    Come pray with me, Sisters and Brothers,
    And uncles and fathers and mothers.
    If you’ve made a mess
    It’s time to confess
    To God and to possibly others.

  49. Edmund Conti says:

    Said Harry, I am decent and clean
    And my prayers are all prayers that I mean.
    I’m now eighty-seven
    And I’ll soon be in Heaven.
    Said God, That remains to be seen.

  50. Edmund Conti says:

    Come render your “LIttle Boy Blues”
    As we listen and tend to our booze.
    So the little boy blew
    To a quarter of two.
    When we wondered just whose date was whose.

  51. Edmund Conti says:

    What is my hope of salvation?
    Asked my friend (indeed, a Dalmation)
    It’s been a dog’s life
    Oh the stress and the strife!
    And every day more Ken-L Ration

  52. Rudy Landesman says:

    In religion there is something new,
    A privilege afforded to few.
    Which faith, please tell me,
    Allows you to be
    Both a Jew and an atheist too?

  53. Lisi Nortman says:

    Jesus spent his life helping the poor.
    No one’s ever been like him before:
    He healed all the blind.
    Was gentle and kind
    And installed our new Hickory door.

  54. Tim James says:

    A woman named Jenny, he’s found,
    Has a body and face that astound.
    She’s a bit of a tease,
    But she’s willing to please.
    Silver baubles will bring her around.

  55. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Midas asked his soothsayer of yore:
    “Gold or silver — which profits me more?”
    That sly Seer (no schnook),
    Had to get off the hook,
    So he answered the King, “Either ore.”

  56. Lisi Nortman says:

    Religion and Randoms: “Judas and the Last Supper”

    “Don’t betray me, for that is a curse.
    I’m aware of your name; you’re perverse.
    I have given you wine,
    (The “Fruit of the Vine”)
    What’s that silver you have in your purse?”

  57. Lisi Nortman says:

    I Need A Classier Job

    Don’t want to be paid by the hour.
    A “salary” stands for more power.
    No more collar of blue.
    I’ll change through a through.
    And I’ll SWITCH to a full morning shower.

  58. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Asked if profit from fraud brought him shame,
    Trump said, “I don’t care. I’m not to blame.”
    Believing in facts,
    Or paying a tax,
    Were the only two sins he could name.

  59. Rudy Landesman says:

    Oops. Line 3 (submitted 12/15 at 12:46am) has three feet. Time for a “pedectomy”.

    That Concerto in “F” is for you?
    Or the Rhapsody that is in Blue?
    What’s a color or key?
    You should always feel free
    To listen to Gershwin. Please do.

  60. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    An untalented flute ingenue,
    Good at humming, took up the kazoo.
    Buzzed the flautists, “Atrocious!”
    Purred the maestro, “Precocious.”
    (The kazoo wasn’t all that she blew.).

  61. Terry Marter says:

    I never was good at karate
    If I need a good hit, then I’ll party:
    Diggin’ Miles’ Kind Of Blue
    With a chick (with no clue);
    Curaçao, – I’m SO arty-farty.

  62. Terry Marter says:

    At the altar, all set for God’s oath,
    The dude, said “I plight thee my troth”
    The dumb bride said “I’m keen, –
    But not here, – we’ll be seen.
    Plight me later, – more fun for us both.”

  63. Lisi Nortman says:

    Whenever I’m feeling real blue,
    I change colors; it’s not hard to do.
    All at once I am mellow.
    Cuz I’ve switched blue to yellow.
    And purple is pretty good too.

  64. Rudy Landesman says:

    His Rhapsody, I’m telling you,
    Is certain to make you feel blue.
    His Concerto in “F”,
    Unless you are deaf,
    Will thrill you as effing few do.

  65. Tim James says:

    A limerick writer was blue
    ‘Cause the rhyme word was “blew,” and he knew
    That his muse (nasty slut!)
    Would produce only smut.
    So he caved. What’s an artist to do?

    The result:

    A couple who drove through St. Lou
    Got excited and tried something new.
    They went into a roll
    When he lost all control;
    But it wasn’t a Goodyear that blew.

  66. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    (Line 4 edit of 12/15 5:12 pm entry)

    An untalented flute ingenue,
    Good at humming, took up the kazoo.
    Buzzed the flautists, “Atrocious!”
    Purred Maestro, “Precocious.”
    (The kazoo wasn’t all that she blew.).

  67. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    A young Krishna-in-training named Moffett,
    Donned a robe and vowed never to doff it.
    He was teased by the crowd,
    As he begged in his shroud,
    But stayed in it, he said, for the Prophet.

    (a profitless endeavor of a limerick, I fear).

  68. Terry Marter says:

    Like a bat out of hell, my car flew,
    Drifting hard ‘round the bends; back-end slew.
    Now I always must walk,
    So I just talk the talk
    Since the two point O four that I blew!

  69. Terry Marter says:

    Easter Friday: named “Good” (just the one day),-
    They made toast ‘round the fire; such a fun day.
    From the cross came a plea:
    “Hey guys, save some for me.
    I love hot-cross buns, – see you Monday.”

  70. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    “Secret Santa is always the same,”
    Groused The Grinch. “What a profitless game.”
    He dug into his hat,
    And sighed, “So much for that.”
    Once again he had drawn his own name.

  71. Rudy Landesman says:

    Want to know if I love only you?
    Well, I do when you come into view
    Now and then, here and there.
    And I really do care,
    Whenever the moon becomes blue.

  72. Terry Marter says:

    (Meanwhile here in Renmark, South Australia).

    As the Murray runs higher and higher,
    We’re placing our bets now on Gaia
    To stem the vast flows
    As they lap at our toes.
    We’ve not had much luck with Messiah.

  73. Lisi Nortman says:

    470 BC Or Thereabouts: Confucianism

    The Master Confucius enchants!
    And these wise words he always implants:
    “Keep your feet on the ground
    Is not real profound
    Cuz then one could not put on one’s pants.”

  74. Terry Marter says:

    Eve wandered through Eden, in song,
    Looking hot in a fresh fig-leaf thong.
    She soon was detected
    By Homo Erected.
    I ask: what, on Earth, could go wrong?

  75. Tim James says:

    They say profits and wealth are a lie;
    Silver loses its shine, by and by.
    The possession of treasure
    Will bring you no pleasure.
    (I’m willing to give it a try.)

  76. Lisi Nortman says:

    Though we love the U.S. ,me and Sue,
    An irregular flag had to do.
    Money’s been very tight,
    Yet it’s hanging just right.
    We’re so proud of our red, puce, and blue.

  77. Sharon Neeman says:

    Oh well, yes, I suppose it is true
    That the sky and some flowers are blue,
    But my mood’s bluer still
    When I see (as I will)
    That my tax refund hasn’t come through.

  78. Sharon Neeman says:

    On Chanukah, goodness abounds —
    Yummy latkes, deep-fried fragrant rounds.
    I’ve indulged in a few,
    And next week I’ll be blue
    When the scale shows I’ve gained seven pounds.

  79. Sharon Neeman says:

    That monster whose name rhymes with “frump”
    Leaves me nauseous and needing a dump,
    But his luck has begun
    To run out — oh, what fun! —
    And his profits will certainly slump.

  80. Sharon Neeman says:

    Dear Pastor, I know that you pray
    For me hundreds of times every day…
    Better save that entreaty:
    I’m telling you, sweetie,
    I plan to stay gay anyway.

  81. Sharon Neeman says:

    There isn’t much food that is blue —
    Cheese, crabs, and a berry or two;
    But food that is white
    Is so boring and trite
    That I’d sooner eat glue… wouldn’t you?

  82. Keone Morienga says:

    RELIGIOUS: Off-Label Use for Holy Anointing Oil

    When she paused to discuss a conjunction –
    Sought to question an ampersand’s function –
    I said, “Miss, please excuse,
    But this rub down could use
    Fewer ifs, ands, or buts and more unction.”

  83. Terry Marter says:

    A hot gal’s asking Santa to stay:
    “My name’s Dawn, let’s make love through till day”
    She drops to her knees;
    He’s erect from her tease.
    “Can’t get back up the chimney THIS way.“

  84. Terry marter says:

    Gal named Sal was at Santa’s last visit.
    She kissed him; made rigid his digit.
    He said “This won’t do, –
    Can’t get back up the flue,
    Cuz my widget keeps trying to bridge it.”

  85. Terry marter says:

    Oops! Mad, ignore my last entry (only one random).

  86. Lisi Nortman says:

    Actually true: weather forecast for here in Chicago, starting tonight, 12 inches or more of snow. “Holiday Dinner Cancelled”

    Heard the forecast, and wow! how I shook.
    12 inches of snow, lots ‘a gook!
    Cancelled flights on “Jet Blue”
    And the in-laws were due.
    Hurrah! now I won’t have to cook.

  87. Rudy Landesman says:

    Religion is one of those things
    That serious thoughts to us brings —
    Like why does a pigeon
    In avian religion
    See God having feathers and wings.

  88. Tim James says:

    Do you know my friend Tom, the agnostic?
    On the subject of faith he is caustic:
    Utter nonsense! What goof
    Believes tales with no proof?”
    That’s the story behind this acrostic.

  89. Keone Morienga says:

    BLUE: An Even Modester Proposal

    Are you overwhelmed, stressed out, and blue
    ‘Cause you bit more off than you can chew?
    H o O k E r S d R u G s M i N d L e S s s E x
    f L e E F r O m H i T – A n D – R u N W r E c K s …
    Just like that, you won’t feel so askew! 😃

  90. Keone Morienga says:


    One can never be overly cautious
    Of prospective prospectors monoecious:
    Teasing profits for silver,
    He’ll still never will her-
    Self to name its gender; just nauseous!

    Postscript: monoecious is the scientific term for which the approximate colloquial adjective is hermaphroditic.

  91. Keone Morienga says:

    *their gender

    Apologies to the LGBTQ+ community

  92. Rudy Landesman says:

    Hi Keone,
    The LGBTQ+ community may accept your apology, but the grammar police has a warrant for your arrest for your correction. Murdering the English language is a felony.

    Hey Rudy, by now I’d think you’d know how I feel about rudeness on my blog. And that goes especially when it involves a new Limerick-Offer unfamiliar with your “sense of humor.”

  93. Lisi Nortman says:

    A Miracle?

    We named our new baby girl Iris.
    For this miracle Sue was desirous.
    She was nauseous each day
    In her “fam-i-ly way”
    A “Miracle”? Or just a virus?

  94. Rudy Landesman says:

    Hey Mad (and Keone),

    Humor to be funny has to have an edge.
    I don’t believe that I was being rude to Keone.
    If I was rude at all, it was to the LGBTQ+ community (of which I am a member) for making a hash of English for it’s perceived version of political correctness.
    And I believe Keone’s “apology” was made with tongue firmly in cheek.

    From Mad Kane:

    Perhaps you didn’t intend to be rude, but that’s how it came across to me.

  95. Keone Morienga says:

    Dear Rudy,

    You are incorrect. My apology was sincere. From facebook:

    “Edit: line 5 I feel bad for fucking up by using the incorrect gender-neutral pronoun – changed “its” to “their.” See View Edit History for previous version.”

  96. Rudy Landesman says:

    Hi Keone,
    In that case, I still hope that you were not offended by my comment. If you were, then please accept my apology.
    And perhaps, I should concede that language does change (unfortunately, not always for the better).

  97. Wild Thing says:

    My wife teased, “While I jog, you like naps…”
    She keeps track, while my recall has gaps…
    While enduring her dogging
    ‘Bout my mem’ries she’s jogging
    All my silver-haired mem’ries do lapse…

  98. Lisi Nortman says:

    A Letter To Santa

    Dear Santa, I’ve been very kind,
    Extremely polite and refined.
    Gee, now I am blue,
    Cause none of that’s true.
    I’m tearing this up. Never mind.

  99. Lisi Nortman says:

    The Office Christmas Party

    Reacquainting with friends makes me glow.
    I’ve wrapped so many gifts to bestow.
    Though soon I feel blue,
    Cuz everyone who
    Is there, I saw minutes ago.

  100. Tony Holmes says:

    “Gave my grandson a trumpet: he blew.
    And he blew all the live-long day through.
    It occasioned a rift.
    (I regretted the gift.)
    Little sod wouldn’t stop, so I slew.”

  101. Tim James says:

    There’s a wrathful old preacher named Kevin;
    It’s doubtful he’ll get into heaven.
    Disregarding his creed,
    He shows pride, lust, and greed.
    He’s been making his way through The Seven.

  102. Lisi Nortman says:

    “The Salvation Army” (Christmas Randoms)

    I’m paid hourly, (not a humdinger).
    Some people might say I’m a “bringer”
    No profit is made,
    But I hope to give aid
    By being a Silver Bell Ringer.

  103. Tony Holmes says:

    “I was nauseous. Just hearing your name …
    Though, in fairness, a thought has the same
    Consequences. Divorce
    Hasn’t weakened the force
    Of my loathing – and you’re still to blame.”

  104. Lisi Nortman says:

    The Honeymoon From Hell

    I’m sure you won’t like Timbuktu.
    It’s a town that you shouldn’t pursue.
    Our trip was like hell
    Not one place did they sell
    Even one little pill that was blue.

  105. Lisi Nortman says:

    Sir Talentless was a man who
    Tried writing, yet hadn’t a clue
    That an optical glitch
    Would render him rich.
    Just because he thought violets were blue.

  106. Bob Turvey says:

    When my ten-year heard the door bell,
    He yelled, “What have you got to sell?”
    A Jehovah’s Witness
    Then scared him shitless,
    When he said, “RUDE BOYS GO STRAIGHT TO HELL.”

  107. Rudy Landesman says:

    There’s a line between funny and rude,
    Or a joke that is bawdy or lewd,
    Or a song striking you
    As plain maudlin, not blue.
    It’s a question of one’s attitude.

  108. Wild Thing says:

    The big tease, and with legend replete
    Big Foot captured! Elusive, elite…
    After many long years
    Causing nausea and fears
    Quite the catch, and for sure no small feet!

  109. Terry Marter says:

    Inspiration has got a clogged vent;
    My mojo’s behind with the rent;
    My muse is so blue
    She just hasn’t a clue,
    And I can’t coin a phrase, cos I’m spent.

  110. Daisy Ward says:

    While driving his tire blew
    Throwing him off the road right through
    A solid steel guard rail
    He suddenly turns pale
    When realizing, he was thru

  111. Daisy Ward says:

    He inherited a silver mine
    Which had such a beautiful shine
    Others heard about his luck
    Tried forcing him to buck
    Their tricks showed that he had a spine

  112. Rudy Landesman says:

    Let’s cheer for the red, white and blue
    And respect for our country renew
    In this age of disruption
    And crime and corruption.
    It’s surely the least we can do.

  113. Lisi Nortman says:

    “An Original Picasso” Randoms and blew

    For a profit, here’s what you can do:
    Get a picture your first grader drew.
    Then hold a yard sale.
    You’ll get rich; it won’t fail.
    Say, “Its name is The Train Whistle Blew”

  114. Lisi Nortman says:

    What I MEANT to say: (Line 5) “An Original Picasso” (randoms and blew)

    For a profit, here’s what you can do:
    Get a picture your first grader drew.
    Then hold a yard sale.
    You’ll get rich; it won’t fail.
    Say, “Its name is “Le Train Whistle Blew”

  115. Wild Thing says:

    Lived a daring young chef Gordon Bleu
    Who played ‘chicken’ with all friends he knew
    At full speed, didn’t blink
    And with crash on the brink…
    Swerved with ham and cheese, meal would ensue

  116. Steve Dufour says:

    ‘Twas an ill wind that blew,
    But it always blew something new.
    That is like life.
    Whatever the strife,
    Count your blessings no matter how few.

  117. Steve Dufour says:

    In response to a person who was mocked for asking people to pray for her car.

    Much greater He is than we are.
    A trillion times lighted a star.
    A lone sparrow’s call
    Or a single hair’s fall.
    So why shouldn’t we pray for a car?

    “Allahu Akbar” is the Muslim’s cry.
    God is greater than you and I.
    Please bring peace on earth
    And mankind’s rebirth
    And don’t let our sister’s car die.

  118. Clay Wild says:

    Preacher Sam bought his own fishin’ hole
    A fish farm, where he needed no pole
    Though his fish stock went flat
    He, pray tell, still grew fat
    Fed himself plus his new, hungry sole…

  119. Lisi Nortman says:

    I remember the day I was ten.
    I pondered the world in my den.
    Though very untoward,
    I deduced there’s no Lord.
    I’m an Atheist, thank God, Amen.

  120. Tony Holmes says:

    “Did my training at school Gordon Blue,
    And I majored in saying, ‘Screw you!’
    By the end of the course
    I could curse myself hoarse,
    And make Spag’ Carbonara for two.”

  121. Mark Totterdell says:

    Out of all of the beasts in the zoo,
    There is none as impressive, it’s true,
    As the king of baboons
    Who incessantly moons
    with his buttocks all scarlet and blue.

  122. Mark Totterdell says:

    So I went as a Smurf to the do,
    All dressed up with my skin tinted too,
    But I must have, I think,
    Used indelible ink,
    And for weeks ever since I’ve been blue.

  123. Mark Totterdell says:

    Van Gogh, when he ran out of blue,
    And of green, red, and yellow paint too,
    Said ’There’s no need to frown,
    I will just switch to brown’
    As he loaded his paintbrush with poo.

  124. Steve Benko says:

    “For a while I’ll paint all in blue,”
    Said Picasso, “then try something new.
    I’ll ask women to sit
    Saying, ‘Beauty? You’re it!’
    But their faces will be all askew.’

  125. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    A loner, named Ranger, prized tasks,
    That were mindless — like washing his masks.
    If his doorbell should chime,
    He’d tell Tonto, “Say I’m
    Cleaning silver, if anyone asks.”

  126. Rudy Landesman says:

    The Lone Ranger has always been game
    To play with his horse without shame.
    And Silver he’d straddle
    For fun in the saddle.
    A zoophile? Hey, what’s in a name?

  127. Lisi Nortman says:

    In Heaven, the sweethearts are kissing.
    It’s nice when they start reminiscing.
    Wise clergies are there.
    Each says one special prayer.
    And all of the cool cats are missing.

  128. Steve Benko says:

    “Divorce,” proclaimed Henry the Eighth,
    “Will be cool in my shiny new faith.
    While beheadings won’t stop
    — You displease me? Chop Chop! —
    I’ll be strictly a Protestant wraith.”

  129. Steve Benko says:

    “Hey buddy, come join the crusade;
    We’ll pillage and loot and get laid,”
    Said the knight. “And the pope
    Says ‘Don’t sit there and mope;
    Get a move on! For conquest I’ve prayed!’ “

  130. Lisi Nortman says:

    My wife, (a real blubbery sight),
    Bestowed me a strip tease last night.
    To avoid getting nauseous,
    I had to be cautious
    And instantly turned off the light.

  131. A very nice rabbi I knew
    Had ended up getting quite blue
    Cos something had caused us
    To feel very nauseous
    Said he, ‘I can’t name it. Can you?’

  132. Wild Thing says:

    FAITH sparks int’rest in so many ways
    Soul investments in ‘lividends’ pays
    Though He wasn’t a banker
    His sweet mom, we should thank her
    He still SAVES for those long reigny days

  133. Tommie Lee says:

    There was a young pastor named Enos,
    Who loved the famed portrait of Venus.
    “Her hand and her hair
    cover naughty bits there,
    we’ve no genital references ‘tween us.”

  134. Mike Young says:


    My grandchildren still ask me who
    Gave me underwear all colored blue.
    I don’t know what to say
    For their fears to allay
    That the color was what the wind blew.

  135. Mike Young says:

    In my garden I have a tame pigeon
    Who just doesn’t want a religion.
    I’ve tried to persuade her,
    But she’s just an evader
    And she will not take up just a smidgeon!

  136. Mi says:


    So it’s now time to tease with a name
    That sounds just so nearly the same.
    It’s nauseous I know
    But it has to be so
    Just to note that our Kane couple came!!

  137. Wild Thing says:

    Sang a modest choir cantor named Jim
    His voice boomed, filled the church to the brim
    Hit the high notes with ease
    Humbly, down in his knees
    Claimed his voice a gift given to hymn

  138. Rudy Landesman says:

    Some folks like to start a jihad.
    They do it for country and God.
    And here’s what they do —
    Throw some bombs. Kill a few.
    Even God, so I’m told, thinks that’s odd.

  139. Rudy Landesman says:

    I went skiing last year up in Maine.
    All week long it did nothing but rain.
    If God is all good,
    I don’t know how He could
    Permit evil weather. Explain!

  140. Rudy Landesman says:

    Religion’s an opiate, dear,
    For folks who are living in fear.
    You want to to know why
    They need to get high?
    They know Armageddon is near.

  141. Wild Thing says:

    Said our guide from the ‘Holy Land Tours’
    “Guess who’s back?!” (from the Galilee shores)
    Well, ’twas no second coming…
    And quite painful and numbing
    When he whacked me real hard and said, “YOURS!”

  142. Terry Marter says:

    With Religion I still wonder why
    Many ‘buy’ such a cruel big fat lie:
    Years of bullshit from Church,
    But we’re left in the lurch:
    Good folk starve; battle; freeze; drown,
    or fry.

  143. Wild Thing says:

    Use the brain God gave you to discern
    For it’s never too late, you can learn
    Check the odds when you bet
    Free will can cause regret
    Unless you’ve got the money to burn…

  144. Wild Thing says:

    In this life, we are just passing through
    So beware of the myopic view…
    Gifts to others and fasting
    Can bring life everlasting
    It’s a litmus test for me and you

  145. Tim James says:

    The Republicans fumbled and fussed
    As their quest for a Speaker went bust.
    A mass tantrum they threw
    (For the red, white, and blue!)
    As McCarthy’s hopes crumbled to dust.

  146. Ken Gosse says:

    His Horse’s Ass ~
    “Hi De Ho!” When he’s drunk, he would tease,
    but name-calling caused Silver unease
    and the masked man, uncautious,
    would make his horse nauseous—
    no profit of oats would appease.

  147. Terry Marter says:

    A big ‘name’ of the ol’ silver screen,
    Tried a come-back in Porn, and was keen
    To go strut his stuff.
    The audition? Rebuff!
    His ‘stuff’ was too small to be seen.

  148. Rudy Landesman says:

    When Noah and friends did embark
    For a cruise on the “Carnival Ark”,
    It was just like a zoo.
    Forty days simply flew.
    Back to biblical times it did hark.

  149. Terry Marter says:

    (2 verses)
    The Devil remarked to Saint Pete’,
    At their twice-monthly Pearly Gates meet:
    “The result of our forum
    to ensure we don’t bore ’em:
    A limerick comp would be neat”

    Saint Pete said “We’ll win! – don’t you see?
    All the best writers live HERE with me!”
    Devil said “Pete that’s swell,
    Take a peek down in Hell, –
    All the judges are THERE, – so we’ll see!”

  150. Terry Marter says:

    Oops! Wrong version at January 5, 2023 at 7:59 am.

  151. Terry Marter says:

    (2 verses)
    The Devil remarked to Saint Pete’,
    At their twice-monthly Pearly Gates meet:
    “The result of our forum
    to ensure we don’t bore ’em:
    A limerick comp would be neat”

    Saint Pete said “You’re on! – I agree, –
    Cos the best writers live HERE with me!”
    Devil said “Pete’ that’s swell,
    Take a peek down in Hell, –
    All the judges are THERE, – so we’ll see!”

  152. Terry Marter says:

    A bit of everything (Theme, Randoms and Rhyme).

    “Thanks God”, says the optimist; proud,
    As the sun teases through the sky’s shroud.
    Revelations of blue, –
    But the pessimist’s view?
    Silver linings each have a big cloud.

  153. Rudy Landesman says:

    I know there’s no profit in whining,
    Though my old joie de vivre’s declining.
    So, today here I sit
    In a barrel of shit;
    And I’m looking for its silver lining.

  154. Ken Gosse says:

    Prhyme Time ~
    Alas, silver has no perfect rhyme.
    Rhyming profit with prophet’s a crime.
    In Jove’s name, please don’t tease—
    near-rhyme causes unease—
    I get nauseous from rhyme that’s sub-prime.

  155. Ken Gosse says:

    The Silver Digger and the Trapeze Man ~
    Silver’s profit, a ruse, was a tease
    (but I won’t name her name, if you please).
    As she flew through the air
    she learned wealth wasn’t there
    and got nauseous with greatest unease.

  156. Lisi Nortman says:

    “Make New Friends And Keep The Old”

    I can name some “false” friends I can’t trust.
    Thus decided that I always must
    Keep only the gold.
    Even though they are old.
    Cuz I’ve noticed the silver friends rust.

  157. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Eyes half-glazed, up I gazed at a soffit,
    When some “crawly” (unnamed) fell right off it.
    It dropped onto my iris,
    An event undesirous
    From which none but my eye doc will profit.

  158. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Eyes half-glazed, up I gazed at a soffit,
    When some “crawly” (unnamed) fell right off it.
    It dropped onto my iris,
    An event undesirous
    From which none but my eye doc will profit.

  159. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Rumpelstiltskin reaped profit from fame
    When his moniker brought him acclaim.
    But obscure Aloysius,
    Said, “I’m not ambitious.
    All I wish is for some other name.”

    Sorry for all-thumbs double entry of 1-6-23 10:28 am. I tend to repeat myself. self.

  160. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    A dyslexic, old man from Manhattan
    Read the Bible in English and Latin
    Then glanced at his bed
    With a heart full of dread
    For he knew he could not reject satin.

  161. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    I admit I can feel the flames lapping
    when I start anapestically rapping
    with my lim’rickal horde,
    yet even the Lord
    (when they’re funny) is secretly clapping.

  162. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    Writing lim’ricks has caused me to dwell
    on whether there’s laughter in hell
    but I heard a rumor
    that those blessed with humor
    will be there, so Heaven farewell!

  163. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    There was an old nun from Gibraltar
    Who sinned (although you shouldn’t fault ‘er).
    She loved licking Larry,
    Got busy with Barry
    And sullied the altar with Walter.

  164. Unsal Ozunlu says:

    A lion away from the city zoo
    Said that he was terribly in blue ;
    With not good voice anymore
    He can’t roar well as before ;
    Now he cannot roar but only mew .

  165. Wild Thing says:

    ‘Twas a saintly young girl from Cancun
    Who just craved butter right off a spoon
    But she soon grew so fat
    That when standing, she sat…
    And she’d howl, “Praise the Lard!” at the moon!

  166. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    While his colorful kinks were ecstatic
    this lifestyle was deemed problematic
    thus philandering Blue
    swore his love to one hue
    and lived his life monochromatic.

  167. Terry Marter says:

    My Optimist called me today
    To tell me he’s going away.
    “Your appointment at two,
    I’ve postponed, – I’m too blue.
    I can’t cheer you up until May.”

  168. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    The past tense of fly? Why it’s flew.
    The past tense of blow? Surely blew.
    So why did my teacher
    (a hard-hearted creature)
    get mad when I said “the car slew?”

  169. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    The artist sat back and debated
    which colors could stand to be mated
    while pink said to blue
    “You clod, get a clue!
    I’m not going to be violated!”

  170. madkane says:

    Attention All Limerick-Off Procrastinators: The current Limerick-Off ends tomorrow, Saturday, at 4 pm (Eastern time.) So please get your limerick stragglers in.

  171. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    Said Satan to God “You are shrewd,
    but your servant, Gennadiy, is lewd!”
    As the Lord cried “objection!”
    my lim’rick collection
    was brought in to settle the feud.

  172. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    With my lifestyle, The Lord may have qualms
    and yes, I’ve tried reading the psalms
    to learn from the sages
    it’s just that the pages
    all keep getting stuck to my palms.

  173. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    “Masturbation is vile and uncouth!”
    Cried my priest as I told him the truth.
    He begged me to stop
    or at least bring a mop
    and clean before leaving the booth.

  174. Fred Bortz says:

    In polling, the name of the game
    Is Silver of 5 3 8 fame.
    If you want the odds,
    Nate’s one of the gods,
    But if you lose the bet, you’re to blame.

  175. Gennadiy Gurariy says:

    Imams speak of heavenly treasure
    “Over seventy virgins” they measure.
    but what for the gals-
    will they get virgin pals?
    That’s seventy minutes of pleasure…

  176. Terry Marter says:

    A Randoms lim for Sjaan (entirely in the interest of humour, – don’t believe a word).

    Here’s a tease re your lim about “soffit”:
    Street-smart! (double entry)
    could profit
    From extra attention
    And name you a Mention.
    You claim accidental? Come off it!

  177. Fred Bortz says:

    I stand for the red, white, and blue.
    Pledge allegiance? Of course I do, too.
    My beliefs are progressive—
    The right calls them transgressive.
    Too bad that they haven’t a clue.

  178. Fred Bortz says:

    A dyslexic was left in the lurch
    On the pulpit, where he had a perch.
    He offered his prayers
    To the great Dog upstairs
    And soon was tossed out of the church.

  179. They can be sot, hard or quite blue.
    They can be smelly or oozing white goo.
    They are often a winner
    And the end of the dinner,
    And cheese can be like that too,

  180. Lisi Nortman says:


    I follow the rulings of Dharma.
    And trust in the power of karma.
    I long for a mate,
    But I can’t get a date.
    I guess I’m a guy with no charma.

  181. Lisi Nortman says:

    “My name’s Dreamboat, and here is a present.
    This present will make you feel pleasant.
    With a feather, I’ll tease you.
    It should certainly please you.
    For an encore, I’ll use the whole pheasant”

  182. Tony Holmes says:

    “What has happened to Little Boy Blue?”
    “He went off to the city, ‘Adieu!’
    First, he busked with his horn,
    Now, I hear, he’s reborn,
    And is making his name in revue.”

  183. Tony Holmes says:

    A minor improvement.

    “Did my training at school Gordon Blue,
    And I majored in shouting, ‘SCREW YOU!’
    By the end of the course
    I could curse myself hoarse,
    And make Spag’ Carbonara for two.”

  184. Sjaan VandenBroeder says:

    Hi, Terry — I enjoyed being randomly selected :)

    It appears that you’ve seen through the ruse,
    About posting my lim’ricks in twos.
    Will you say that it’s hype
    When I swear I can’t type
    If I change this month’s rhyme word to “blues”?

  185. Tim James says:

    Teased a comely young woman named Mae:
    “Come and see me! I’ll cook, then we’ll play!
    But my cooking may cause ya
    A bad bout of nausea.”
    We skipped straight to the nookie that day.

  186. sjaan vandenbroeder says:

    When a cannibal’s craving demands,
    Foreign treats from unnameable lands,
    Though he tries to be cautious,
    If a guy makes him nauseous,
    In frustration, he throws up his hands.

  187. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for another fun Limerick-Off, which is officially over. And the winner is…

    Limerick-Off Award 504. Congratulations to the winners!

    But you can still have lots of limerick fun because a new Limerick-Off has just begun: Limerick-Off Rude.